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A Study on Transportation Models in Their Minimum and Maximum Values with Applications of Real Data
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The purpose of this paper is to apply different transportation models in their minimum and maximum values by finding starting basic feasible solution and finding the optimal solution. The requirements of transportation models were presented with one of their applications in the case of minimizing the objective function, which was conducted by the researcher as real data, which took place one month in 2015, in one of the poultry farms for the production of eggs in the governorate of Ajlun- Jordan, where the eggs were stored in three stores until marketed to four markets. A suggested method was also presented in case of maximizing the objective function based on the use of the Minimax rule. In the first step, it determines the maximum marginal profit for each row and column, and then selects the smallest marginal profit between rows or columns until the rest next steps. This method used the costs used for real data in poultry farms to find marginal profits.                                                                                                                      

The most important results of starting basic feasible solution, is that Vogel's method was less total cost(3400) JD when compared with north west corner method and least cost method .                      

 In the optimal solution, MODI method was used for Vogel's method and other methods, where positive or negative values ​​were obtained for all costs or profits of the non-basic variables. The total profit of the proposed method in this paper is equal to the results of the different methods amounting to (20600) JD. 


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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Simulation of Gaussian Pulses Propagation Through Single Mode Optical Fiber Using MATLAB
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Computer-aided modeling and simulation software programs are essential tools
to predict how an optical communication component, link, or network will function
and perform. This paper aims to investigate the various effects on pulses
propagation in optical transmission systems utilizing the MATLAB program.
Dispersion and Attenuation effects are explored. The simulation of Gaussian pulses
propagation through single mode optical fiber, simplifies the design of optical
communication system and make the design process more efficient, less expensive,
and faster.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Minister Historian, The Granadian Ibnul Khateeb, The Sheikh of Granada scientists
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1- The Granadian, Lisan Ad-Din Ibn ul Khateeb, was a brilliant thinker and a great writer who filled Andalus and Morocco with literature and poetry and his genius emerged in different knowledge fields.
2- He was one of Andalus famous people, as he was a first class physician and philosopher, a great historian, a farsighted politician and had a strong cognition.
3- Ibnul Khateeb proved that his age, that he lived in, was a sophisticated in which arts, literatures and sciences thrived.
4- Ibnul Khateeb dedicated his life for the service of Granada Kingdom and that was clear in his writings, both prose and poetry.
5- Ibnul Khateeb witnessed a group of great Andalus scientists and writers, firstly the thinker Ibn Khaldun who sing

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Bayesian Estimation for Two Parameters of Exponential Distribution under Different Loss Functions
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In this paper, two parameters for the Exponential distribution were estimated using the
Bayesian estimation method under three different loss functions: the Squared error loss function,
the Precautionary loss function, and the Entropy loss function. The Exponential distribution prior
and Gamma distribution have been assumed as the priors of the scale γ and location δ parameters
respectively. In Bayesian estimation, Maximum likelihood estimators have been used as the initial
estimators, and the Tierney-Kadane approximation has been used effectively. Based on the MonteCarlo
simulation method, those estimators were compared depending on the mean squared errors (MSEs).The results showed that the Bayesian esti

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
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Extension of bandwidth for high reflectance zone for the spectral region (8-14pm) was studied adapting the concept of contiguous and overlapping high reflectance stacks. Computations was carried out using the modified characteristic matrix theory restricted to near-normal incidence of light on dielectric , homogenous and isotropic symmetrical stack. Certain precautions must be taken in the choice of stacks to avoid deep —reflectance minima from developing within the extended high reflectance region. Results illustrate that the techniques of extending the high reflectance regions are applicable not only to mirrors , but also to short-and long-edge filter and to narrow band pass filters.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparison of Seepage Trough Zoned Earth dam Using Improved Light-Textured Soils
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Seepage through earth dams is one of the most popular causes for earth dam collapse due to internal granule movement and seepage transfer. In earthen dams, the core plays a vital function in decreasing seepage through the dam body and lowering the phreatic line. In this research, an alternative soil to the clay soil used in the dam core has been proposed by conducting multiple experiments to test the permeability of silty and sandy soil with different additives materials. Then the selected sandy soil model was used to represent the dam experimentally, employing a permeability device to measure the amount of water that seeps through the dam's body and to represent the seepage line. A numerical model was adopted using Geo-Studio software i

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Path Planning of an autonomous Mobile Robot using Swarm Based Optimization Techniques
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This paper presents a meta-heuristic swarm based optimization technique for solving robot path planning. The natural activities of actual ants inspire which named Ant Colony Optimization. (ACO) has been proposed in this work to find the shortest and safest path for a mobile robot in different static environments with different complexities. A nonzero size for the mobile robot has been considered in the project by taking a tolerance around the obstacle to account for the actual size of the mobile robot. A new concept was added to standard Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) for further modifications. Simulations results, which carried out using MATLAB 2015(a) environment, prove that the suggested algorithm outperforms the standard version of AC

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Crossref (18)
Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Vibration Analysis of Cross-Ply Plates Under Initial Stress Using Refined Theory
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Natural frequency under initial stresses for simply supported cross-ply composite laminated plates (E glass- fiber) are obtained using Refind theory (RPT). This theory accounts for parabolic distribution of the transverse shear strain through the plate thickness and satisfies the zero traction boundary conditions on the surfaces of the plate without using shear correction factors. The governing equations for Eigen value problem under initial stress are derived using Hamilton’s principle and solved using Navier solution for simply supported cross-ply symmetric and antisymmetric laminated plates. The effect of many design factors such as modulus ratio, thickness ratio and number of laminates on the Natural frequency and buckling stresses

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
University Strategic Planning Necessary to Invest the Outputs of the Distinguished Schools
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The seventh international scientific conference held at the "University of Baghdad" College of Education "Ibn Rushd" 14-15 / 4/2019, confirmed in its recommendations the need to draw clear strategic planning to invest the qualitative inputs from the Ministry of Education and focus on it in higher education, which requires educational institutions to amend from its current strategies or adopting new strategies in a way that contributes to presenting new ways to compete and keep pace with scientific progress and to find realistic and objective working methods. The aim of the current study is to identify the reality of university strategic planning to invest the outputs of the distinguished schools of the heads of public universities. The r

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Developing production techniques of copper powder less than 125 micron without grinding
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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation of Job-Mix Formula Tolerances as Related to Asphalt Mixtures Properties
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The current Iraqi standard specifications for roads and bridges allowed the prepared Job-Mix Formula for asphalt mixtures to witness some tolerances with regard to the following: coarse aggregate gradation by ± 6.0 %, fine aggregate gradation by ± 4.0 %, filler gradation by ± 2.0 %, asphalt cement content by ± 0.3 % and mixing temperature by ± 15 oC. The objective of this work is to evaluate the behavior of asphalt mixtures prepared by different aggregates gradations (12.5 mm nominal maximum size) that fabricated by several asphalt contents (40-50 grade) and various mixing temperature. All the tolerances specified in the specifications are taken into account, furthermore, the zones beyond these tolerances

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