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صياغة أهداف المحاسبة والتقارير المالية في ظل اختلاف المتغيرات البيئية أفكار مطروحة وأراء مقترحة
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المقدمة ومنهجية البحث

تتفق أغلب الأدبيات ومنها المحاسبية, بأن الخطوة الأولى في وضع وتقييم أي نظام إداري أو محاسبي هي في صياغة أهداف ذلك النظام لما لذلك من أهمية في توفير معيار للحكم على كفاءة التطبيق من عدمه.

وتعرف الأهداف بأنها (النهايات التي تعمل أو توجه النشاطات باتجاهها أو هي النهايات التي تطمح النشاطات تحقيقها). ( 1 ) ..,

 كما تعرف أيضا بأنها (الأغراض المحددة التي يجب أن تتحقق في تاريخ معين). (2)..,

ويتفق مجلس معايير المحاسبة المالية(FASB) وهو أحد أهم الجهات المهتمة بتنظيم مهنة المحاسبة في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية مع التعريفين أعلاه, حيث أورد المجلس في سنة 1974 تعريفا للهدف بأنه (ذلك الشيء الذي توجه نحوه الجهود وهو نهاية النشاط أو العمل). (3)..

وتنبع أهمية الأهداف سواء كانت على مستوى الفرد أو المنظمة أو أي كيان اجتماعي أخر من كونها العامل الموجه لما سوف يتخذ من قرارات , فقرارات الأفراد وسياسات الشركات المتعلقة بنشاطاتها الرئيسة لابد أن توجه نحو تحقيق تلك الأهداف , وآيا كانت هذه الأهداف, يجب صياغتها بصورة واضحة لأن الفشل في ذلك ينتج عنه فشل في اتخاذ القرارات الصحيحة, بالإضافة إلى أن عملية تحديد الأهداف تسهم في وضع معايير للأداء, وبدون وجود أهداف واضحة, لا يمكن التصور بأن أي فرد أو مجموعة من ألأفراد يمكن أن ينجزوا أعمالهم بكفاءة وفعالية, بمعنى أنة من الواجب أن يتم تحديد ألأهداف بطريقة يمكن من خلالها الحكم على حالة النجاح أو الفشل في بلوغ تلك ألأهداف. (4).

وتخضع عملية تحديد الأهداف أيا كانت إلى مجموعة من الظروف, وقد تتغير هذه الظروف أحيانا, الأمر الذي يستلزم ضرورة مراجعة وتقييم تلك الأهداف وذلك لغرض مواكبة التغيرات في تلك الظروف, ويؤكد Schleh في هذا السياق بأن عملية تحديد الأهداف تجري في بادئ الأمر في ظل مجموعة من الظروف المعروفة وعندما تتغير هذه الظروف, يجب أن تتغير تلك الأهداف لمجاراة ذلك التغيرفي الظروف. (5) ..,

وتتمثل هذه الظروف, بالظروف الداخلية والتي من الممكن أن تؤثر على الأهداف وتؤدي إلى تغييرها والظروف الخارجية المتمثلة بالظروف البيئية وتشمل التغير في القوانين والتشريعات والتطورات التكنولوجية والتغيرات الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والثقافية والسياسية وغيرها من الظروف البيئية الأخرى.( 6)..,

وطالما أن ظروف المجتمعات التي نعيش فيها تتغير باستمرار خلال مراحل تطورها, بالإضافة إلى اختلاف تلك الظروف من مجتمع لأخر, لذلك فأن على الجهات المسؤولة عن صياغة الأهداف وفي أي مجال من المجالات, أن تقوم بصياغتها في ضوء المتطلبات والظروف البيئية المحلية, بالإضافة إلى أهمية مراجعة هذه الأهداف وتكييفها وفقا للتغيرات في تلك الظروف وكلما تطلبت الحاجة لذلك.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Under the title "ideas to demonstrate and prove some new insight into the measurement of psychological and educational assessment"Paragraphs of the psychometric analysis between the logical and virtual (for arbitrators experts and specialists) and the sta
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   Thsst researcher problem of delays faced by researchers are all waiting to evaluate their standards by the experts who must take their views to extract the truth Virtual important step first step in building standards whatsoever, then the difference of opinion among experts about the paragraphs Whatever the scope of their functions, leading to confusion in maintaining these paragraphs or delete? Or ignore the views and opinion of the researcher to maintain the same? Or as agreed upon with the supervisor if he was a student? Especially if the concepts of a modern new building.
   Therefore, the researcher sought to try to find a solution to her problem to conduct an experiment to test building steps

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Some innovative word-formation processes in popular Internet texts in Russian and Arabic: Некоторые Инновационные словообразовательные процессы в популярных интернет-текстах в русском и арабском языках
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       The present article discusses innovative word-formation processes in Internet texts, the emergence of new derivative words, new affixes, word-formation models, and word-formation methods. Using several neologisms as an example, the article shows both the possibilities of Internet word-making process and the possibilities of studying a newly established work through Internet communication. The words selected for analysis can be attributed to the keywords of the current time. (In particular, the words included in the list of "Words of 2019") there are number of words formed by the suffix method, which is the traditional method of the Russian word formation. A negation of these words is usually made thro

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Customers emotional blackmail and reduce it the new product- study of the opinions of a sample of customers who deal with peak economy for household items in najaf al Ashraf
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The challenges facing today's multi-customer and this is due to the multiplicity of products and speed in launching new products so search came to reveal the  reveal the of the new product classification standards through a relationship (good products, low interest products, useful products and products desired) and the customer emotionally blackmail through deportation (fear, obligation and guilt). dentified the problem of the research in several questions focused on the nature of the relationship between the variables of research, and for that outline supposedly to search it expresses the head of one hypothesis and branched out of which four hypotheses subset, but in order to ensure the validity of the ass

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 27 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Assessment of Serum Levels of Advanced Oxidation Protein Products in Type 2 Diabetic Patients with and without Retinopathy Taking Different Antidiabetic Treatments
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The goal of this study was to investigate the protein peroxidation role by measuring serum levels of advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP) in type 2 diabetic patients with or without retinopathy and comparing them to controls to see if circulating AOPP levels can be used as a detection biomarker for DR. And see which of the two widely used antidiabetic treatment groups had the most impact on this oxidative stress marker. The groups were divided into two subgroups: 1) 70 type 2 diabetic patients (36 male, 34 female), 35 with diabetic retinopathy (DR) and 35 with no evidence of DR, and 2) non-diabetic controls (11 male, 9 female) were chosen from Ibn AL-Haitham Hospital for Ophthalmology and a Specialized Center for Endocrinology and Dia

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of the Six Thinking Hats Strategy on the Development of Essay Writing Skills and Creativity in It among Persian-Speaking Students Who are Studying Arabic Language and Literature At Shiraz University: Literature and Humanities, Shiraz University
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The study aims to investigate the effect of the Six Thinking Hats Strategy on the achievement of essay writing skills among third-year students in Arabic Language and Literature who are Persian speakers enrolled in the course of Essay Writing (III) at Shiraz University for the academic year 2019-2020. The sample of the study consisted of (15) male and female students who were taught according to the pre-posttest, using the quasi-experimental approach. After applying the statistical analysis on the scores of the post-test, the results showed that there are statistically significant differences in the average of students' achievement in the skills of essay writing in terms of using the Six Thinking Hats Strategy. The results also proved th

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Use of Social Networking sites in the Marketing of Values Analytical : Study of the Official Pages of the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities and the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs on Facebook
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The social networking sites have brought about fundamental changes and a qualitative shift in the marketing industry and its strategies. The Iraqi ministries have used this site i.e. Facebook to spread and disseminate values in order to consolidate it in Iraqi society which has witnessed many changes in all aspects of life.

   The researcher studies the pages of both ministries to know the values contained in the publications of the pages of these two ministries, the quality of grooming as well as the forms in which these values are marketed.

     The researcher uses a survey method and content analysis for the publications of these two pages during the study period starting from January 1, 2

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Sep 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Procédures pour infliger des sanctions disciplinaires au travailleur selon la loi irakienne du travail n ° (37) de 2015 (une étude comparative avec les lois du travail en Algérie, aux Émirats arabes unis et en France
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The procedures for imposing disciplinary sanction against the worker represent the steps that must be followed to verify the violation attributed to the worker in preparation for taking the decision to impose disciplinary sanction on him in terms of the procedures for carrying it out, i.e. from the moment of the disciplinary violation until the judgment thereof, as well as the rights, obligations and legal ties resulting from these procedures, These procedures are governed by multiple and dispersed rules, and they aim in their entirety to control the discipline process and determine its course by adhering to the restrictions stated in the law that regulate the process of imposing them, and perhaps one of the most important of these proce

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Image of the man in the series "The Cart and the Rain" by the storyteller (Badia Amin): The Image of the man in the series "The Cart and the Rain" by the storyteller (Badia Amin)
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The research aims to monitor the image of the man in the group (The Cart and the Rain) by the storyteller (Badiaa Amin); With the aim of highlighting an aspect of feminist writing, especially with regard to the relationship of women to men, and determining the form adopted by the storyteller in drawing the features of men.

The research used the descriptive-analytical method in the space of its textual formation, which aims to stand on the text and deconstruct its narrative significance. To provide a comprehensive picture of it.

Three images of the man appeared in the group's stories, represented by (the authoritarian, the negative, and the positive), and the image of the authoritarian ma

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
(comparative analysis of phraseological units in the lexical-semantic field "on the material of Arabic and Russian languages"): (сопоставительный анализ фразеологических единиц лексико-семантического поля " на материале арабского и русского языков")
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Establishing the systemic character of vocabulary, its relationship with other language systems, their interdependence creates the possibility of a comprehensive scientific study and description of the lexical system of each language, as well as contrastive comparative studies of several languages, including their phraseological composition.

It is known that not all words-components of phraseological units are equivalent in their role in the formation of the semantic content of phraseological units. In this regard, it is necessary to introduce the concept of a lexical dominant. To this we include words, which are kind of centers around which the entire semantic complex of phraseological units, the entire set of its words-componen

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 21 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Frameworks for international press coverage of external interference in the formation of the Iraqi government Analytical study for the Saudi Al-Sharq Al-Awsat and Kayhan Al-Arabi-Iranian newspapers for the period (1/1/2018 - 31/12/2018)
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This research deals with the frameworks and mechanisms of international press coverage of the issue of foreign interference in the formation of the Iraqi government in the Saudi newspapers Asharq Al-Awsat and Kayhan Al-Arabi Iran and how this topic was addressed in the two newspapers. The frameworks for international press coverage of external interference in the formation of the Iraqi government. ”This research is one of the descriptive research that adopted the survey method، which made it possible to use the content analysis tool to analyze
the content of the two newspapers، whose numbers are (624) from the
newspapers (Al-Sharq Al-Awsat Al-Saudi Arabia and Kayhan Al-Arabi Iran) from (1/1/2018 to 31/12/2018)، and the researc

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