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The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and its Impact on Iraqi National Security
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The Turkish Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) is one of the most influential elements in the Iraqi national security since 2014. It has a new and effective role in the Iraqi political arena, as a result of participating in combat operations against ISIS in Nineveh Governorate, which prompted several minorities within the province to sympathize with its presence and its role in particular in Sinjar  after ISIS committed the most brutal crimes against the Aizidi minority, Turkey took advantage of the security conditions that Iraq went through after the entry of ISIS into the country to expand its influence in the north, using the pretext of the PKK and the previous agreement between the two countries on border protection. Also, the continued survival of the Workers Party and its fighters on Iraqi lands, and their continued military operations against Turkey will force Iraq to endure the Turkish forces' raids against them under the right to follow up and use the deterrent defense measure to defend itself. This represents a breach by the Turkish side on Iraqi sovereignty and its effect on Iraqi national security. Therefore, the presence of the PKK in the Iraqi scene and its influence mean that it plays a role in the geopolitical interactions of the Iraqi state, which will in turn affect the Iraqi national security



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Publication Date
Tue Dec 13 2005
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Stimulation of Phagocytic Activity of Human Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes in Vitro Using 10 mW He-Ne Laser.
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Stimulative effect of 10 mW He-Ne laser on the phagocytic activity of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes( PMNs) has been studied in vitro. Normal polymorphonuclear leucocytes were isolated from the human peripheral blood. A mixture of 0.25 ml of Hanks solution, 0.25 ml of serum, 0.25 ml of Candida albicans suspension and 0.25 ml of PMNs suspension was prepared. The samples of mixture of PMNs and Candida were subdivided in 1 ml ependrof tubes and irradiated to He-Ne laser for 1, 3, 5, 10 and 20 min. The diameter of the irradiated area was 0.8 cm. For calculation of Phagocytic index before and after irradiation, the samples were incubated (37°C) at 5, 15, 30, 60 min. The slides of samples were prepared and stained using Giemsa stain. The

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 25 2020
Journal Name
المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الثالث لكلية التربية البدنية
دراسة مشكلات الاتصال بين طلبة الدراسات العليا وأعضاء هيئة التدريس في بعض كليات التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة العراقية من وجهة نظر الطلبة أنفسهم
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 26 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الخلفية التاريخية النسبية والمذهبية لبني يفرن واماكن وجودهم في المغرب والاندلس من الفتح الاسلامي الى القرن الخامس الهجري/الحادي عشر الميلادي دراسة تاريخية
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    The Berber tribes in the Islamic Maghreb and Andalusia had a distinct role in the future of states and entities .The Islamic Maghreb in terms of its stability,downfall,political relations and conflicts among them.Among these tribes was the Banu Yafran tribe, which is the subject of the study.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
قال تعالى: (سنريهم ءايتنا في الافاق وفي انفسهم حتى يتبين لهم انه الحق اولم يكف بربك انه على كل شئ شهيد) -دراسة وتحليل-
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فقد تناولت في موضوعي هذه الآية الكريمة فقد جاء في هذه الآية تعليم من الله عز وجل لرسوله (ص) فلكل داع الى الله من أمته, اسلوباٌ يدعوا به الناس ومحاجة الكافرين بالقرآن, وفيها بيان من الله عز وجل بأنه سيري الناس في المستقبل بعض آياته في كونه, وهي آيات دالات على أن القران حق منزل من عند الله جل جلاله, وليس من وضع البشر, فالناس عاجز عن معرفة الآيات الباهرات التي سيريها الله عز وجل للناس في كونه , وقد أخبرهم عنها في القرآ

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 24 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Securing digital documents using digital watermarking
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     The intellectual property of digital documents has been protected by using many methods of digital watermarking. Digital documents have been so much of advantages over print documents. Digital documents are less expensive and easy to store, transport, and searched compared to traditional print documents.  But it has its owner limitation too. A simple image editor can be used to modify and make a forged document. Digital documents can be tampered easily. In order to utilize the whole benefits of digital document, these limitations have to overcome these limitations by embedding some text, logo sequence that identifies the owner of the document..

In this research LSB  technique  has been used

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Spatiotemporal Modeling in Wireless Communication Networks
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This study aims to analyze the flow migration of individuals between Iraqi governorates using real anonymized data from Korek Telecom company in Iraq. The purpose of this analysis is to understand the connection structure and the attractiveness of these governorates through examining the flow migration and population densities. Hence, they are classified based on the human migration at a particular period. The mobile phone data of type Call Detailed Records (CDRs) have been observed, which fall in a 6-month period during COVID-19 in the year 2020-2021. So, according to the CDRs nature, the well-known spatiotemporal algorithms: the radiation model and the gravity model were applied to analyze these data, and they are turned out to be comp

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Scopus (1)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Performance Improvement of Neural Network Based RLS Channel Estimators in MIMO-OFDM Systems
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The objective of this study was tointroduce a recursive least squares (RLS) parameter estimatorenhanced by using a neural network (NN) to facilitate the computing of a bit error rate (BER) (error reduction) during channels estimation of a multiple input-multiple output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) system over a Rayleigh multipath fading channel.Recursive least square is an efficient approach to neural network training:first, the neural network estimator learns to adapt to the channel variations then it estimates the channel frequency response. Simulation results show that the proposed method has better performance compared to the conventional methods least square (LS) and the original RLS and it is more robust a

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
جهود جُهُودُ عُلَمَاءِ العِرَاقِ في تَدْوِينِ الف هَ ا رِسِ والكَ ش ا فَاتِ والمَ جَ ل تِ المعْ ن يةِ بال ت راثِ
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The scholars of Iraq in the modern and contemporary era have been interested in the definition of tremendous knowledge treasures left by the successive Iraqi civilizations on Mesopotamia and around the cities, through the census and extrapolation of manuscript heritage and even printed, they compiled indexes,evidence

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 23 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
قيود الختام او حرود المتن دراسة تطبيقية بالاستناد على نماذج مختارة من المخطوطات الاسلامية من القرن(10-13هـ/ 16-19م) في المكتبة المركزية بأربيل:
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     Islamic manuscripts are considered an identity for the civilizational, cognitive and cultural development of nations and the Islamic world as a whole, and to identify this identity

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 03 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
أثر تطبيق الضريبة الانتقائية على السجائر في زيادة الحصيلة الضريبية: The effect of applying the selective tax on cigarettes on increasing the tax revenue
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The increasing rates of consumption of cigarettes harmful, to health in the world in general, and in Iraq in particular, and because of the costs borne by individuals, and the state as a result of addressing its damage, as well as Iraq's commitment, to international conventions against cigarettes, and demands of the World Health Organization, to raise prices to reduce consumption. Therefore, the tax Selectivity is one of the most important ways of regulating the consumption of this commodity on the one hand and increasing the tax revenue on the other. The research aims to shed light on the issue of selective tax on cigarettes and the impact of their application in increasing tax revenues and identify the effectiveness of the application

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