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The European Union and the Extremist Right Phenomenon: Brexit as a Model
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The European Unit has never been affected by a serious phenomena as the phenomena of the advancing of the far right parties. Though these parties vary in their impact in their original countries, they agree on one important issue which is the deconstruction of the European unit and limiting its supernational powers. These increasing popular parties aim at more national independence in decision making away from the decisions taken by Brussels. Moreover, they criticize the financial and administrative corruption accompanied many of the rescuing procedures directed for example towards countries like Greece and Spain during the international economic crisis. This failure nourishes many of the negative feelings against the European unit which have been exploited by the far right parties to call for the demolition of this institution because it is no more serving people as it comes to serve particular political leaderships. The influence of the far right parties   find some real achievements in some European counties like the referendum in Britain which has confirmed Britain's exit from the Unit, or some other separatist attempt in other countries. All in all, the far right phenomena is challenging the effectiveness of the European unit and it builds the basis for its deconstruction.

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