The main idea of the financial censorship is to submit the states funds to a censorship because they are the funds of the people and because this censorship is a right and role ensured by the constitution for specific devices in the state, thus the role of the financial censor should be launched to achieve this goal in all walks of the state. • The power of this censorship depends basically on the independence of the censorious bodies over a job which is submitted to this censorship and the censor should have a reverence , this censorship is practiced as a precautionary procedure before preparing the budget to avoid mistakes after and during the execution for maintaining the states funds. • The importance of the censorship comes from the characteristic and the variety of the tasks in the states activities and the increase of the state's interference as well as the necessity of not losing the states in comes except in the right goals and for building the country, thus there should be an efficient administrative body to undertake the operation of executing the general budget which is a legal act committed by the executive authority represented by the cabinet as a corrective year approach. • A dilemma of the efficiency of these censorious bodies appears with the spreading of the financial and administrative corruption in addition to the loss of the funds of the state and its loss without tangible results of this censorship due to effects and political budgets of the authority parties as well as the retreat of the capacity over ruling the law and the absence of the general role in the ministry of justice because it represents people and to complete the censorious role in referring to courts those who are found guilty .. the pluralism in the censorious devices and the interfering in its job and its weakness to stop corruption needs to review the role of it and to think of consolidating and to survive the role of the financial censorship and to let it perform its job.