المعارضة في الاسلام
كان ومازال الجدل الفكري الدائر بما هو ديني ، قائم على أسس الشريعة الإسلامية من مفاهيم شتى، اوما هو مجرد ينتمي إلى خانة التنظير الفلسفي والفكري الذي لا تحكمه أي أيديولوجية دينية وإنما يحكمه نتاج فكري بشري قد ينتمي إلى تيار فكري معين ( كالعلمانية) ، أو ( المادية) ، أو (الليبرالية). والذي يحكمنا في هذا البحث هو مفهوم " المعارضة" في الفكر السياسي الإسلامي المعاصر ، وكيف يمكن النظر إليه
Most of the texts of Islamic law provide for the payment of damage and the denial of the human ... Damage of all kinds of material and moral, which is in the harm that affects the human being in himself or his offer or money or other affairs respected by Sharia. A person can defend himself, his mind, his religion, his offer and his money (the five imperatives) as much as he can. Islam rejects violence directed without a legitimate right and does not endorse aggression against others. Violence has been defined in language as a lack of compassion or against it or is a reprimand, bashing, and the blame ... It is in psychology: human behavior tainted by cruelty, oppression, and aggression, and is defined politically: it is deliberate civil d
... Show MoreThe prophet was against the monopoly . He warned the monopolies with great punishment . inspite of the high price in his time, he did not price , so did the rightely guided caliphes and the ummayads . Umar b abid al-aziz had been asked to price but he refused and said ―the prophet said ― ― God grieves ,pleases and fixes price ―
The monopoly was declard announce in the third and the fourth centuries of A.H . because of the weakness of the Islamis State and it’s failure to find the real reasons of it’s existence. Besides that they used the guaranty system in collecting the money . The guaranted shared in monopoly the food-stuff and sold it in high price .Add to that the foreign control on the executive power ,not to be menti
Mottos Of Opposition Movements In iraq during the umayyad period and their religious and political indications - al shia and al khawarij
الاسلام والغرب : صراع ام حوار
This research is marked by "a look at the art of farming in Islam" to sign Mehdi Mohaqiq worthy of translation into Arabic because it is known in the arts and sciences of agriculture in the Islamic heritage, which was known and which has been translated into Arabic, has dealt with the following topics:
- The attention of Muslim scholars to study the works of Greece
- The discretion of the caliphs and the judges and the Senate Agriculture ordered
يقف البحث الموسوم (تجربة الاختيار في الشعر الجاهلي وصدر الاسلام)، على العديد من النماذج الشعرية، التي عاش فيها الشاعر العربي تجربة الاختيار في العصر الجاهلي وصدر الاسلام، واتجه البحث الى تحليل العديد من النماذج المختارة من التراث العربي الشعري، وقد وقف البحث على بعض التجارب التي يقع فيها الشاعر في موقف الاختيار. و لذلك كان من المنطق ان يقسم البحث الى مبحثين: فكان الاول منها يقف على (تجربة الاختيار في الشعر
... Show MoreEpistemological skepticism was present strongly in the Islamic
philosophical heritage. Many texts were received by thinkers and
philosophers calling for
The Jarajima were drive away from Mecca at the beginning of third century A.D
Khuza"a was settled in Mecca with the help of kinana . Mecca had a lot of relations
with other Arab tribes by trade and marriage . Quais Ailan tried to role Mecca but
she disappointed .
Khuza"a tried to extend outside of Mecca but she failed . then this tribe
managed to increase security and stability in Mecca . That encouraged the
merchants to come to Mecca.
At the beginning of fifth century A.D. Quraish began to get rid of Khuza"a in
order to have the mastery of Mecca. In spite of that Khuza"a remained in her
houses and wrote many peace treaties and intermarriage with Quraish .
Quraish managed to control at Mecca in the middle of