تأملات في الاطر العامة والخاصة للفكر السياسي في ليبيا القديمة
The ancient kingdom of Mari located in the upper Euphrates River, 11 km inside the Syrian border, the Kingdom has gained political and economic importance by its geographical location, it featured a point communication between Mesopotamia and Syria and the country's path walked by the trade caravans and military campaigns
Business organizations are using the technological innovations like cloud computing (CC) as a developmental platform in order to improve the performance of their information systems. In that context, our paper discusses know-how in employing the public and private CC to serve as platforms to develop the evaluation system of annual employees' performance (ESAEP) at Iraqi universities. Therefore, we ask the paper question which is “Is it possible to adopt the innovative solutions of ICTs (Like: public and private CC) for finding the developmental vision about management information systems at business organizations?”. In addition, the paper aim
... Show Moreبعد الاحتجاجات التي اندلعت في ليبيا في فبراير 3122 ،استند مجلس الأمن وهيئات الأمم المتحدة الأخرى على مفهوم المسئولية عن الحماية (R2P )(لمعالجة الأوضاع الإنسانية الناجمة عن تلك الاحتجاجات. وأصدر المجلس القرار 1970والذي فرض بموجبه حزمة من العقوبات على ليبيا، ثم أصدر القرار 1973 الذي سمح بالتدخل العسكري هناك. وبعد البدء بتنفيذ الحملة العسكرية تبين أن الناتو استغل هذه القرارات لتنفيذ أجندته الخاصة وعمل على الإطاحة بالن
... Show Moreالسياسة العامة واداء النظام السياسي
The modern and contemporary history of Libya has attracted the attention of researchers during the nineties of the last century and beyond.
The subject of ((Jewish activity in Libya 1911 AD - 1951 AD)), and the nature of follow - up economic and social activities and political participation has remained poor in terms of study and follow - up, because of the scarcity of sources, especially documentary ones. The research will reveal within its axes the most important of these activities.
Education in it s different levels becomes development in any country. There fore, nations pay great attention to educational systems, because they perceive that preparing human resources is essential to the development of these nations.
The present study deals with the a academic frames which formulate education in each educational system such as educational philosophy , educational aims , educational strategies by which the academic frames are carried out, which is limited to curriculum, teacher preparations, school activities, in addition to guidance and counseling.
This study reaches some conclusion which are derived from the description of the academic and practical frames some suggestion are made for the mechanism which facil
This paper deals with the most important issue in sustainable demelpment in Arabic Islamic economic ideology.
It discusses the concept of zakat & its developments.It give ahistorical view on Zakat depanding or Holy Quran we identify that zakat depanding or Holy Quran. We identify that Zakat must be: gold, silver &its position inits indgment suchas cashpaper
The Ottomans ruled Turkey for nearly six centuries, during which the Ottoman Empire passed through varying periods in terms of strength, influence, and the area of land they ruled. In the last decade of its rule, the Ottoman Empire was severely weakened in all political, military, administrative and economic aspects. In addition to the internal strife that was stirred up by the leaders of the Association (Union and Progression), that organization that led the coup movement against the Ottoman Empire later.
After the abolition of the Sultanate and the proclamation of the Turkish Republic, the social fabric in Turkey changed, and many customs and traditions alien to it emerged to society. One of the thing
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لقد عرف سكان وادي الرافدين ، ومنذ أقدم العصور أهمية أشجار النخيل وما تقدمه من فوائد ضمن النواحي الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والدينية (1)، ولذلك أتسع نطاق زراعة النخيل من أرض سومر في الجنوب إلى شمال بابل ( باب ايلي )،وكانت اغلب البساتين مختصة بزراعة النخيل بالدرجة الأولى (2) ، وتعد تكريت( تكريتا) أو قلعة برتو (في العصر الآشوري) الحد الأعلى لهذا الامتداد ، ولكنها لا تنمو في بلاد أ
... Show Moreproduction of the spot in the news channels - a study of patterns of spot media used in the production of spring breaks Arab Al-Arabiya
The spacers news in Arabic, one of the messages that seek channel output are fit and policy on the one hand and meet the needs of viewers for information intensive and image influential to find out the latest developments on the Arab arena, especially the Syrian revolution on the other and thus The viewer for the type of coverage the stomach through a newsletter about the event on the one hand to keep following up on her and eager to watch the other hand
And sou
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