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Iraqi national identity: the past and the present crises .. The causes and treatments
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لخلاصة تشغل قضايا الهوية محور اهتمام الكثير من الباحثين والدارسين في بنية المجتمعات ومستقبل الدول, وفي كثير من الدراسات التي كتبها هؤلاء كان هناك ميل نحو دراسة الهوية وعلاقتها بحركة الدول تقدما وتراجعا ,فهناك من عزا تقدم دولة ما إلى نجاح نخبها السياسية في صناعة هوية جامعة لحالة التنوع الذي يميز مجتمعها, ويمكن ان تشير الى الولايات المتحدة الامريكية كأنموذج للنجاح في هذا الاطار.وهناك من ارجع تخلف دولة ما الى عجز وفشل نخبها السياسية في بلورة هوية جامعة ومعبرة عن التنوع الموجود في بنيتها المجتمعية, ويمكن ان يكون العراق انموذجاً للفشل في هذا الاطار.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
The Constant and the Variable in the Kurdish Singing between the Past and Present: كونا قادر محمد
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  This research is interested in studying the constant and the variable within the signing reality in Iraqi Kurdistan region, and the researcher tries to tackle the importance of this topic within a search that serves the Kurdish culture, and contribute to its intellectual settlement, and introducing it to centers concerned with studying singing and music science in any civilized environment, whether inside or outside the territory of Kurdistan region. We see that this research which dealt with the topic (the constant and the variable in the Kurdish signing between the past and the present) deserves research and investigation for all its causes, being one of the academic necessities that contribute in identifying the historic artist

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Asymmetry of accounting information - the reasons and proposed treatments
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The research aims to identify the reasons that lead to asymmetry of information between economic unity administration and the parties that use accounting information such as shareholders, So,  the ability to reach to the solutions that would reduce this problem, these factors have been divided into two types: the first one is the internal factors which represent the administration's desire   in order to expand the self-interest of getting the profits and increase the value and competitive entity and investors to obtaining greater returns for their shares, so the second type is the external factors, which represent the failer that occurs ​​in the laws and regula

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Thu Mar 19 2015
Journal Name
The role of the music in developing the national identity: أحمد جهاد البدر
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Music has a significant role in shaping the artistical, musical and national identity of individuals. The resources of the cultural identity can be divers according to the multiplicity of the social component. In Iraq, there is a unique ethnical and sacred diversity, which is rather than playing a positive role in shaping the cultural and national identity, on contrast, it is establishing to create many local identities in the same society. Each identity reflects the culture of individual ethnic or religious group, which makes people make their own decisions according to their background rather than according to the benefit of the country.Music as an important cultural source has a social function in forming an artistical identity with n

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 19 2015
Journal Name
The Significance of the Folk Symbols and Their Influence on The National Identity (Chosen samples from the Contemporary Iraqi Pottery): زينب كاظم صالح
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The contemporary art culture is considered a resultant of preceding human civilizations from the early days. At the same time, it got closer to the local privacy, because the contemporary Iraqi potter worked hard to create new art, refusing to base his art on the early works, creating art pieces that contains properties to inherited art and their form significance, in order to create a new identity of his own, bringing an empowerment to his deepened civilization, with the goal to create national identity ideas from one hand, and entity and locality from another. Europeans also followed the direction of our civilization, such as (Picasso, Henry Moore, Barbra Hurth, Brankouzi, Hans Arp,..etc). From this point of view comes the importance o

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Iraqi satellite channel marketing the Iraqi national identity during the protests: Research extracted from a doctoral thesis
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The escalating development of technology is one of the distinctive features of the communication environment in the field of sending and receiving satellite broadcasts of television channels in general and Iraqi satellite channels in particular, which contributed to the wide and rapid spread and reaching outside the drawn boundaries and bypassing even natural obstacles, and what is important in this is the communication content that these broadcasts Channels and its impact on the recipient due to the media, cultural, educational and entertainment content it provides, and in our research we will analyze the communication content of the Iraqi satellite channel by choosing one of its dialogue programs that coincided with the events of the l

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the Current Financial Crisis : Causes and Solutions (Iraqi crisis a model , based on the public budget for the fiscal year 2016)
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The research aims to analysis of the current financial crisis in Iraq through knowing its causes and then propose some solutions that help in remedy the crisis and that on the level of expenditures and revenues, and has been relying on the Federal general budget law of the Republic of Iraq for the fiscal year 2016 to obtain the necessary data in respect of the current expenditures and revenues which necessary to achieve the objective of the research , and through the research results has been reached to a set of conclusions which the most important of them that causes of the current financial crisis in Iraq , mainly belonging to increased expenditures and especially the current ones and the lack of revenues , especially non-oil o

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Rural Singing and National Identity: مصطفى عباس السوداني-عبد الحليم أحمد حسن
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Singing has significant importance being a major basis for the expressive and cultural production of the societies and a real companion that reflects their artistic career and is strongly connected to the reality of the peoples and the production of the individuals, who are geniuses of arts and culture.
Rural singing represents one of the most well-known artistic singing styles in Iraq, which truly embodied the Iraqi national identity. However, it remained confined to the countryside and did not spread due to the lack of mass media and the recording technologies at that time. It has been pure virgin singing art. The theoretical framework is divided into three axes:

• The Iraqi singing heritage in the twentieth century, a hi

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Public relations of Iraqi companies and their role in the marketing of national products
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based on the importance of public relations in companies, I will discussed the issue of public relations and its role in marketing national products, given what these companies represent of great importance in terms of providing products and services to large segments of Iraqi society, which necessitated the need to search and investigate the role and importance of activities that Provides public relations in Iraqi companies in all categories( public, private and mixed).
the study tables and theirinterpretations, results and recommendations, and the studyreachedseveralresults, including the positive and the negative, the positive including the success in marketing the products by the number of companies in the Fairswhere the level of

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
The Dialectic of Identity and the Other in Iraqi Contemporary Theatre: انس راهي علي
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  The value of culture in its interaction is composed and formulated according to compatible and incompatible roles which view the identity that adopts that formation although it is in most cases perceived and declared. The attraction and difference characteristic might be implied within subjective and procedural meaning through which it seeks to make the identity mobile subject to identity- shaping cultural causes implying the conflicts that take the shape and culture of real time. As for the end of the twentieth century and afterward where the concepts of hegemony, globalization, cultural invasion, colonial and imperial culture, all these causes made the cultural identity concept appear on the surface of the critical studies as a

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Doctrinal monotheistic modeling of religion: the impact of the political aspect on Islamic sources and books
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         The political system in Indonesia, since gaining independence from the Dutch colonialism on the seventeenth of August 1945, has gone through long stages. The Indonesian constitution stipulated that the country is based on a democracy. In 1956 the first free elections were held in Indonesia, and President Sukarno announced the adoption of the directed democratic system Then, during the era of President Suharto, the state entered a phase called democracy based on the Five Pancasila principles, which is a false democracy because it served the interests of Suharto, who in his long reign had political and economic corruption leading up to 1998, when the Indonesian people revolted, and the government of Soeharto was overthrown

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