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An excerpt on the analysis of correlate constructions: Exkurs zur Analyse der Korrelatkonstruktionen
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The main idea that led me to write such research paper within the framework of Germanic linguistics is that I have not found any topic dealing with the term correlate in the German language, except in several articles in linguistic journals as well as one topic in a book describing the use of such a linguistic phenomenon in the language system. The research initially deals with the definition of the correlate at the level of the German language system. Correlate is unity describes specific relation of two sentences and identifies denoted constructs. Correlate is called a placeholder at the syntactic level because it does not occupy its original topological fields in the syntactic structure. The correlate (es) or the prepositional adverbs or adverbs can occur in the matrix clause, it is the second feature. The third categorical feature of the correlate is morphological, in that the correlate is inflexible and the last feature shows that the correlate does not confer case features on its syntactic environment, where the correlate possesses the matrix clause. The correlate can appear as the first part of the complex connector in the subordinate clause or the infinitive construction. The last feature refers to the fact that the correlate construction can be attributive in the complex sentence, whereby the sentence structure, which is the constituent of attributively formed correlate specifiers, is embedded.

The research presents the conceptual content of the linguistic expression described by the correlate, functioning as a pro-element in the major premise and considered as a dentate. It is a matter of denotation of the correlate and deictic expressions. Furthermore, the present research sheds light on the obligatory and optional use of the correlate constructions in the German sentence. In German there are correlates when using certain verbs. In addition, certain linguistic constructions or expressions require correlates of both particles and prepositional adverbs. The reasons for this are contextual and communicative aspects.

In relation to the contextual-communicative aspects such as verbs affect the connection with the correlate. She signals the connection through the grade particles. Compared to other verbs, the use of the correlate (es) is reduced. The reason for this is the appearance of degree particles as well, even, at most, only, only. This can be the case if the grading of the text passage does not focus on the extreme predicate, but rather on the infinitive construction or the subordinate clause. This was studied at work.

Then it was examined how the correlate constructions occur with certain subjunctives by dividing them into two forms, namely attributive correlate constructions and left displacement constructions. If the correlate occurs before the subjunctive phrase, it is called an attributive correlate construction. This form is also called a correlate specifier. The subjunctive phrase has the function of being an attribute for the correlate. They can be directly followed by the correlate, whereby it is possible that the correlate alone carries the main clause after deducting the so-called phrase.


Die Hauptidee besteht darin, wie sich das Phänomen Korrelat im deutschen Sprachsystem anwenden lassen. Solche Forshchungsarbeit verortert sich im Rahmen der germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft. Da Sprachstudien – über ihre linguistische Relevanz hinaus – auch den Lernenden nützliches empirisches bzw. didaktisches Material zur Wortschatzerweiterung einen Überblick erarbeitet, spielt doch die linguistische Forschungsarbeit eine große Rolle bei der Verbesserung der Sprachkompetenz und der Syntaxverfahren. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Korrelatkonstruktionen im Deutschen. Es geht um die Konnektstellungsmöglichkeiten und topologische Felder der relevanten sprachlichen Ausdrücke in dem deutschen Text. Der Ausgangspunkt ist dezidiert die deutsche Sprache. Anhand der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die Fragen gestellt, ob es kategoriale Merkmale für die Korrelatestellung gibt oder welche spachsystematischen Voraussetzungen die Anwendung des Korrelates bestimmen. Des Weiteren wird in dieser Arbeit beleuchtet, was der Grund dafür ist, dass das es als Korrelat genannt wird. Das grammatikalische es, bestimmte Adverbien wie sogar, nur und die Partikel wie auch gehören zu den unterschiedlichen Subklassen der Wortarten. Die deutschen Grammatiken gehen darin in ihren Publikationen nicht ein. Die vorliegende Forschung untersucht diese Problematik.

Die Forschung untersucht den begrifflichen Inhalt des sprachlichen Ausdrucks, den das Korrelat beschreibt, wobei es im Obersatz als Pro-Element fungiert und als Denotat betrachtet wird. Es handelt sich um Denotat des Korrelats und deiktische Ausdrücke. Des Weiteren beleuchtet die vorliegende Forschung obligatorischen und fakultativen Gebrauch der Korrelatkonstruktionen in dem deutschen Satz. Im Deutschen stehen Korrelate bei der Verwendung bestimmter Verben. Daneben fordern bestimmte sprachliche Konstruktionen bzw. Ausdrücke Korrelate sowohl Partikeln als auch Präpositionaladverbien. Die Gründe dafür sind kontextuelle sowie kommunikative Aspekte.

Received on 10/1/2023 

Accepted on 20/8/2023 

Published on 2/1/2024)

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Minimally invasive access cavities in endodontics
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Background: The access cavity is a critical stage in root canal therapy and it may influence the subsequent steps of the treatment. The new minimally invasive endodontic access cavity preparation concept aims to preserve sound tooth structure by conserving as much intact dentine as possible including the pulp chamber's roof, to keep the teeth from fracturing during and after endodontic treatment. While there is great interest in such access opening designs in numerous publications, still there is a lack of scientific evidence to support the application of such modern access cavity designs in clinical practice. This review aims to critically examine the literature on minimal access cavity preparations, explain the effect of minimally inva

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Nearly Primary-2-Absorbing Submodules and other Related Concepts
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Our aim in this paper is to introduce the notation of nearly primary-2-absorbing submodule as generalization of 2-absorbing submodule where a proper submodule  of an -module  is called nearly primary-2-absorbing submodule if whenever , for , , ,  implies that either  or  or . We got many basic, properties, examples and characterizations of this concept. Furthermore, characterizations of nearly primary-2-absorbing submodules in some classes of modules were inserted. Moreover, the behavior of nearly primary-2-absorbing submodule under -epimorphism was studied.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Elastic electron scattering from 17Ne and 27P exotic nuclei
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The ground state proton, neutron and matter densities and
corresponding root mean square radii of unstable proton-rich 17Ne
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parameters core b and halo , b the former for the core (inner) orbits
whereas the latter for the halo (outer) orbits. Shell model calculations
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performed individually via the computer code OXBASH. Halo
structure of 17Ne and 27P nuclei is confirmed. It is found that the
structure of 17Ne and 27P nuclei have 2
5 / 2 (1d ) an

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl.
Rough continuity and rough separation axioms in G<inf>m</inf>-closure approximation spaces
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The theory of general topology view for continuous mappings is general version and is applied for topological graph theory. Separation axioms can be regard as tools for distinguishing objects in information systems. Rough theory is one of map the topology to uncertainty. The aim of this work is to presented graph, continuity, separation properties and rough set to put a new approaches for uncertainty. For the introduce of various levels of approximations, we introduce several levels of continuity and separation axioms on graphs in Gm-closure approximation spaces.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Fully Prime Semimodule, Fully Essential Semimodule and Semi-Complement Subsemimodules
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      The concept of semi-essential semimodule has been studied by many researchers.

     In this paper, we will develop these results by setting appropriate conditions, and defining new properties, relating to our concept, for example (fully prime semimodule, fully essential semimodule and semi-complement subsemimodule) such that: if for each subsemimodule of -semimodule  is prime, then  is fully prime. If every semi-essential subsemimodule of -semimodule  is essential then  is fully essential. Finally, a prime subsemimodule  of  is called semi-relative intersection complement (briefly, semi-complement) of subsemimodule  in , if , and whenever  with  is a prime subsemimodule in , , then .  Furthermore, some res

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Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Agent technology has a widespread usage in most of computerized systems. In this paper agent technology has been applied to monitor wear test for an aluminium silicon alloy which is used in automotive parts and gears of light loads. In addition to wear test monitoring، porosity effect on
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this investigation is a proactive step to avoid the failure occurrence by the porosity.
A dry wear tests have been achieved by subjecting three reciprocated loads (1000, 1500 and 2000)g
for three periods (10, 45 and 90)min. The weight difference a

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Transfer Learning Based Traffic Light Detection and Recognition Using CNN Inception-V3 Model
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Due to the lack of vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication in the existing transportation systems, traffic light detection and recognition is essential for advanced driver assistant systems (ADAS) and road infrastructure surveys. Additionally, autonomous vehicles have the potential to change urban transportation by making it safe, economical, sustainable, congestion-free, and transportable in other ways. Because of their limitations, traditional traffic light detection and recognition algorithms are not able to recognize traffic lights as effectively as deep learning-based techniques, which take a lot of time and effort to develop. The main aim of this research is to propose a traffic light detection and recognition model based on

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Publication Date
Sun May 26 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Exact and Local Search Methods for Solving Travelling Salesman Problem with Practical Application
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This paper investigates some exact and local search methods to solve the traveling salesman problem. The Branch and Bound technique (BABT) is proposed, as an exact method, with two models. In addition, the classical Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Simulated Annealing (SA) are discussed and applied as local search methods. To improve the performance of GA we propose two kinds of improvements for GA; the first is called improved GA (IGA) and the second is Hybrid GA (HGA).

The IGA gives best results than GA and SA, while the HGA is the best local search method for all within a reasonable time for 5 ≤ n ≤ 2000, where n is the number of visited cities. An effective method of reducing the size of the TSP matrix was proposed with

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Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Earned Value Method in Project Control Applied research
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   There is no doubt that the project control function is very important for administration, so the project Management depends on to monitor and control the project. The project control integrated to the planning which is the base of the administration functions; planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. Without project control cannot be insure to fulfill the plan of the project by the budget and specified time. The project management apply many methods of control to achieve the goals of project which are cost, time, and required specifications. Earned Value Management one of control methods that used in the project by international companies.

Earned Value Method is used in the project o

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Duo Gamma Modules and Full Stability
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In this work we study gamma modules which are implying full stability or implying by full stability. A gamma module is fully stable if for each gamma submodule of and each homomorphism of into . Many properties and characterizations of these classes of gamma modules are considered. We extend some results from the module to the gamma module theories.

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