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The Use of the Definite article in the Ottoman Turkish Language in the Fourteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: Qaboos Namah and Mazaki Collection as a Model: '' Kabusnâme ve Mezâkî Divanı Örneğinde ''14. ve 17. Yüzyılarda Osmanlı Türkçesinde Harf-i Ta'rifin Kullanması Üzerine Bir İnceleme
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The Turks used the Ottoman Turkish language from the thirteenth century to the twentieth century.  During this period and under the influence of Islamic civilization, a large number of words and structures were used from the Arabic and Persian languages, Therefore, many Arabic grammatical structures were used in the Ottoman Turkish language, such as the definite article simply because it was widely used.

The paper is concerned with the use of the Arabic definite article in the Ottoman Turkish language, and the aim of this contrastive study is to find out the similarities and differences between the two languages ​​in terms of meaning and structure. Since linguistic studies depend on the practical side or applied approach, two works written in the Ottoman language were discussed:   Qaboos Namah by Sheikh Sadr al-Din Oglu from the 14th century and Mazaki Poetry Collection by Suleiman Dede from the 17th century. 

In our study, we showed how to use the definite article with words and phrases.  The use of the definite article is used differently with words and phrases.  This rule similarly applies to the Ottoman Turkish language. The Arabic definite article is also prefixed to the noun in prepositional phrases and pharses with articles. This rule is applicable in Ottoman Turkish where affixes are added to single words, noun and adjective phrases as well as nominative affixes when translated into Arabic.


Türk milleti 13. Yüzyıldan 20. Yüzyıla kadar Osmanlı Türkçesini kullandılar . Bu dönemde İslam medeniyeti etkisiyle Osmanlı Türkçesine Arap ve Fars dillerinden çok sayıda kelime ve terkipler girmiştir. Dolayısıyla Osmanlı Türkçesine Arapça gramer unsurları da girmiştir bunlardan en önemlisi sıkca kullanılanan harfi tâ'rifidir.
Araştırmamızda Osmanlı Türkçesinde Arapça harfi tâ'rifinin kullanımı ele alınmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı iki dil arasındaki anlam ve yapı bakımından benzerlik ve farklılıkları ortaya çıkarmak hedeflenmiştir. Osmanlı Türkçesi üç döneme ayrıldığı için on dördüncü ve on yedinci yüzyılları seçilmiştir ve harfi tâ'rifin kullanımındaki farklılığı belirtilmiştir. Bu çalışma da uygulamalı yönüne bağlı olduğu için Şeyhoğlu Sadrüddin'in ''Kabus- nâme Tercümsi'' adlı eser kitabı ile Süleyman Dede'nin '' Mezâkî Divanı'nın '' adlı divanı metinleri esas alınarak incelenmiştir.
Çalışmamızda harfi tâ'rifin kelime ve terkiplerle kullanılımını gösterilmiştir. Harfi tâ'rifin kelime ve terkiplerde kullanımı farklıdır. Harfi tâ'rifi Osmanlı Türkçesinde de mevcuttur. Bu duruma belirtilme adı verilir ve kelimelere ilgi veya yükleme eki getilirerek kurulur.


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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Enhanced conversion of Glycerol to Glycerol carbonate on modified Bio-Char from reed plant: Enhanced conversion of Glycerol to Glycerol carbonate on modified Bio-Char from reed plant
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The surplus glycerol produced from biodiesel production process as a by-product with high quantity can be considered as a good source to prepare glycerol carbonate (GC) whereas with each 1000 kg from biodiesel obtains 100 kg from glycerol. Glycerol converted to glycerol carbonate over bio-char as a catalyst prepared by slow pyrolysis process under various temperatures from 400 ᴼC to 800 ᴼC. The char prepared at 700 ᴼC considered as a best one between the others which was manufactured to activate the transesterification reaction. GC have large scale of uses such as liquid membrane in gas separation, surfactants ,detergents , blowing agent , in plastics industry, in  Pharmaceutical industry and electrolytes in lithium batteries.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 21 2019
Journal Name
J. Eng. Appl. Sci
Developing an Arabic handwritten recognition system by means of artificial neural network
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The matter of handwritten text recognition is as yet a major challenge to mainstream researchers. A few ways deal with this challenge have been endeavored in the most recent years, for the most part concentrating on the English pre-printed or handwritten characters space. Consequently, the need to effort a research concerning to Arabic texts handwritten recognition. The Arabic handwriting presents unique technical difficulties because it is cursive, right to left in writing and the letters convert its shapes and structures when it is putted at initial, middle, isolation or at the end of words. In this study, the Arabic text recognition is developed and designed to recognize image of Arabic text/characters. The proposed model gets a single l

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Sat Dec 31 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Experimental Investigation of Mass Transfer for Copper Reduction by Weight Difference Technique
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An experimental analysis was included to study and investigate the mass transport behavior of cupric ions reduction as the main reaction in the presence of 0.5M H2SO4 by weight difference technique (WDT). The experiments were carried out by electrochemical cell with a rotating cylinder electrode as cathode. The impacts of different operating conditions on mass transfer coefficient were analyzed such as rotation speeds 100-500 rpm, electrolyte temperatures 30-60 , and cupric ions concentration 250-750 ppm. The order of copper reduction reaction was investigated and it shows a first order reaction behavior. The mass transfer coefficient for the described system was correlated with the aid of dimensionless groups as fo

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 05 2021
Journal Name
Kufa Journal Of Engineering
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Sun Aug 06 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Education College Wasit University
Cloud Computing Adoption by Higher Education Institutions of Iraq: An Empirical Study
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In the last years, a new technology called Cloud computing has been developed. Empirical and previous studies, commonly examined in business field and other domains. In this study, the significant factors that affecting the adoption of cloud computing have been examined using a frequency analysis that have been explored by the previous studies. The results showed that the most effected factors were relative advantage which followed by security and privacy, complexity, innovativeness, and external support. In this study the model of technology organization-environment was used to examine the significant factors that affecting the adoption of cloud computing.

Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Research And Studies
Modeling of Oil Viscosity for Southern Iraqi Reservoirs using Neural Network Method
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The calculation of the oil density is more complex due to a wide range of pressuresand temperatures, which are always determined by specific conditions, pressure andtemperature. Therefore, the calculations that depend on oil components are moreaccurate and easier in finding such kind of requirements. The analyses of twenty liveoil samples are utilized. The three parameters Peng Robinson equation of state istuned to get match between measured and calculated oil viscosity. The Lohrenz-Bray-Clark (LBC) viscosity calculation technique is adopted to calculate the viscosity of oilfrom the given composition, pressure and temperature for 20 samples. The tunedequation of state is used to generate oil viscosity values for a range of temperatu

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Estimation of Minimum Miscibility Pressure for Hydrocarbon Gas Injection Based on EOS
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The important parameter used for determining the probable application of miscible displacement is the MMP (minimum miscibility pressure). In enhanced oil recovery, the injection of hydrocarbon gases can be a highly efficient method to improve the productivity of the well especially if miscibility developed through the displacement process. There are a lot of experiments for measuring the value of the miscibility pressure, but they are expensive and take a lot of time, so it's better to use the mathematical equations because of it inexpensive and fast. This study focused on calculating MMP required to inject hydrocarbon gases into two reservoirs namely Sadi and Tanomaa/ East Baghdad field. Modified Peng Robenson Equation of State was

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Sat Sep 02 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Experimental Investigation on Rheological Characterization of ecovio® F Film C2203biopolymer Melts
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Wed Apr 05 2023
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International Journal Of Interactive Mobile Technologies (ijim)
Computer Literacy with Skills of Seeking for Information Electronically among University Students
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Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Nahrain University, College Of Engineering Journal
Planned Reliability Improvement Calculation of Iraqi Super Grid Applying Fuzzy Logic Method
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Reliability is an essential measure and important component of all power system planning and operation procedures. It is one of the key design factors when designing complex, critical and expensive systems. This paper presents a fuzzy logic approach for reliability improvement planning purposes. Evaluating the reliability of the complex and large planned Iraqi super grid ;as Al- Khairat generating station with its tie set is intended to be compact to that grid; and determination of the given reliability improvement project are the major goals of the paper. Results show that the Iraqi super grid reliability is improved by 9.64%. In the proposed technique, fuzzy set theory is used to include imprecise indices of different components in normal

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