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A comparative study of the pivotal characters in the novel "Al-Shahz" and the script "Hamoon": بررسی تطبیقی شخصیت¬های محوری در رمان «الشحّاذ» و فیلم‌نامۀ «هامون»
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The novel is the revelation of the attitudes of every age. And the writers do not know the winner of their stroke to express these events، The research has been working on a descriptive-analytical approach based on the American Comparative School، Al-Shahez's novel explores the work of the nobly and the film by Hamoun by Dariush Mehrjui By relying on the main characters of these two narratives, they depict a picture of Egypt and Iran From the symbolic lines of these works. In fact, the authors of this research have tried to initiate the introduction and analysis of these two works In fact, the authors of this research have tried to initiate the introduction and analysis of these two works.

 The results of the research show that Najib protected his literary and semantic literatures, "Al-Shahaz" and Dariush Mehrjui, in the film "Hamoon" They describe the lives of Third World intellectuals In the young age, they were hard-hearted and repulsive revolutionaries, but regretted and disillusioned at midnight. The main characters of these two novels, "Omar al-Hamsawi" and "Hamid Hamoon" are very enthusiastic at the beginning of the journey, but the process of life goes away from their socialist thoughts And suddenly they go to the absurd. They are confronted with events that are more likely to affect the social and psychological contradictions of these two characters.


باتوجه به اینکه رمان بازگوکننده عینی احوالات سیاسی و اجتماعی و فرهنگی و... هر عصر به شمار می­رود و نویسندگان برای بیان این وقایع سلاحی برنده‌تر از قلم خویش نمی­شناسند، پژوهش مذکور تلاش کرده است با رویکرد توصیفی- تحلیلی و بر اساس مکتب تطبیقی آمریکایی، رمان ‌الشحّاذ اثر نجیب محفوظ و فیلم‌نامۀ هامون نوشتۀ داریوش مهرجویی را مورد بررسی قرار دهد تا با تکیه بر شخصیت ‌های اصلی این دو روایت تصویری از سیمای مصر و ایران را از لابه‌لای سطور نمادین این آثار به نمایش بگذارد. در واقع نگارندگان این پژوهش کوشیده‌اند که در ابتدا به معرفی و تحلیل این دو اثر بپردازند و در ادامه شباهت های میان شخصیت ‌های محوری  آن را بیان کنند.

برآیند تحقیق نشان می­دهد که نجیب محفوظ در اثر ادبی و نیمه­شناختی خویش «الشحّاذ» و داریوش مهرجویی در فیلم‌نامۀ «هامون» به شرح زندگی روشنفکران جهان سوم پرداخته‌اند که در جوانی از انقلابیون سرسخت وآرمان‌خواه بوده اما در میانسالی پشیمان و سرخورده شده‌اند. شخصیت‌های اصلی این دو رمان یعنی »عمرالحمزاوی« و «حمید هامون» در ابتدای راه بسیار پرشورند اما در ادامه روند زندگی از افکار سوسیالیستی خود دست می‌شویند و یک‌باره به پوچی می‌رسند. آنها در این فرآیند با اتفاقاتی روبه‌رو می‌شوند که بیش‌ازپیش بر تناقضات اجتماعی و روانی این دو شخصیت تأثیرمی‌گذارند.

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Publication Date
Mon May 11 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Proposing Robust LAD-Atan Penalty of Regression Model Estimation for High Dimensional Data
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         The issue of penalized regression model has received considerable critical attention to variable selection. It plays an essential role in dealing with high dimensional data. Arctangent denoted by the Atan penalty has been used in both estimation and variable selection as an efficient method recently. However, the Atan penalty is very sensitive to outliers in response to variables or heavy-tailed error distribution. While the least absolute deviation is a good method to get robustness in regression estimation. The specific objective of this research is to propose a robust Atan estimator from combining these two ideas at once. Simulation experiments and real data applications show that the proposed LAD-Atan estimator

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 23 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Antimicrobial activity of some plants extracts on bacteria isolated from acne vulgaris patients
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Background: Acne is a cutaneous pleomorphic disorder skin disease most frequently occurring during the adolescent in ages of 12-24, with estimated  percentage ( 85%) . There are different ways to treat acne such as  using of antibiotics  , herpes , and mixing treatments .

Methods : Antibacterial activity  of  four concentrations (100,50,25,12.5)mg /ml of  alcoholic  and cold  aqueous  crude extracts of Cinnamon(Cinnamomum verum ), Henna (Lawsonia inermis ) , Lupine (Lupinus luteus) were studied against aerobic and&nbs

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Natural radioactivity Measurements of Dur-Kurigalzu's Ziggurat, Baghdad Governorate-Iraq using HPGe detector
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       Measurement of 238U, 233Th and 40K concentrations in soil samples collected from Ziggurat of Dur-Kurigalzu west region of Baghdad, have been evaluated, using high purity germanium detector. The activity concentrations of 238U, 233Th and 40K varied from 16.040  to 26.620 , 14.510  to 31.480 , and 153.820  to 266.320  with average values of 20.604±2.9 , 24.534±3.3 , 212.22±25.1 , respectively. The importance of these measurements lies in the estimation of radiation risk, radium equivalent, absorbed dose, annual effective dose, risk indices, gamma index, and cancer risk. The average value of the absorbed dose ranged from 33.187  outdoors to 63.111  indoo

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 19 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-qadisiyah For Computer Science And Mathematics
Image Compression based on Fixed Predictor Multiresolution Thresholding of Linear Polynomial Nearlossless Techniques
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Image compression is a serious issue in computer storage and transmission,  that simply makes efficient use of redundancy embedded within an image itself; in addition, it may exploit human vision or perception limitations to reduce the imperceivable information Polynomial coding is a modern image compression technique based on modelling concept to remove the spatial redundancy embedded within the image effectively that composed of two parts, the  mathematical model and the residual. In this paper, two stages proposed technqies adopted, that starts by utilizing the lossy predictor model along with multiresolution base and thresholding techniques corresponding to first stage. Latter by incorporating the near lossless com

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 09 2019
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Numerical Analysis of Segmental Post Tensioned Concrete Beams Exposed to High Fire Temperature
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The main objective of this study is to characterize the main factors which may affect the behavior of segmental prestressed concrete beams comprised of multi segments. The 3-D finite element program ABAQUS was utilized. The experimental work was conducted on twelve simply supported segmental prestressed concrete beams divided into three groups depending on the precast segments number. They all had an identical total length of 3150mm, but each had different segment numbers (9, 7, and 5 segments), in other words, different segment lengths. To simulate the genuine fire disasters, nine beams were exposed to high-temperature flame for one hour, the selected temperatures were 300°C (572°F), 500°C (932°F) and 700°C (1292°F) as recomm

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Numerical Simulation of Immiscible CO2-Assisted Gravity Drainage Process to Enhance Oil Recovery
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The Gas Assisted Gravity Drainage (GAGD) process has become one of the most important processes to enhance oil recovery in both secondary and tertiary recovery stages and through immiscible and miscible modes.  Its advantages came from the ability to provide gravity-stable oil displacement for improving oil recovery, when compared with conventional gas injection methods such as Continuous Gas Injection (CGI) and Water – Alternative Gas (WAG). Vertical injectors for CO2   gas were placed at the top of the reservoir to form a gas cap which drives the oil towards the horizontal oil producing wells which are located above the oil-water-contact. The GAGD process was developed and tested in vertical wells to increase oil r

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Antibacterial Activity Of ternary semiconductor compounds AgInSe2 Nanoparticles Synthesized by Simple Chemical Method
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Publication Date
Thu Sep 10 2020
Journal Name
Diyala Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Finite Element Analysis of Seepage for Hemrin Earth Dam Using Geo-Studio Software
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Finite Element Approach is employed in this research work to solve the governing differential equations related to seepage via its foundation's dam structure. The primary focus for this reason is the discretization of domain into finite elements through the placement of imaginary nodal points and the discretization of governing equations into an equation system; An equation for each nodal point or part, and unknown variables are solved. The SEEP / W software (program) is a sub-program of the Geo-Studio software, which is used by porous soil media to compensate for the problems of seepage. To achieve the research goals, a study was carried out on Hemrin dam, which located in the Diyala River 100 km northeast of Baghdad, Iraq. Thus, o

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2011
Journal Name
Chinese Chemical Letters
Extraction of cobalt(II) from aqueous solution by N,N′-carbonyl difatty amides
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The development of economic and environmentally friendly extractants to recover cobalt metal is required due to the increasing demand for this metal. In this study, solvent extraction of Co(II) from aqueous solution using a mixture of N,N0-carbonyl difatty amides (CDFAs) synthesised from palm oil as the extractant was carried out. The effects of various parameters such as acid, contact time, extractant concentration, metal ion concentration and stripping agent and the separation of Co(II) from other metal ions such as Fe(II), Ni(II), Zn(III) and Cd(II) were investigated. It was found that the extraction of Co(II) into the organic phase involved the formation of 1:1 complexes. Co(II) was successfully separated from commonly associated metal

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Publication Date
Sun May 26 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Bayesian Estimation for Two Parameters of Gamma Distribution under Generalized Weighted Loss Function
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This paper deals with, Bayesian estimation of the parameters of Gamma distribution under Generalized Weighted loss function, based on Gamma and Exponential priors for the shape and scale parameters, respectively. Moment, Maximum likelihood estimators and Lindley’s approximation have been used effectively in Bayesian estimation. Based on Monte Carlo simulation method, those estimators are compared in terms of the mean squared errors (MSE’s).

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