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Pragmatics and Speech Act- History, Importance and Stages of Development: הפרגמטיקה ופעולת־הדיבור- התולדות, החשיבות ושלבי ההתפתחות (יישמוים בלשון העברית)

      The present study stresses two of the most significant aspects of linguistic approach: Pragmatics” and the “Speech Act Theory”, revealing its importance and the stages and levels of development through Hebrew language’s speech acts analysis including (political speech, the Holy Bible, Hebrew stories).

       Chronologically, Pragmatics has always been the center of linguists’ interests due to its importance in linguistic decryptions, particularly, through “Speech Act Theory” that has been initiated and developed by the most prominent philosophers and linguistics.

        The present study discloses that “Speech Act Theory” is the backbone of Pragmatics. This is due to the fact that its scope doesn’t only include the language message sender, but rather (the sender, the receiver, the environment, the context, and the speaker’s social standards and attitude of the language). Reflecting the social culture as well as the society standards and morals, “Speech Act Theory” can effortlessly facilitate grasping the message of the speaker’s intentions by the message receiver. 


המחקר הזה שופך אור על שני מושגים עיקריים בחקר הלשון "הפרגמטיקה" ו"פעולת־הדיבור" ועל תודלותיהם ושלבי התפתחותם דרך ניתוח פעולות הדיבור בלשון העברית בכל רבדיה ושלביה (השיח הפוליטי, התנ''ך, סיפורים עבריים). 

הפרגמטיקה עברה שלבים חשובים במרוצת הזמן. בימינו החוקרים התעניינו בגישה הזאת ובמיוחד בתחום התקשורת הלשוני משום שהיא מסייעת אותם בפענח המסרים בין השוחחים, באמצעות התיאוריה המרכזית בחקר הפרגמטיקה "תיאורית פעולת הדיבור", שהופיעה והתפתחה על ידי קבוצה של פילוסופים ובלשנים מפורסמים בחקר הלשוני.

ממצאי המחקר מגלים כי תיאורית פעולת הדיבור היא הבת הבכורה של הפרגמטיקה, משום שהיא אינה מתעניינת אך ורק בדיבור המוען, אלא היא עברה לממדים אחרים כגון (מקבל הפעולה, הסביבה שמתרחשת בה הפעולה, ההקשר הלשוני והחוץ לשוני, נורמות החברה, מעמד הדובר והשומע... וכן הלאה). באמצעות התיאוריה הזאת אנו יכולים להבנת כוונותיו של הדובר כלפי הנמען, בנוסף לכך היא משקפת את התרבות החברתית של חברה מסוימת ואת נורמות המבנים החברתיים והמוסריים שלה.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 18 2023
Journal Name
Ieee Access
A New Imputation Technique Based a Multi-Spike Neural Network to Handle Missing Data in the Internet of Things Network (IoT)

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Wed Apr 01 2020
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Biochemical And Cellular Archives
Immunohistochemical evaluation of epidermal growth factor expression in skin wound treated by capparis spinosa flavonoid extract in alloxan induced diabetes rats

In diabetes, impaired wound healing and other tissue abnormalities are considered major concerns. Many factorsaffect the time and quality of wound healing. One of the purposes of medical sciences is wound healing in a short time withreduced side effects. The herbal products are more precious in both prophylaxis as well as curative in delayed diabetic woundhealing activity when compared to synthetic drugs.A wide range of evidence has shown that capers plant possesses differentbiological effects, including antioxidant, anticancer and antibacterial effects. Phytochemical analysis shows thatC. spinosahashigh quantities of bioactive constituents, including polyphenolic compounds, which are responsible for its health-promotingeffects. The healing

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Wed Jan 19 2022
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Iraqi Journal Of Science
Synergistic effect of biosynthesized silver nanoparticles with antibiotics against multi-drug resistance bacteria isolated from children with diarrhoea under five years

Isolation and identification of bacterial isolates were carried out according to the morphology and biochemical characteristics on one hundred and twenty stool specimens collected from children under five years old via using biochemical tests and Api 20E compact system for further confirmation. Bacterial isolates were distributed as (34.48, 20.68, 5.17,0.86) % for Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi ,Enterobacter aerogenos, Citrobacter freundii and Hafnia alvei respectively and 9.48 % for each Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella Pneumonia. As well as, 2.58% for both Shigella sonnei and Serratia marcescens. Antibiotic susceptibility test for 116 bacterial isolates was performed towards 20 antibiotics types using disk d

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Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Entrepreneurial Performance of an organization in Accordance with Green Human Resources Management C A field Research in Iraq Drilling Company

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Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Comparison of Prediction Programs for Short Wave Circuit Link from Iraq to Test points on Both Earth Hemispheres during Solar Minimum

This paper compare  the accurecy of HF propagation  prediction programs for  HF circuits links between Iraq and  different points world wide  during August 2018 when  solar cycle 24 (start 2009 end 2020) is at minimun activity and also find out the best communication mode  used. The prediction   programs like Voice of America Coverage Analysis Program (VOACAP) and ITU Recommendation RS 533 (REC533 )  had been used to generat HF circuit link  parameters like Maximum Usable Frequency ( MUF) and Frequency of Transsmision (FOT) .Depending  on the predicted parameters (data)  , real radio contacts had been done using a radio transceiver from Icom  model IC 7100 with 100W RF

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Tue Oct 25 2022
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Aip Conference Proceedings
The structural properties of mawsoniteCu6Fe2 S8Sn[CFTS] thin films effected by violet laser irradiation deposited via semi-computerized spray pyrolysis technique

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
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Aip Conference Proceedings
The optical properties of mawsonite Cu6Fe2SNS8 [CFTS] thin films effected by red laser irradiation deposited via semi-computerized spray pyrolysis technique

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Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Improve the performance of solar cells using new designs for pelvic center wheel Type V compound mirrors encased by Vernil glasses

Design and build a center basins new p-type four mirrors were studied its effect on all parameters evaluating the performance of the solar cell silicon in the absence of a cooling system is switched on and noted that the efficiency of the performance Hzzh cell increased from 11.94 to 21 without cooling either with cooling has increased the efficiency of the

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Sun Mar 02 2014
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Baghdad Science Journal
Determination of Advanced Oxidation Protein Products, E3 SUMO-Protein Ligase NSE2[NSMCE2], as a Marker to Predict Child Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow (spongy tissue in the center of bone). In ALL, too many bone marrow stem cells develop into a type of white blood cell called lymphocytes. These abnormal lymphocytes are not able to fight infection very well. The aim of this study was to investigate possible links between E3 SUMO-Protein Ligase NSE2 [NSMCE2] and increase DNA damage in the childhood patients with Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Laboratory investigations including hemoglobin(Hb) ,white blood cell (WBC) , serum total protein , albumin ,globulin , in addition to serum total antioxidant activity (TAA) , Advanced oxidation protein products(AOPP) and E3 SUMO-Protein Ligase NSE2[NSMCE2]. Blood samples

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Sat Sep 30 2023
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Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of the tax examiner's procedures in increasing or decreasing tax revenue : Applied research in the General Authority for Taxes


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