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The Role of Certain Figures of Emphasis in the Televised Debate between Macron and Le Pen on may 3, 2017».: Le rôle de certaines figures d’insistance utilisées dans le débat télévisé entre Macron et Le Pen le 3 mai 2017
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      Political Discourse Analysis is an important linguistic study approach used by politicians to gain people support. The present paper sheds light on the figures of speech  of emphasis in the televised debate between the two presidential elections candidates, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen and the distinctive effect they add to the political discourse to win general public support as well as the presidential elections.

       The present paper provides a rudimentary definition and an analysis of the terms “discourse” and “political discourse” and traces the significant role played by politically directed televised Media and internet to support political parties through broadcasting political events. Through conducting an analytical study, the paper considers the discourse analysis concept that aims at deconstructing the speech modules to attain the required speech purpose.   Part of the present study theoretical approach, the paper terms and clarifies all types of Figures of speech used by politicians to create a publically stronger luminous witty and emotional impact. As for the paper practical approach, it sheds light on the stressing effect of four types figure of emphasis in French and the impact created on the political discourse.    

          Thus, it can be remarked that both candidates particularly Macron has made use of the figures of speech in his political discourse, specifically after winning the presidential elections. Pun or paronomasia, repetition and accumulation in comparison with redundancy are impressively used in Macron’s political discourse to win public support.


             L’analyse du discours politique a un écho large dans les études linguistiques. Les politiciens essayaient d’utiliser le langage pour attirer l’attention de leur public à leurs décisions.

           Dans cette recherche, nous parlons du rôle des figures d’insistance entre les deux candidats aux élections présidentielles, Emmanuel Macron et Marine Le Pen. Notre mission est de découvrir l’impact de ces figures dont les candidats ont profité afin de gagner les élections. Ces figures donnent au texte une expression particulière dans le but de convaincre les gens.

           De plus, nous définissons en générale le terme «discours» en expliquant l’analyse du discours politique, puis nous montrons l’effet des médias sur la politique en transmettant les événements selon l’intérêt du politicien qui les soutient. Ensuite, nous abordons le concept d'analyse du discours et son objectif de déconstruire les éléments essentiels du discours en menant une étude analytique. Sa tâche principale est de séparer les facteurs qui forment la parole afin d'atteindre le but du discours.

             En ce qui concerne le cadre théorique, nous étudions quatre types de figures d’insistance et leur effet de renforcer le texte qui se base en premier lieu sur le style et la capacité d’utiliser les méthodes rhétoriques. Enfin, nous trouvons que les deux candidats profitent des figures d’insistance et surtout Macron après avoir remporté les élections. Nous constatons que l’anaphore, la répétition et l’accumulation sont plus utilisés que la redondance.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Nonlinear optical properties of synthesized porous nanostructures PMMA via template-directed methods
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Colloidal crystals (opals) made of close-packed polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) were fabricated and grown by Template-Directed methods to obtain porous materials with well-ordered periodicity and interconnected pore systems to manufacture photonic crystals. Opals were made from aqueous suspensions of monodisperse PMMA spheres with diameters between 280 and 415 nm. SEM confirmed the PMMA spheres crystallized uniformly in a face-centered cubic (FCC) array. Optical properties of synthesized pores PMMA were characterized by UV–Visible spectroscopy. It shows that the colloidal crystals possess pseudo photonic band gaps in the visible region. A combination of Bragg’s law of diffraction and Snell’s law of refraction were used to calculate t

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Characterization of silver polyaniline nanocomposite thin films prepared by microwave induced plasma
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Polyaniline (PANI) and Ag/PANI nanocomposite thin films have prepared by microwave induced plasma. The Ag powder of average particle size of 50 nm, were used to prepare Ag/PANI nanocomposite thin films. The Ag/PANI nanocomposite thin films prepared by polymerization in plasma and characterized by UV-VIS, FTIR, AFM and SEM to study the effect of silver nanoparticles on the optical properties, morphology and structure of the thin films. The optical properties studies showed that the energy band gap of the Ag/PANI (5%wt silver) decreased from 3.6 to 3.2 eV, where the substrate location varied from 4.4 to 3.4 cm from the axis of the cylindrical plasma chamber. Also the optical energy gap decreased systematically from 3.3 to 3 eV with increas

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Ieee Transactions On Systems, Man, And Cybernetics: Systems
Design of Robust Terminal Sliding Mode Control for Underactuated Flexible Joint Robot
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Flexible joint robot (FJR) manipulators can offer many attractive features over rigid manipulators, including light weight, safe operation, and high power efficiency. However, the tracking control of the FJR is challenging due to its inherent problems, such as underactuation, coupling, nonlinearities, uncertainties, and unknown external disturbances. In this article, a terminal sliding mode control (TSMC) is proposed for the FJR system to guarantee the finite-time convergence of the systems output, and to achieve the total robustness against the lumped disturbance and estimation error. By using two coordinate transformations, the FJR dynamics is turned into a canonical form. A cascaded finite-time sliding mode observer (CFTSMO) is construct

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
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Applied Mathematical Modelling
Identification of a multi-dimensional space-dependent heat source from boundary data
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Publication Date
Wed May 25 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Removing of Copper ions from Industrial Wastewater Using Graphene oxide/Chitosan Nanocomposite
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     A simple method was used to create a graphene oxide/chitosan (GO/CS) nanocomposite, which was then used in batch experiments to remove copper ions from industrial wastewater under various conditions of initial concentration, adsorbent weight, pH, and contact time. Maximum removal percentage equal to 99.4 % for initial copper ion concentration of 5x10-2 mol/L at pH 6, time 75 min, temperature 25 °C, and adsorbing dose 0.1 g. The pseudo-second order kinetic model and the Freundlich isotherm adequately fit the experimental results. The process was spontaneous and endothermic, according to thermodynamic studies.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 20 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Dentistry
Improving Surface Properties of PEEK for Dental Applications by Using Piranha Solution
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Background. “Polyetheretherketone (PEEK)” is a biocompatible, high-strength polymer that is well-suited for use in dental applications due to its unique properties. However, achieving good adhesion between PEEK and hydrophilic materials such as dental adhesives or cement can be challenging. Also, this hydrophobicity may affect the use of PEEK as an implant material. Surface treatment or conditioning is often necessary to improve surface properties. The piranha solution is the treatment of choice to be explored for this purpose. Methods. PEEK disks of 10 mm diameter and 2 mm thickness were used in this study. Those samples were divided into five groups (each group has five samples). The first is the control group, in which no

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Activity Treatment of Some Long-Lived Radioactive Nuclides Using Thermal Neutron Incineration
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     In the present work, the possibility of treating many types of radioactive sources was examined practically. Six types of sealed radioactive sources were selected: 137Cs, 133Ba, 90Sr, 152Eu, 226Ra, and 241Am. The sources were exposed to a neutron flux emitted from 241Am/Be source for 33 days. The results showed a measurable reduction of activity for 226Ra, 241Am, and 152Eu, while the other radionuclides, 137Cs, 133Ba, and 90Sr, showed less response to neutron incineration.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering (ijece)
Design of an adaptive state feedback controller for a magnetic levitation system
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This paper presents designing an adaptive state feedback controller (ASFC) for a magnetic levitation system (MLS), which is an unstable system and has high nonlinearity and represents a challenging control problem. First, a nonadaptive state feedback controller (SFC) is designed by linearization about a selected equilibrium point and designing a SFC by pole-placement method to achieve maximum overshoot of 1.5% and settling time of 1s (5% criterion). When the operating point changes, the designed controller can no longer achieve the design specifications, since it is designed based on a linearization about a different operating point. This gives rise to utilizing the adaptive control scheme to parameterize the state feedback controll

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 16 2021
Journal Name
Cognitive Computation
Deep Transfer Learning for Improved Detection of Keratoconus using Corneal Topographic Maps
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Abstract <p>Clinical keratoconus (KCN) detection is a challenging and time-consuming task. In the diagnosis process, ophthalmologists must revise demographic and clinical ophthalmic examinations. The latter include slit-lamb, corneal topographic maps, and Pentacam indices (PI). We propose an Ensemble of Deep Transfer Learning (EDTL) based on corneal topographic maps. We consider four pretrained networks, SqueezeNet (SqN), AlexNet (AN), ShuffleNet (SfN), and MobileNet-v2 (MN), and fine-tune them on a dataset of KCN and normal cases, each including four topographic maps. We also consider a PI classifier. Then, our EDTL method combines the output probabilities of each of the five classifiers to obtain a decision b</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis of Functionalized Silica from Rice Husks Containing C-I End Group
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In this paper, we have extracted Silica from rice husk ash (RHA) by sodium hydroxide to produce sodium silicate. 3-(chloropropyl)triethoxysilane (CPTES) functionalized with sodium silicate via a sol-gel method in one pot synthesis to prepare RHACCl. Chloro group in compound RHACCl replacement in iodo group to prepere RHACI. The FT-IR clearly showed absorption band of C-I at 580 cm-1. Functionalized silica RHACI has high surface area (410 m2/g) and average pore diameter (3.8 nm) within mesoporous range. X-ray diffraction pattern showed that functionalized silica RHACI has amorphous phase .Thermogravemitric analysis (TGA) showed two decomposition stages and SEM morphology of RHACI showed that the particles have irregu

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