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National – cultural specificity of phraseological units: Национально - культурная специфика фразеологизмов
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        The present article studies the specific cultural features contained in phraseological units. The problem is approached through three different levels:

  1. The modern linguistic meaning.
  2. Lexical components of phraseological units.
  3. The first variables of linguistic units.

  The paper emphasizes the gradual process of the cultural charge in the semantic structure of phraseological units.      

       Наша Статья посвящена вопросам анализа национ-ально - культурной специфики ФЕ . Это проблема рассмат-ривается на трех уровнях:

1) в совркупном фразеологич-еском значении,
2) в значении отдельных лексических компонентов ФЕ,
3)  в значении переменного прототипа ФЕ.

Мы здесь подчеркиваем , что градуальный характер проявления национально – специфичной информации, закодированной в значени Фразеологизмов.                                                 

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Elastic Electron Scattering form Factors for Odd-A 2s-1d Shell Nuclei
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The charge density distributions (CDD) and the elastic electron scattering form
factors F(q) of the ground state for some odd mass nuclei in the 2s 1d shell, such
as K Mg Al Si 19 25 27 29 , , , and P 31
have been calculated based on the use of
occupation numbers of the states and the single particle wave functions of the
harmonic oscillator potential with size parameters chosen to reproduce the observed
root mean square charge radii for all considered nuclei. It is found that introducing
additional parameters, namely; 1  , and , 2  which reflect the difference of the
occupation numbers of the states from the prediction of the simple shell model leads
to very good agreement between the calculated an

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The ownership in economic thought and religious postural Contemporary Vision
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Since the property in Islam is based on the principle of succession , "which made ​​you Khalaúv land and raise yourselves above some degree of Iblukm with Atakm The Lord of the fast punishment and it is Forgiving, Merciful " [cattle : 165 ] and human only Mstkhalaf where " God promised you who believe and do good deeds for Istkhalvenhm Normans in the ground as those before them " [Nur : 55 ] , considering that King God alone any talk about having ownership in Islam in the contemporary sense of ownership , containing three rights are:

1- right to dispose of the right of usufruct tenure

2-The concept is ambiguous as long as that man Mstkhalaf does not have the right to dispose

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