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Literature and Novel: Classical novel in comparison to New Novel By Alain Robbe - Grillet: L'Art et le Roman: Le Roman Traditionnel Face au Nouveau Roman Alain Robe- Grillet
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Modern French novel has gained a distinctive status in the history of French literature during the first half of the twentieth century. This is due to many factors including the new literary descriptive objective style adopted by novelists like Alain Robbe – Grillet that  has long been regarded as the outstanding writer of the nouveau roman, as well as its major spokesman, a representative writer and a leading theoretician of the new novel that has broken the classical rules of the one hero and evolved, through questioning the relationship of man and the world and  reevaluating the limits of contemporary fiction , into  creating a new form of narrative.


En vue de résumé, et en suivant les propos de Robbe-Grillet, nous dirons que le concept du Nouveau Roman ne constitue pas une Théorie, ni une école, ni même un groupe d'écrivains optant pour la même démarche.

Il n'y a là qu'une appellation commode englobant tous ceux qui cherchent de nouvelles formes romanesques, capables d'exprimer ou de créer de nouvelles relations entre l'homme et le monde, tous ceux qui ont décidés à inventer le romen. C'est à-dire à inventer- l'homme comme le croit Alain. Robbe- Grillet.


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Publication Date
Mon Feb 24 2025
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Journal Of Studies And Researches Of Sport Education
The effect of using the educational bag on the level of learning some offensive skills with the epee weapon
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