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Iranian Jews’ Customs and Traditions in The Works of Dorrit Rabinyan (A Study in The Alley of Almond Bushes in Omerijan ): מסורת ומנהגים יהודי אירן ביצירותה של דורית רביניאן " עיון ברומן סמטת השקדות בעומריג'אן "
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The orient culture and heritage has directly influenced ,in a way or another , the literary works which recently have been noted by the oriental  Jews inside and outside of Israel. Several Jewish writers, who came from the orient  (especially from Iran ), have written their works while influenced by traditions and customs of the Iranian society, in which they were born , lived , and raised, and by the writers who were born in that society and then moved to Israel and lived there as a result of the Zionism and its notorious promises to gather Jewish people from all over the world to establish their national home at the expense of the Palestinian   land and people.

       That final goal was to find a nationality for a dispersed group of people who came from different traditions and customs , ways of expressions and languages, to form a nation. They do not    have but religion and Zionism , a set of religious traditions related to worship rituals, and stories about religious heroes and stories voiced by prophets and wisemen which have become proverbs . The latter is looked upon with doubt by many researchers as they think that Jewish people have taken from other nations (Mursi , Folklore and Israelites , p 62 ).

      Accordingly , it is a necessity to explore this culture with its traditions, customs, and popular beliefs adopted ,in particular from Iran  the birthplace of the parents of the Israeli writer and author Dorrit Rabinyan , who is of Judaism religion ,Iranian origin ,and Israeli existence through her novel (Persian Brides). This novel carried customs , traditions, folklore thoughts , and popular culture that influenced the Jews , their thoughts and behavior  which still exist in the Israeli society nowadays . It is well known that popular culture is the  science that includes beliefs and customs of any nation as long as those beliefs and customs related to the Collective behavior (James Fries, Folklore  in the Old Testament p 21).

Despite that the author was born and raised in Israel but her novels , as critics see, packed with folkloric and legendry  concepts and  thoughts as well as popular beliefs which prevailed in the Iranian Jewish society that she knew from her family and Iranian Jews in Israel ; she tried to reflect in her novel focusing on the popular landmarks.

תרבות המזרח והמורשת שלו השפיעה ישירות על היצירה הספרותית שפורסמו בשנים האחרונות של המאה הקודמת על ידי יהודי המזרח בארץ ומחוצה לה ... סופרים רבים מהמזרח ובמיוחד איראן כתבו את יצירותיהם הספרותיות שהושפעו מן המנהגים, והמסורת של החברה האיראנית שבה נולדו וחיו, או מי שנולד באיראן ועלו ארצה והתגוררו שם בגלל הציונות העולמית והבטחותיה הנוראות לאסוף את התפוצות היהודיות מזוויות העולם במולדת לאומית על חשבון ארץ פלסטין.

המטרה האולטימטיבית היא ליצור זהות לאומית עבור קבוצה מגוונת של אנשים, שמקורם במנהגים, במסורות, בדרכי ביטוי ובשפות שונות, והם נועדו להיות עם, אין דבר שרק דת, ציונות וקבוצת מנהגים דתיים קשורים בטקסים של פולחן. על סונה של הנביאים ושל החכמים הם ביטויים של מהלך פתגמים, אשר חוקרים רבים ספק, הם רואים את היהודים לקחו אותם מן המורשת של עמים אחרים ( د. احمد علي مرسي ، الفلكلور والاسرائيليات ، ص 62 ) . כאן היינו צריכים לחשוף את התרבות הזאת עם מסורותיה, מנהגיה ואמונותיה העממיות, במיוחד בהשאלה מאיראן, מקום הולדתם של הוריה של הסופרת הישראלית דורית רביניאן, עם הדת היהודית, המוצא האיראני והקיום הישראלי ברומנה " סמטת השקידיות בעומריג'אן " שנשא בתוכו את המסורות, האמונות, הרעיונות הפולקלוריים והתרבות העממית שהשפיעו על היהודים, על רעיונותיהם ועל מעשיהם, אשר עדיין קיימים בחברה הישראלית כיום: ידוע כי התרבות הפופולרית היא המדע הקולט את אמונותיו ומנהגיו של עם, כל עוד האמונות והמנהגים הללו נובעים מהתנהגות קולקטיבית( جيمس فريزر ، الفلكلور في العهد القديم ، ص 21 ) .

על אף שהכותבת נולדה וגדלה בישראל, הרומן שלה, כפי שמבחינת המבקרים, מלא ברעיונות, פולקלור, מיתולוגיה ואמונות עממיות ששלטו בקהילה היהודית באיראן ( ישראל יעל , בכרך קטן וציורי , עמ' 12 ) מה שהיא הכירה ממשפחותיה ומהקהילה היהודית האיראנית בישראל וניסתה לשקף מה היא תרבות פופולרית שירשה בקהילה היהודית האיראנית התרכזה ברומן שלה על מונומנטים פופולריים.


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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2005
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Low level treadmill testing of 50 patients with acute myocardial infarction prior to discharge from hospital
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Objectives: (I) to describe the hemodynamic and electrocardiograph (ECG) responses in patients with acute myocardial infraction (AMI) to a low level treadmill test (2) to assess the safety of low-level treadmill testing after AMI (3) to determine if information gained from the test can be used for discharge planning.
Methods: 50 consecutive patients with AMI were subjected for symptoms limited treadmill testing in the CCU of University Teaching Hospital Iraqi medical College, their age range was from 30-70 with mean age of 55 years. Blood pressure, heart rate, and ECG during a low level treadmill test studied 6 days after AML They were divided into two groups, group I those who could finish the test and group 2 those who couldn't fini

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 20 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Civil Engineering
Structural Performance Under Monotonic Static Loading of Reinforced Concrete Gable Roof Beams with Multiple Web Openings
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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Using Web Camera Enet to Measure Statistical Characteristic of Homogenous Target Illuminated by Different Tungsten Light
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The effect of White Place Image ( Test Image )  A4   has been studied as a function of luminous intensity using the  t tu un ng gs st te en n    l la am mpp and web camera enet. It was found that the tungsten lamp gives almost even intensities for the three color band and  lighting composite at low voltage .while at high voltage causes a fare from each other .  The statistical characteristic(mean and stander deviation ) results for three colors composites RGB and lighting  composites L showed that the mean and stander deviation increases with the increase of voltage possibly owing to the increase image  resolution, which reflects the value of  stander deviation for the blue band

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Pre-column dervatization of amino acids from nigella sativa L seed hydrolysates by reversed phase HPLC
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A rapid and sensitive method for analysis of amino acid hydrolysates of nigella sativa L seed has been developed using O-phthaldialehyde(OPA ) as a pre-column derivatizing agent. OPA reagents in the presence of mercaptoethanol react rapidly with primary amino acids ( less than 60 sec.) to form isindole derivatives which easily separated with good selectivity on ODS column. Resolution of amino acid derivatives is carried out with a methanol gradient in 0.01 maqueous sodium acetate. pH 7.1 . The quantitation of amino acid derivatives is reproducible within an average relative deviation of + 1.4% the linearity for most amino acids were more than 0.9993 with detection limit of 0.2 ppm. 15 amino acid were detected in the analysis of

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2007
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Corrosion Inhibition of Carbon Steel under Two Phase Flow (Water-Petroleum) Simulated by Turbulently Agitated System
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The corrosion of carbon steel in single phase (water with 0.1N NaCl ) and two immiscible phases (kerosene-water) using turbulently agitated system is investigated. The experiments are carried out for Reynolds number (Re) range of 38000 to 95000 corresponding  to rotational velocities from 600 to 1400 rpm using circular disk turbine agitator at 40 0C. In two-phase system test runs are carried out in aqueous phase (water) concentrations of 1 % vol., 5 % vol., 8% vol., and 16% vol. mixed with kerosene at various Re. The effect of Reynolds number (Re), percent of dispersed phase, dispersed drops diameter, and number of drops per unit volume on the corrosion rate is investigated and discussed. Test runs are carried out using two types of

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Optimal Location of Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) for IEEE 5-Bus Standard System Using Genetic Algorithm
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Heuristic approaches are traditionally applied to find the optimal size and optimal location of Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) devices in power systems. Genetic Algorithm (GA) technique has been applied to solve power engineering optimization problems giving better results than classical methods. This paper shows the application of GA for optimal sizing and allocation of a Static Compensator (STATCOM) in a power system. STATCOM devices used to increase transmission systems capacity and enhance voltage stability by regulate the voltages at its terminal by controlling the amount of reactive power injected into or absorbed from the power system. IEEE 5-bus standard system is used as an example to illustrate the te

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 24 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Neotectonics of Al-Thirthar, Al-Habbaniya , Al-Razzazah Depressions, Central Iraq, by using Remote Sensing Data.
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The object of this research is to reveal the neotectonics of Al-Thirthar, Al-Habbaniya, and Al-Razzazah depressions by using remote sensing data. The age of the exposed rocks ranges from Early Miocene to Holocene. The depressions represent the west margin of the Mesopotamia Zone along its boundary with Al-Salman Zone. The lineament map contains three major groups of lineaments. Two of them are trending east-west and northeast-southwest parallel to the transversal fault systems of Iraq territory. The third group is trending northwest-southeast. The lineament groups reveal the tectonic and structural effects to the extension and the shape of the depressions. The intersection of the lineaments divided the area into small fragments which con

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives
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Medicinal plants are a source for a wide variety of natural active compounds and are used for the treatment of diseases throughout the world. Conocarpus erectus L. widely planted all over Iraq and has different secondary metabolites, which has been used in treatment of anemia, cancer, fever and diarrhea. The present study aims to estimate the antibacterial activity of Conocarpus erectus leaves extracts on some microorganisms collected from patients with burn infection. The study began with the collection of Conocarpus erectus leaves in June 2018 from the trees in university of Baghdad. Maceration method was used to prepare aqueous extract, while Soxhelt apparatus was used to prepare methanolic extract. The results of phytochemical test show

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Bridge Engineering
Novel Demountable Shear Connector for Accelerated Disassembly, Repair, or Replacement of Precast Steel-Concrete Composite Bridges
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A novel demountable shear connector for precast steel-concrete composite bridges is presented. The connector uses high-strength steel bolts, which are fastened to the top flange of the steel beam with the aid of a special locking nut configuration that prevents bolts from slipping within their holes. Moreover, the connector promotes accelerated construction and overcomes the typical construction tolerance issues of precast structures. Most importantly, the connector allows bridge disassembly. Therefore, it can address different bridge deterioration scenarios with minimum disturbance to traffic flow including the following: (1) precast deck panels can be rapidly uplifted and replaced; (2) connectors can be rapidly removed and replaced; and (

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2024
Journal Name
South African Journal Of Chemical Engineering
Removal of COD from petroleum refinery wastewater by adsorption using activated carbon derived from avocado plant
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