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The Problem of Translating Antonyms in The Holy Qur’an into German’’, in an analytical manner: Das Übersetzungsproblem der Antonyme im Heiligen Koran ins Deutsche Analytische Studie
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The present study is entitled “Problems of Translating Holy Qur’an Antonyms into German: An Analytical Study”. It discusses some of the problems of translating Holy Qur’an verses that contain words so opposite in meaning to another word. The main concern of the study stresses some of the errors in translating the oppositeness of certain words of Holy Qur’an from Arabic into other languages like German, a problem that can be traced back to the fact that such words may have two opposites in meaning, one is considered and the other is completely neglected.

      The errors in translating al Qur’an Antonyms can be summarized for several reasons: literal translation, ignorance of the different views of both the linguists and AlQur’an interpreters in conveying the meanings of the opposites, generalizing and specification of the opposites in meaning, interpreting one main meaning of the opposites and ignoring the other one, the absence of the word in the target language that closely indicates the meaning in the source language, depending entirely on the most correct opinion of the meaning, ignorance of an extra meaning other than the opposites, depending on the personal interpretation and mistranslating certain opposites either intentionally or unintentionally.


Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit handelt das Übersetzungsproblem von Antonymen in den Heiligen Koran- Versen ins Deutsche auf beschreibende und analytische Weise ab. Dieses Thema ist großer von Bedeutung besonders für die nicht-arabische Muslime, d.h., die deutschstämmige Muslime, die die arabische Sprache nicht sprechen kann. Der Grund für diese Studie ist das Auftreten einiger Fehler beim Übersetzen von Gegensätzen im Koran ins Deutsche und  veranschaulicht sie auch in vereinfachter Form die Gründe dieser Fehler bei der Übersetzung von diesen Gegensätzen. Der Grund für diese Fehler im Übersetzungsprozess ist die Existenz von Wörtern, die zwei gegensätzlichen Bedeutungen in den einigen Koran- Versen, sozusagen (die Antonyme) enthalten, d.h., ein Gegenwort, das zu einem anderen Wort eine gegensätzliche Bedeutung hat, oder aus dem  Semantikaspekt ist es ( das Antonym) ein Wort, dessen Bedeutung das genaue Gegenteil zu der eines anderen Wortes ausdrückt.

Die Forschungsfrage liegt darin, dass mehrere Fehler beim Übersetzen der Antonyme im Heiligen Koran gemacht werden. Die Ursachen dieser Übersetzungsfehler können wir ja auf die Wörter, die zwei gegensätzlichen Bedeutungen enthalten, zurückführen, deshalb hatten die Übersetzungen oftmals vor, eine von den beiden Bedeutungen zu nehmen und die andere zu ignorieren. Wir können überhaupt einige dieser Probleme aufzählen, in die die Übersetzer des Heiligen Korans beim Übersetzen dieser Antonyme geraten sind. Sie sind zum Beispiel: die wörtliche Übersetzung; die Übersetzer der Koransbedeutungen haben keine  gute bzw. ausreichende Kenntnis über die  Meinungen von Linguisten hinsichtlich der Bedeutung dieses Wortes; die Differenzen der Linguisten und Koran-Interpreten über die Bedeutungen des Korans; Verallgemeinerung der semantischen Bedeutung der Ausdrücke; das Fehlen eines Wortes in der Zielsprache deutet auf die gleiche Bedeutung in der Ausgangssprache hin; die persönliche Meinung des Übersetzers und die Antonyme können absichtlich oder versehentlich nicht übersetzt werden. Alle diese Dinge waren insgesamt die Hauptursache für die Fehler beim Übersetzen der Kontrastausdrücke in den heiligen Koran Versen.                                                                                 


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Publication Date
Mon May 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Jordan Left Derivation and Centralizer on Skew Matrix Gamma Ring
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We define skew matrix gamma ring and describe the constitution of Jordan left centralizers and derivations on skew matrix gamma ring on a  -ring. We also show the properties of these concepts.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 18 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Nucleon momentum distributions and elastic electron scattering form factors for 48Ti and 54Fe nuclei
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The nucleon momentum distributions (NMD) for the ground state and elastic electron scattering form factors have been calculated in the framework of the coherent fluctuation model and expressed in terms of the weight function (fluctuation function). The weight function has been related to the nucleon density distributions of nuclei and determined from theory and experiment. The nucleon density distributions (NDD) is derived from a simple method based on the use of the single particle wave functions of the harmonic oscillator potential and the occupation numbers of the states. The feature of long-tail behavior at high momentum region of the NMD has been obtained using both the theoretical and experimental weight functions. The observed ele

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 13 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
On Soft Turning Points
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The soft sets were known since 1999, and because of their wide applications and their great flexibility to solve the problems, we used these concepts to define new types of soft limit points, that we called soft turning points.Finally, we used these points to define new types of soft separation axioms and we study their properties.

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 25 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Different Estimation Methods for System Reliability Multi-Components model: Exponentiated Weibull Distribution
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        In this paper, estimation of system reliability of the multi-components in stress-strength model R(s,k) is considered, when the stress and strength are independent random variables and follows the Exponentiated Weibull Distribution (EWD) with known first shape parameter θ and, the second shape parameter α is unknown using different estimation methods. Comparisons among the proposed estimators through  Monte Carlo simulation technique were made depend on mean squared error (MSE)  criteria

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A New Three Step Iterative Method without Second Derivative for Solving Nonlinear Equations
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In this paper , an efficient new procedure is proposed to modify third –order iterative method obtained by Rostom and Fuad [Saeed. R. K. and Khthr. F.W. New third –order iterative method for solving nonlinear equations. J. Appl. Sci .7(2011): 916-921] , using three steps based on Newton equation , finite difference method and linear interpolation. Analysis of convergence is given to show the efficiency and the performance of the new method for solving nonlinear equations. The efficiency of the new method is demonstrated by numerical examples.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-dhad Book Store And Publishing
Calculus part 2
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This book includes four main chapters: 1. Indefinite Integral. 2. Methods of Integration. 3. Definite Integral. 4. Multiple Integral. In addition to many examples and exercises for the purpose of acquiring the student's ability to think correctly in solving mathematical questions.

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Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Comparison between Electroplating and Electroless on Plastic Surface
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We report a method of converting non-conductive plastic surfaces into conductive by plating either copper electroless or copper electroplating -carbon black containing bending Agent onto Perspex plastics . Various approaches have been studied in order to comparing properties of the plated copper for two methods such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM),thickness, roughness, porosity, tensile Strength and elongation. The results show that the surface of electroplating was uniform, compact, and continuous and it had an obvious metallic sheen, while the surface of plated copper for electroless for it had many pores. Also observed that the coating was composed of small cells. Thes

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Wastewater Bio-solids Management for Fertilizer Quality Using Co- composting Process
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Co-composting process can be acquired by combining organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) with sewage sludge (SS) and mature compost (MC) as enhancement and bulking agent to overcome the problems of municipal solid waste and wastewater treatment plants besides the finally produced fertilizer usage for agriculture and horticulture. The effects of different mixture ratios of (OFMSW), (SS) and (MC) on the performance of composting process were investigated in this study. Piles of about 10 kg were prepared by mixing OFMSW, SS and MC in three different ratios (w/w) [OFMSW: SS: MC= 3:1:1, 3:2:1, and 3:3:1]. Results showed that the pile [3:1:1] was most beneficial to composting. The final compost products contained a

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-dhad Book Store And Publishing
Calculus part 1
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This book includes three main chapters: 1. Functions & Their Derivatives. 2. Minimum, Maximum and Inflection points. 3. Partial Derivative. In addition to many examples and exercises for the purpose of acquiring the student's ability to think correctly in solving mathematical questions.

Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Elderly Healthcare System for Chronic Ailments using Machine Learning Techniques – a Review
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     World statistics declare that aging has direct correlations with more and more health problems with comorbid conditions. As healthcare communities evolve with a massive amount of data at a faster pace, it is essential to predict, assist, and prevent diseases at the right time, especially for elders. Similarly, many researchers have discussed that elders suffer extensively due to chronic health conditions.  This work was performed to review literature studies on prediction systems for various chronic illnesses of elderly people. Most of the reviewed papers proposed machine learning prediction models combined with, or without, other related intelligence techniques for chronic disease detection of elderly patie

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