Tekrarlar, anlamı kuvvetlendirmek, ifadeyi zenginleştirmek amacıyla kullanılan dil unsurlarıdır. Ural Batır destanı da tekrarlar, özellikle de ikilemeler açısından zengindir. Bu yazıda, Ural Batır destanındaki ikilemeler gruplandırılarak verilecek ve değerlendirmesi yapılacaktır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Tekrar, ikileme, aralıklı ikileme, destan.
Word repeating is language items used for strengthen the meaning and riching the expression. By this view, Ural Batır epic is a good example for word repeating units. In this paper, Ural Batır epic’s word repeating has been presented by classification.
Key Words: Repeating, a pair words, a pair words by space, epic.
Tekrarlar, anlamı kuvvetlendirmek, ifadeyi zenginleştirmek amacıyla kullanılan dil unsurlarıdır. Ural Batır destanı da tekrarlar, özellikle de ikilemeler açısından zengindir. Bu yazıda, Ural Batır destanındaki ikilemeler gruplandırılarak verilecek ve değerlendirmesi yapılacaktır.
Word repeating is language items used for strengthen the meaning and riching the expression. By this view, Ural Batır epic is a good example for word repeating units. In this paper, Ural Batır epic’s word repeating has been presented by classification.
There was an ancient Myth came from cuneiform texts which had written by ancient Iraqi , its hero is the goddess Nerottaa .it was appeared in two languages Sumerian and Akkadian .
Anticyclone of synoptic studies that influence weather and climate of Iraq, The aim of
the study is to clarify the effect variation of repetition of Anticyclone and effect on thermal
characteristic in Iraq were pressure level has been analyzed (1000) millibars and that because
of pressure level is the closet to the earth surface and the clarity of climatic phenomenon
based on a systematic analysis of synoptic seeking maps and observation and (12:00)
according to timing GMT for five climatic stations which is (Mosul, Kirkuk, Baghdad, Rutba,
and Basra) and so far three consecutive climatic cycles which is first climatic cycle for period
(1986-1976). and second climatic cycle for period (1997-1987) and third climatic cy
ٕ ضٞظ٤ق جالْطٌٞز ك٢ جالوخ هى ظٍٜ ً٘ٓ ظٌٜٞ جالوخ جٗٞ٤ُح٢ٗ جُوىْ٣ ، جي ضؼى ٌجكىج ٜٔٓح ُالوخ ذحؾحٚٓٗ جُٔهطِلس ؛ قط٠ أٚركص جُ٘ٞٛ٘ جٍُٓو٣س جُكى٣ػس ٝ جُٔؼحٍٚز ، ال ٌٜ٘ٔ٣ح ضكو٤ن ٖؼ٣ٍطٜح ٝ ٓطؼطٜح وٕٝ جالْطِٜحّ ٖٓ جألْطٌٞز ذ٘حت٤ح أٝ ك٣ٌٍح ، ًُج كوى ض٘حٍٝ جُركع ذىٌٙٝ ضٞظ٤ق جْطٌٞز ٕٖٞٗٔ جُطٌٞجض٤س ، ٢ٛٝ ٖٓ جالْحٍ٤٠ جُط٢ ٝؾىش قٌٟٞج ك٢ جالوخ جُؼح٢ُٔ ٝجُؼر١ٍ .جي ئٕ ضٞظ٤لٜح ك٢ جالوخ ٣ؼطٜ٤ح ذؼىج ٤ٓطحك٣ُ٤وح ٝجنٍ جٓٗح٢ٗ ٣ؿٔغ ك٢
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The paper pays attention to the polysemous words Harry Potter (HP). In this story, the present study exams some picking polysemic words to the extent that the translators of HP prevail to render the proposed significance as per the setting of the first content. Obviously, the picking translators in this examination were not mindful of the wonder of polysemy in the HP. They embrace a strict interpretation methodology to pass on the greater part of the polysemic sense. The method of data collection is divided into two stages. Firstly, determining the situational context of the fantasy and identifying the polysemic sense to clearly make all the contextual meanings of the source text. Secondly, reviewing the selected translation to
... Show Moreالتطور الدلالي لمعاني الكلمات في اللغة العبرية
تهدف هذه دراسه
The dictionary meaning of the word is a linguistic category of the thing in a specific way . it is also a brief description of it .The main function of the concept lies in the total scientific reflection of the things where as the main function of the meaning is a brief reference to a certain content (extralinguistic ) which shows human knowledge . The meaning is (a storage unit ) of knowledge of the world ,but this does not give the extra linguistic meaning which the old words have . Hence, additional cultural ,ethnic,communicative
and genetic information is needed.
All the old words which are brought into us
... Show MoreПредметом нашего исследования является вводные слова и их значения в современном русском языке. И прежде чем углубиться в нашу научную работу нам было необходимо определить понятие вводных слов и их функция и место в системе русского языка. По словам В. Г. Лебедева и Л. С. Тюревы "Вводные слова вводятся в предложении, чтобы выражать отношение говорящего к высказываемой мысли, оценки ее содержа
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