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Rache" in ausgewählten deutschen Dichtungen Eine interpretierende Studie
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Die Rache ist also ein effizientes, ausgiebiges Thema, das man in der Dramatik, in der Lyrik und auch in der Epik als Theaterzuschauer oder als Leser voller Spannung verfolgt.

Wenn man solch ein Thema verfolgt, wird man stark beeinflusst. Der Leser bzw. Zuschauer bleibt nicht isoliert vom Geschehen und wird innerlich unweigerlich zur Äußerung seiner Meinung gedrängt, gleich ob er sich nun für oder gegen das Verhalten der Gestalten solch eines Werkes stellt. Im Zuge meiner Forschungsarbeit mit diesen auserwählten Werken, in der ich das Thema „Rache“ behandelt habe, bin ich zu dem Resultat gekommen, dass die rächende Person ein bitteres Ende nimmt und ein dunkles Schicksal hat, indem sie alles um sich herum vernichtet und somit zu einem Mörder wird, der das Morden genießt. Dies ist das Schicksal eines jeden, der an Rache denkt. Hätte der Rächer auf seine perfiden Pläne verzichtet, wäre es unweigerlich auf diesen oder jenen Weg schrittweise zu einer Lösung des Problems bzw. der Krise gekommen. Der Geist der Rache macht jedoch blind und wenn der Rächer nach seiner Tat die Augen öffnet, sieht er, dass alles, aber auch alles verloren ist.


A paper submitted by the Many famous works of German literature had been selected and a detail for the work events with analysis the way of revenge, its reasons & incentives had been narrated.

  1. The visit of the old lady is a play, written by Friedrich Durrenmatt. The old lady revenges from her previous lover who denies the sonships of their daughter and his claim has been gained against her throughout faked witnesses that violated her honor. When the poor woman had married from on of the rich people and got inheritance, she returned to the city and revenging from any one who hurt her, the first one is her previous lover.  
  2. The Lost Honor for Katrina Blum )) is a novel written by Heinrich  Böll. He portrays to us; the soft girl is Katrina; it is a peaceful girl working as housekeeper, acquainting & falling in love of a yang man in one of the parties. This young man was chased, wanted by the police and justice, Katrina spent the night with her lover and    was surprised by a strong intrusion of her apartment by the police. The investigation has been verified & the yellow journalism, ruined her; pretending that she had a relationship with the terrorists. Bad news has been reported about her; leading to the increasing of the paper's purchase. However, this led to Katrina's mother's death. So, Katrina had to revenge and killed the journalist who dishonored ruined her.


  1. Effi Briest) is a novel written by Theodor Fontana. The heroin; is a young woman ''being affected by her mother'' married from duke who is older than her by 21 years. The duke was always busy in formal trips, leaving the young woman ( Eife)  alone by  herself in the house , no one talks to her. Therefore, she was forced to meet one of her ex- husband's friends and love affair has been started. The duke finds out this relationship by accidentally, challenging his wife's  lover, fighting , killing him by angrily, The Duke prevented his wife to see her daughter and left her alone, till her death, 
  2. Unexpected Return) is a play written by Botho Strauß; the husband found out that his wife is a pregnant by his friend. His friend raped, attempted to kill her by wrapping her in carpet of house. He escaped, leaving her in her bloody shape.  She was saved & aborted by her husband. In return to that, he forced her to be a housewife serving him his beloved. Not only this, but he also observed her for twenty years above the mountain. The husband explained the way of revenge from his wife to his friend who unexpectedly returned to the crime scene when he lost his way. 


  1. Emilia Galotti) is a play written by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, it is about a  pretty woman ; she accidentally met the price who immediately loved in a mass . The prince wanted to get her by all means in spite of being engaged to the prince asked one his men to set up Emalia's fiancé and killing him & kidnapping her to the prince palace. When Emilia's father recognized what had happened to his daughter; the duke headed to this palace, carrying a dagger along with him that had been given him by the ex- sweetheart of the prince, she indented that the duke would kill the prince in revenge.  But this dagger inserted in Emilia's heart that she realized that there is no way to escape. She asked her father to stab her in order to keep her honor.

Throughout; my paper of selected works that I dealt with ( the theme of revenge ), the bottom line was sad for the revenge  and he had been led to dark destiny or destroying what around him to be killer and to be joyful in the murdering people .

Thus, this is a destiny of every one thinking to kill. If the revenge gives up his wanton plans; the crises, problem would be solved that he suffered gradually.  But the spirit of revenge; blind the eyes to open his eyes later & every thing had been lost.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 13 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role Federal Board Of Supreme Audit Of Auditing The Economic And Technical Feasibility Studies
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The importance of economic and technical feasibility studies include all of the investor, the society, the banks, the project and the government. As it will assist in achieving the optimal use of the available economic incomes on the national level and arranging the projects in priority which participates in achieving the government benefit without wasting the amounts .This is the research goal So, the research covered its theoretical aspect, of SAIs and the economic and technical feasibility studies then the role of the auditors in auditing those studies Then a mechanism was proposed includes a guidebook that provides guidelines for organizing the process of preparing and auditi

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 06 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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The educational function of television is one of the basic functions in light of the technical development that included the specialized satellite channels in all its fields, including the educational field, as its role became parallel to the role of educational institutions. These studies are among the descriptive studies in terms of the type of study methodology that describes the phenomenon, interprets its and extract the results and relationships between the variables. The study sample was multistage (random and intentional) included the students of the sixth academic and literary preparatory stage in the city of Baghdad.
The study problem was summarized by the following main question:
( What are the motives for the exposure of

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
مدى معرفة واستعمال تدريسيو اقسام الجغرافية في كليات التربية لتطبيقات التعليم الالكترونية
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Abstract The present research aims to know the range of Knowledge and the using of teachers of aerography department in colleges of Education to Applicant electronic Learning , So the Sample of the research reached (129) teacher, of the university of Boghdad and Al mustansiria who were chosen by using Randomly sample , and applauding questioner for these perpos that prepared by muhamed bn Ghazi Al Judi – and by using the T-test for one sample and person correlation formula as a statistical means. The research reached to the results which indicate that weakness knowledge and using the theachers of geographe department to the application electronic learning. And according this the researcher put some Recommendation and suggestions. 

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Análisis de la traducción del relativo “QUE” en “la Barraca” al árabe
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The field of translation studies is full of different types of social, economic, political, and literary translations as well as other types related to the life of the human being which are several, but the translation of the grammatical aspects is considered one of the important tasks that both of the translator and interpreter have to take in consideration, so as to get an translation so perfect and so correct as much as possible. One of the grammatical aspects that we have to know how to be translated correctly is the relative pronouns. And it’s about the relative pronouns translation from Spanish to Arabic turns my research work.

      In this research, I will consider how to be translated the relat

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 25 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
(تحليل القابليات الذاتية في القطاع الصناعي لتحقيق التنمية الإقليمية (مدخل تخطيطي استراتيجي
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of Flaring Angle of Transition Structure On the Scouring of outlet structure
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The transition structure is considered as the most important hydraulic structure controlling the w/s transtion, morever it decrease the scouring of outlet structure.

seven experiment samples for transition structure was used in this research at different angles ( 10° - 90° ).

       It was shown that froud number has a clear effect on the depth of the scouring, morever the high discharge rates cause an increase of the ratio between the length of the scour and its depth.

       In order to select the best flaring angle it was shown that the angle of 40° has the most discharge rate, least structure length and least angle scour depth, with the firmly of t

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
أثر أستعمال الأسئلة التحضيرية في أكتساب طالبات الصف الرابع العام للمفاهيم التاريخية
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        يمر عالمنا المعاصر اليوم بمرحلة من التطور والتغيير السريعين لم يسبق له أن مر بهما فـي تاريخ البشرية ، ويشمل مظاهر الحياة  الأنسانية  والأقتصادية والعلمية والتربويـة والنفسية وغير ذلك . وتختلف سرعة هذا التغيير من مجتمع الـى مجتمع آخر , وأدى هذا الى تراكم كميات كبيرة من المعلومات .

         لقد أكد الكثير مـن التربويين أن التطور التكنولوجي فـي ال

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The expansion of granting bank credit and its impact on the financial position of some Iraqi banks
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                   The study aimed to identify the expansion in granting credit to Iraqi banking institutions and its impact on the financial position of Iraqi banks in terms of revenues, profits, expenses and property rights in banks, as the expansion in granting bank credit will correspond to an increase or decrease in some items of the balance sheet and the financial position of banks, so the problem of the current study It will be determined through whether the expansion of granting bank credit will affect the financial position of Iraqi banks or not by studying the selected research community of the 10 Iraqi banks listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange, The research sample included the u

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Collection, Storage and Protein Extraction Method of Gingival Crevicular Fluid for Proteomic Analysis
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Gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) may reflect the events associated with orthodontic tooth movement. Attempts have been conducted to identify biomarkers reflecting optimum orthodontic force, unwanted sequallea (i.e. root resorption) and accelerated tooth movement. The aim of the present study is to find out a standardized GCF collection, storage and total protein extraction method from apparently healthy gingival sites with orthodontics that is compatible with further high-throughput proteomics. Eighteen patients who required extractions of both maxillary first premolars were recruited in this study. These teeth were randomly assigned to either heavy (225g) or light force (25g), and their site specific GCF was collected at baseline and aft

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
مجلة بحوث الشرق الأوسط
دراسة مقارنة لمستوى التمکین الإداری بین مشرفی التربیة الریاضیة (الاختصاص والفنی) لمدیریات التربیة فی محافظة بغداد A Comparative Study of the Level of Administrative Empowerment between the Physical Education Supervisors (Specialization and Technical) of Education Directorate in Baghdad Governorate
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