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Technical methods in foreign language teaching as a new method in foreign language learning
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Unter dem Titel " Technische Methoden im Fremdsprachunterricht als eine neueste Methode im Fremdsprachlernen, die Spiele als Muster"

versteht man, dass die Forschung  sich mit einer neuen Methoden im Fremdsprachunterricht beschäftigt. Von den neuen Methoden im Unterricht sind die Spiele. So man sieht  in den letzten Jahren viele Artikel zum Thema Spiele im Fremdsprschunterricht. Davon gehen wir aus, dass die Spiele im Unterricht eine groβe Rolle spielt, denn diese Methode macht Lust, Spaβ im Lernenprozeβ. Die Spiele im Unterricht bezeichnen als ein Mittel, um Unterricht etwas Schönes , Nützliches und Lebendigs zu sein. Die Spiele sind vielfälltig und unterscheidet sich nach den Themen und Materialien. In dieser Forschung wird sich mit den Spielen im Grammatikunterricht beschäftigt. Vielleicht denkt man warum Grammatik! Die Antwort ist:

  • Im Fremdspracherwerb ist die Grammatik so wichtig.
  • Ohne richtige Grammatik kann man nicht gut und verständlich sprechen.
  • Die Regeln in einer Fremdsprache sind schwierig zu verstehen und zu verwenden
  • Am meisten erscheint der Grammatikunterricht als etwas Langweiligs
  • Abstract

        This research deals with one of  the new methods that are used in foreign language teaching which is "games". In the previous years, many articales and books concerning the use of games in the lectures were published that’s why ''games'' is chosen to be the research topic. The use of games in the lectures plays a crucial role in the teaching process as it mackes the lecture appear to be more enjoyable and beneficial. There are a large number of games that vary according to the lesson involved. This research deals with the use of games in grammer lectures specially when teaching the German language. One may ask, why grammer? It is chosen for the following reasons:

    1. Grammer is very important in foreign language learning.
    2. Without a proper grammer, one cannot speak in a good and understandable way.
    3. It is difficult to understand  and use the rules of grammer of any foreign language.
    4. Grammer lecture always appears to be very boring.

    Using games in the lectures makes the learning process easier because the students will be set into groups to talk, discuss and correct their mistaks by themselves in a comfortable way. In this method, the teaching process is not a teacher- center but the teacher'srole is only to guide and control what's going on in the classroom.

    This research is divided into three sections: section one presents an explanation of the foreign language lecture, learning a foreign language, grammer lecture and the use of games in teaching grammer.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Shariah ruling on advice
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Research title: The legal ruling of advice.

This research deals with the topic of advice, as the research included the following:

Preamble: I explained in it the meaning of advice in the Qur’an and Sunnah, and that what is meant by it is a good performance of the duty, then explaining its importance, importing it, and the difference between advice and what is similar to it, from enjoining good, denial, reproach and reprimand, backbiting and the will.

The first topic: It dealt with the ruling on advice, whether it is recommended or disliked, or forbidden, because what is meant by it is to give advice to others may be an obligation in kind, or it may be desirable or dislike

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Alcoholic and Aqueous Extract of Piper nigrum on the Larvae of Culex pipiens molestus Forskal (Diptera:Culicidae)
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          The present study includes the effect of the ethanolic and aqueous extract of Piper nigrum against the third instar of Culex pipiens molestus (Diptera:Culicidae) in different concentrations: 1, 1.5 ppm of ethanolic extracts of Piper nigrum causing 100% mortality of larvae in the second day of treatment, while the concentrations 5% of aqueous extracts of Piper nigrum caused 100% mortality of larvae in the second day of treatment. The concentration 2.5% caused 100% mortality of larvae after four days of treatment. The current study also detected the effect of 0.1% concentration of Piper nigrum aqueous extract. The effect of this concentratio

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using GPR Technique Assessment for Study the Sub-Grade of Asphalt and Concrete Conditions
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The Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is frequently used in pavement engineering
for road pavement inspection. The main objective of this work is to validate
nondestructive, quick and powerful measurements using GPR for assessment of subgrade
and asphalt /concrete conditions. In the present study, two different antennas
(250, 500 MHz) were used. The case studies are presented was carried in University
of Baghdad over about 100m of paved road. After data acquisition and radar grams
collection, they have been processed using RadExplorer V1.4 software
implementing different filters with the most effective ones (time zero adjustment and
DC removal) in addition to other interpretation tool parameters.
The interpretatio

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Wasit Journal Of Pure Sciences
Synthesis of the integer FIR filters with short coefficient word length
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The integer simulation and development finite impulse response (FIR) filters taking into account the possibilities of their realization on digital integer platforms are considered. The problem statement and solution of multifunctional synthesis of digital FIR filters such a problem on the basis of the numerical methods of integer nonlinear mathematical programming are given. As an several examples, the problem solution of synthesis FIR-filters with short coefficient word length  has been given. The analysis of their characteristics is resulted. The paper discusses issues of modeling and synthesis of digital FIR filters with provision for the possibilities of their implementation on digital platforms with integer computation arithme

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Apr 28 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The calculation of the charge density distributions of the 1f-2p shell nuclei using the occupation numbers of the states
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The charge density distributions (CDD) and the elastic electron scattering form factors, F(q), of the ground state for some 1f-2p shell nuclei, such as 74Ge, 76Ge, 78Se and 80Se nuclei have been calculated based on the use of occupation numbers of the states and the single particle wave functions of the harmonic oscillator potential with size parameters chosen to reproduce the observed root mean square charge radii for all considered nuclei. It is found that introducing additional parameters, namely β1 and β2 which reflect the difference of the occupation numbers of the states from the prediction of the simple shell model leads to a remarkable agreement between the calculated and experimental results of the charge density distributions

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Theoretical Calculations of Rate Constant of Electron Transfer Across N3/TiO2 Sensitized Dye Interface Solar Cell
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 The rate of electron transfer from N3 sensitized by dye to TiO2 semiconductor in variety solvent have been calculated as a function of reorientation energy effective free energy , volume of semiconductor , attenuation and lattice constant of semiconductor .       A very strong dependence of the electron transfer rate constant on the reorientation and effective free energy .Results of calculation indicate that TiO2 is available to use with N3 dye .Our calculation results show that a good agreement with experimental result

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The Electric Energy Generation Approach of the Energy Saving House Using Photovoltaic System
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This paper describes a research effort that aims of developing solar models for housing suitable for the Arabian region since the Arabian Peninsula is excelled with very high levels of solar radiation.
The current paper is focused on achieving energy efficiency through utilizing solar energy and conserving energy. This task can be accomplished by implementation the major elements related to energy efficiency in housing design , such as embark on an optimum photovoltaic system orientation to maximize seize solar energy and produce solar electricity. All the precautions were taken to minimizing the consumption of solar energy for providing the suitable air-condition to the inhibitor of the solar house in addition to use of energy effici

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation The Efficiency And Effectiveness of The Iraq stock Exchange -An Empirical Study From July 2004 to March 2008–
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 The aim of this study was to provide an overall assessment to the efficiency of the Iraq stocks exchanges (ISE) through specifying well –known models .First, Fama's efficient market hypothesis as a contrary concept to the random walk hypothesis, was performed and it has been found that ISE follows the random process, so the price of the shares can't be predicated on the basis of past information. Second,we use a multifactor model, which so named multiple regression, to explore the link between ISE  and the main economic indicators. our empirical analysis finds that every weak associations exists between major ISE measures and main economic indicators.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the Contrast of Thermal Expansion Behavior of the Unsaturated Polyester resin (UP) containing Phenolic Bakelite(PF) By Using The Thermomechanical Analysis Technique(TMA)
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TMA Technique was used to study the behavior of the thermal expansion (α) of the unsaturated polyester resin(UP) containing ratios wt % of different phenolic Bakelite. We can through this technique evaluate the coefficient of linear thermal expansion (α) on the one hand and the glass transition temperature(Tg)  of his other hand of polymer composite prepared .Evidenced from this study that extravagant increases the ratio of phenolic Bakelite in polyester prepared led to a decrease in the Tg and it was observed that there is increase in the values of (α) in low temperture and decrease in high temperture due to transformation of polymeric material from elastic to plastic , and therefore, increase the ratio to 15% phenoli

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Comparison between Ghassan Kanafani's Novel " Ma tabaqa lakom" and William Faulkner's "The Sound and the Fury" from the Perspective of the American School (the methodology of the novelistic theme and style): مقایسة دو رمان "ماتبقّي لكم"کنفانی و " خشم و هياهو"ی فاکنر بر اساس مكتب آمريكا (بررسی روش شناختی محتوایی و سبکی )
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     Being the meeting points of the world different languages and out of a scholarly perspective, comparative literature represents a cultural leap as well as an artistic and intellectual development or a global literary movement of both prose and poetry. Such homogenous literary structure requires a systematic and coherent study of the literary output of the people different cultures and civilizations. It also represents the theoretical approach of the present study that debates a systematic comparison between Ghassan Kanafani’s All That's Left to You and William Faulkner’s. The Sound and the Fury.  Within the perspective of the descriptive analysis approach, the present paper discusses th

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