The novel has recently received great attention from readers and before them writers, due to the role it is playing, and this indicates an important rule, which is whenever there is art or creativity, there must be a criticism of its own, and this criticism is certainly no less important than its owner, so we find There are critics who have their distinguished literary position in following up the narrative development, and trying to describe the transformation of its elements, including Professor Fadel Thamer, and whoever wants to approach an element of the novel as an explorer, he must stand on the visions of this critic about it, and this is what made us take the element (personality) Tracking the most important opinions of the critic about it.
أن هذه الدراسة هي دراسة نظرية اهتمت بتقديم مدخل معاصر لمنظمات الأعمال، يمكن أن يعتمد علية من أجل تحقيق الريادة و البقاء. وذلك من خلال اعتماد مدخل الهدم الخلاق و تقديم أنموذج قادر على التفاعل مع البيئة بكل ما تقدمه من فرص وتحديات.
وتم تقسيم هذه الدراسة إلى ثلاثة مباحث،تناول المبحث الأول منهجية الدراسة. وبينما تناول المبحث الثاني توضيح مفهوم الهدم الخلاق والعناصر المكونة لهذا المدخل وأخيراً
... Show MoreThis research aims at identifying problems that the Iraqi widow woman suffers from. The research is limited to a Sample of terrorism victims widows which is up to (70) widows from Al-Amal center for widows and orphans care in Baghdad. <
... Show Moreيعد التأمين أحد المؤسسات المالية ذات التأثير على برامج التنمية ، وما زال قطاع التأمين يعاني من العديد من المشاكل منها الوعي أو التشريع أو كيفية توظيفه كمورد اقتصادي واجتماعي خدمة للمجتمع والمؤسسات والافراد. وحيث أن التأمين يقدم خدمة تستوجب التزامها بمواصفات محددة ، لذا أصبح من الضروري دراسة آليات تحسين جودة الخدمة التأمينية وكذلك دراسة واقع العملية التسويقية للخدمة التأمينية وما ينالها من تحديات داخلية أ
... Show MoreThe performance of a solar cell under sun radiation is necessary to describe the electrical parameters of the cell. The Prova 200 solar panel analyzer is used for the professional testing of four solar cells at Baghdad climate conditions. Voltage -current characteristics of different area solar cells operated under solar irradiation for testing their quality and determining the optimal operational parameters for maximum electrical output were obtained. A correlation is developed between solar cell efficiency h and the corresponding solar cell parameters; solar irradiance G, maximum power Pmax, and production date P. The average absolute error of the proposed correlation is 5.5% for 40 data points. The results also show th
... Show Moreالتعددية الثقافية هي مفهوم يتعلق بالمجتمعات التي تضم ثقافات عده، أو العالم الذي يتضمن ثقافات متنوعة؛ فالتعددية هي التنوع الثقافي والفكري؛ وبالتالي هي عنصر إثراء للإنسانية وأساس لوجودها؛ فالتعددية الثقافية تتضمن القبول بالثقافات والافكار الانسانية كلها، وإفساح المجال أمامها للمشاركة في بنا ء الثقافة والفكر العالمي؛ وهكذا فإنها تتمثل في التسامح مع الثقافات والافكار المختلفة الاعتراف بالهويات والخصوصيات
... Show MoreDay after day, Morsek literature 879-1018/1492-1609proves the completion of all literary branches starting from poetry with its different purposes to include prose with its various subjects. In 2016, a complete text of ‘the literature of Morsek journey
Barhi dates fruit are one of the most important date palm cultivars which are some of their properties they are mostly eaten and sold at the khalal stage when it has become yellow compared with rutab stage. At this stage the fruit loses its astringency and becomes sweet and best texture, therefore. High moisture content and rapid ripening of Barhi dates shorten their shelf life, as well the Khalal stage lasts for about 4 weeks until the ripening of the fruits begins and transfer to rutab stage. In the present study, Barhi dates packaging in the first by common air - packaging and
second by Modified atmosphere packaging, MAP A (5% O2 + 20% CO2) and MAP B (40%O2+20%CO2) and stored for 30 days at different temperatures 5 and 20 °C, re
Day after day, Morsek literature 879-1018/1492-1609proves the completion of all literary branches starting from poetry with its different purposes to include prose with its various subjects. In 2016, a complete text of ‘the literature of Morsek journeys