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Ruling on dealing with Jews in Muslim countries
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Praise be to God, who is satisfied with Islam as our religion, “He opened a clear conquest for us,” and whoever works with us through the Shari’ah works and protects us. And that our master and Mawlana Muhammad His servant and Messenger is a prophet who has been merciful and compassionate. "
And after:
The occupation of Iraq and the accompanying bone events, and the following severe obstacles, resulted in a set of problems that require legitimate stances, and satisfactory answers, remove confusion and delusion, amid the clash of opinions and contradictions of jurisprudence. Work and application.
Among the difficult problems that surfaced in light of the new political developments on the land of Iraq: (the ruling on dealing with Jews in Muslim countries), which made it a title for my research in this, in which I tried to answer a number of questions related to the subject, in which I tried to clarify the legal position deriving it from texts The glorious book, the pure sunnah, and the sayings of the nation’s scholars with their different doctrines and paths. A politician I answered him the same.
My goal was not to bias towards a certain group, or to sympathize with this or that group. Rather, the goal that I ask God Almighty to help me was to find out what is right, to the satisfaction of God.
A group of problems related to research imposes itself towards: Why are Muslims permitted to deal with Christians, Buddhists, and infidels, and prohibit dealing with the Jews when they are the people of the Book?
And if dealing with the Jews is forbidden, "then why do we deal with their allies and supporters when we know for certain that this dealing is dealing with the Jews on behalf of the people? Who forbade dealing with the Jews, and when? Is the dealings the same cooperation, or is the dealings other than cooperation? Is dealing with the Jews? In Islamic countries where there are no Jews, and the Jews have little presence, it equals with countries that are subject to the rule of the Jews and their authority as Palestine, or the Jews have influence, and they have extensive relations like these with Egypt, Morocco, Turkey, and some other Arab and Islamic countries? With the Jews is it a religious position or a position dictated by political circumstances? Dealing or taboo cooperation ", what is the legitimate position of those who deal with them in this world and the hereafter?
      These questions dictated and benefited the Jews in Iraq, and the purchase of homes and real estate in it, and what is also mentioned in some countries of the Arab Gulf in the call for dialogue with the (Israeli) people. The research requirements required that I divide it by an introduction, and three topics were discussed in the first topic: the proposals calling for preventing and discussing dealing with the Jews. In the second topic, the proposals calling for dealing with and discussing the Jews. In the third topic, the balance between the legal position and the imperatives of the contemporary political position. Then the conclusion.
     I ask God to bless his name, that I have succeeded in presenting the matter to the satisfaction of God Almighty. I ask the Almighty God to grant Muslims unity and guidance, and to inspire them with intimacy and payment, that he is the best responsible. God bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and him.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
تطبيقات منحنى لورنز ودليل التركيز في كشف تغايرات مساحات وتكرارات وحدات الخارطة لمشاريع من وسط السهل الرسوبي العراقي
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
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Results In Physics
Alpha clustering preformation probability in even-even and odd-A<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline" id="d1e3355" altimg="si39.svg"><mml:msup><mml:mrow /><mml:mrow><mml:mn>270</mml:mn><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mn>317</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math>(116 and 117) using cluster formation model and the mass formulae : KTUY05 and WS4
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Publication Date
Tue Feb 02 2021
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جامعة واسط مجلة كلية التربية
استعمال الانموذج اللوجستي ثنائي المعلم في بناء وتدريج مقياس الشخصية الافتراضية المتعدد الابعاد لطلبة الجامعة وفقا لنظرية الاستجابة للفقرة
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تهدف الدراسة الحالية الى استعمال الانموذج اللوجستي ثنائي المعلم في تدريج مقياس الشخصية الافتراضية المتعدد الابعاد لطلبة الجامعة وفقا لنظرية الاستجابة للفقرة، والخروج بتعميم لنتائج البحث والوقوف على الاجراءات العلمية المناسبة وتوفير تطبيق عملي علمي صحيح لاعتمادها من قبل الباحثين. وقد اتبعث الباحثة الاسلوب العلمي من خطوات واجراءات في عملية بناء المقياس حيث حدت ابعاد الشخصية الافتراضية المتمثلة بسبع ابعا

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 04 2025
Journal Name
Kufa Journal Physical Education Sciences
اثر تدريبات بأسلوب التدريب الدائري لبناء التحمل في تطوير بعض القدرات الحركية لأشبال لكرة القدم بأعمار (13- 15) سنة
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اهمية البحث هي مرحلة نمو وبناء اجهزة الجسم للاعبين الاشبال واعداد تدريبات بأسلوب التدريب الدائري لبناء التحمل لتطوير بعض القدرات الحركية والمهارية لدى اللاعبين الاشبال بكرة القدم , حيث لاحظت الباحثة ضعف في مستوى الاداء الحركي ارتأت اعداداً بدنيا ومهارياً منذ مرحلة البناء الأولى للاعب الفئات العمرية , واستخدم الباحث المنهج التجريبي بالاختبار القبلي والبعدي للمجموعتين التجريبية والضابطة لملائمته لطبيعة ال

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Determination Of The Efficient Production Plans For Al-Shaheed Public Company By Using Tatget Motad Model Under Risk And Uncertainty
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The research aims to derive the efficient industrial plans for Al – shaheed public company under risk by using Target MOTAD as a linear alternative  model for the quadratic programming models.

The results showed that there had been a sort of (trade- off) between risk and the expected gross margins. And if the studied company strives to get high gross margin, it should tolerate risk and vice versa. So the management  of Al- Shaheed Company to be invited to apply the suitable procedures in the production process, in order to get efficient plans that improves it's  performance .

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
أصول التربية : تضارب المحتوى وإشكالية الإعداد دراسة نقدية لكتب ومقررات أصول التربية في الجامعات العربية ووضع تصور منهاجي بديل
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Research questions  start from the fact that what the Arab origins of education  indicted . First question are :

- To what extent the subject of assets acquired a specific meaning in the Arabic books and educational subjects ? Is these selections are reflected on the classification of assets and their types ?
- What’s the nature of the content ? .Is there a consistency between the meaning and content ?

- What entrances handling and curriculum approach and tactics are in those books ?

- Is the assets subject introduced within  the grade  best suited ?


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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
الإبلاغ المالي عن المشتقات المالية بوصفها أدوات للتحوط من المخاطر السوقية وفقاً للمعايير المحاسبية الدولية: بالتطبيق في مصرف بغـداد
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The research has  focused on accounting for marketing risks faced by banks because they are exposed to a high level of risk as a result of their great utilization of financial instruments, which may make them liable to insolvency or bankruptcy and collapse, and accordingly to major economic crises. Therefore, banks are required to manage (reduce) risks so as to prevent them. As Iraqi banks don't manage these risks according to modern methodology of using derivatives, as well as lack of both the standard accounting system for banks and the Iraqi accounting criterion (standard) No. 10 to an obvious methodology for these risks identification, classification, hedging and disclosure, the researchers was prompted to concentrate

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of re-engineering to achieve effective performance level of Ministry of electricity operations/an applied study of process reengineering clean solar cells
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 The study is dealing with an application reengineering process clean solar cells in the Ministry of electricity,  as aimed at the possibility of the applicability and impact of re-engineering to achieve the level of performance of the Ministry's operations, with the application of the cleaning process  solar cells, developed, improved and found a correlation, statistically significant effect between variable re-engineering and performance as well as the application of process reengineering clean solar cells:1- Before the re-engineering process the total time for cleaning up and solar cell 20 minutes and number of columns performed per day 24 columns and total  columns750 which were completed per month that re

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
نماذج من التمازج في قصص الأنبياء بين التشريعات السماوية الثلاث : الإسلامية واليهودية والنصرانية: التشريعات السماوية الثلاث: الاسلامية واليهودية والنصرانية
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   يهدف هذا البحث إلى تأصيل الإستدلال بالقاعدة العقائدية، وبيان ضوابطه، وإبراز نماذج من أهم تطبيقاته المعاصرة، وقد أعتمد مناهج من أهمها المنهج الإستقرائي والمنهج المقارن ، وتناول البحث التعريف لقصص النبوة فى الأديان السماوية ، وعرض بعض الدراسات السابقة التى تناولت نفس الموضوع ، ثم تطرق البحث لذكر نماذج من قصص الأنبياء من الديانات السماوية الثلاث ، وتوصل البحث الى أن الأديان السماوية رغم بعض الإختلاف

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Degree of Using Augmented Reality Technology among students of the Optimum Invesment Project fot Teaching Personnel Program and the difficulties they face at Al-Shaqra University
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Augmented reality technology is a modern technique used in all fields, including: medicine, engineering and education, and has received attention from officials in the educational process at present; The focus of this research is on the degree of use of augmented reality among field experience students in the project's optimal investment program for teaching staff and their difficulties, applied to a sample of 75 students, through a questionnaire prepared by the researcher as a tool to determine the degree of use, as well as difficulties. The researcher addressed the subject through two main axes to determine the degree of use, as well as the difficulties preventing teachers and learners from using this technique. The results of the rese

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