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 Faith and its belongings at Imam Al-Qurtubi
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The current research consists of four chapters, the first chapter of which is devoted to presenting the research problem, its importance, purpose and limitations as well as a definition of its terms, as the research was limited to knowing the effect of plant decoration in the Kufic script, while the second chapter included the theoretical framework of the research, which consisted of two topics, one of which is the plant decoration, The second relates to the Kufic script and the stages of its formation, development, and intonation. The third chapter includes the research methodology and mechanisms for analyzing the linear panels. The fourth chapter, during which the most important findings of the researcher were presented, are as follows:
First: With regard to the floral decoration that was added to the Kufic script, we note that the basis for the floral decoration is the following elements
1- Tree leaves, lobes, stems and branches.
2- Flowers and their different parts.
3- Branches, branches, and twines, which the Muslim artist took mainly in drawing many shapes and decorative paintings after he modified them and added shapes to them that he developed through his view of the original shape from all sides, so he formed boundless forms for it, a verse in creativity and mastery, even if it is far from representing nature Directly most of the time, including the following: -
1- Repeating the same vegetable shape in the same painting using symmetry or symmetry, to create a kind of balance and harmony in the painting.
2- The intertwining of the floral motifs with each other and their repetition in the form of a decorative band, or their repetition by symmetry, symmetry or reciprocity.

3- The size of the botanical shape used as a decorative element is almost close to its original size in nature and according to the size of the executed panel.
4- The decoration in general is characterized by its tendency to abstraction, and does not adhere to the forms of nature from which it was quoted.
5- The botanical decorative elements are often characterized by continuity (that is, they have no beginning or end) (open design).
6- By tracing the Islamic floral motifs in their different forms and in general terms, we find that they differ in the accuracy of their representation of nature, according to the ages and regions.
7 - The plant decoration entered the Kufic letter itself, and its decoration, especially the heads of vertical letters such as alpha, lam, fold, and zaha, so I took many forms, including paper, flower, and palm trees, and the vertical letters were linked with different decorative braids, to achieve an aesthetic shape in the linear painting, and also entered the decoration Botanical on the beginnings and ends of other letters, but in a simpler form.
8- The floral motifs play their role in decorating the spaces that are inherently free from the alphabet, that is, to balance the writing in the base of the linear painting
9- The development of the way to fill in the blanks in the Kufic handwriting, making the Kufic letter a complex decorative letter, sometimes difficult to distinguish.
10- Finally, the improvement of the Kufic script and its decoration is clear evidence of the influence of the plant decoration in the Kufic script and its popularity and its preservation, while retaining its aesthetic value and its originality for a long period of time and in various technical and applied fields.
     However, this distance from nature was not the result of a weakness in observation or a lack of ability. Rather, it is most likely intended for its own and perhaps it arises from the belief of the Muslim believer.
Second: With regard to the Kufic script.
1- The intonation of Arabic calligraphy is based on developing simple letters into decorative letters. These fonts and scripts were used in various technical and applied fields, and its types reached dozens.
  2- In addition to the fact that the Arabic calligraphy is an expressive tool, it represents a rich artistic field, as the letter alone is stripped, so artists used it as an abstract symbol or art form, from the meaning of words and its distribution on an approach that creates a kind of sensual and visual excitement within a creative and creative aesthetic framework.
3 - The kufic script was destined to become a decorative tool after it acquired the character of dryness in the kufa. The Holy Qur’an was the first motive for mastering writing and improving the calligraphy, because it was necessary to codify it in a manner commensurate with its sacred status. The second to learn and improve writing.
4- The indirect effect as a result of the theory of prohibition or hatred for the drawing attributed to the Islamic faith has had an impact on the intonation of the calligraphy, provided that the development of the kufic calligraphy and its advancement and exit from its homeland to neighboring countries since the end of the second century AH. The completeness and maturity of this decorative phenomenon of calligraphy in the third century AH.
5 - The hatred of the Muslim artist for the space in the calligraphy also called him to improve the calligraphy and its decoration, in addition to the decoration of the painting itself. This sometimes makes him overuse in repeating the decoration, in order to seek it.
1 - The possession of the Kufic script has morphological characteristics, which make it possible to twist, shape and absorb the decorative floral patterns.
2- The Kufic script has stylized attributes, since the single letter has a single shape and a continuous shape (in the beginning, in the middle, and in the end).
3- The possibility of overlapping letters on top of each other, which helps to use short spaces for many words and letters.
4- The ability of the letter to give a diversity in the rhythm (through the exchange of curves, extensions and symmetry) and a diversity in sensation (because the Kufic script evokes the sporty engineering beauty).
Blessed by writing the Quranic verses in Kufic script and his intonation, made him possess an important and parallel position to intonate the Qur’an himself, and made him close to him with a strong emotional and dogmatic affection.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Imam Muslim bin Qasim al-Qurtubi   And his efforts in wound and modification
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Imam Muslim bin Qasim al-Qurtubi   And his efforts in wound and modification

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Title “public , private and edition” By Imam Al-Qanuji, in his book Al-Raudha Al- Nadi
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The research discusses the biography of Imam Al-Qanuji,  his syllabus in his book “ Raudha Al- Nadia , and Public, particular, edition  definition. Then it mentions the types of matters and the Imam Al-Qanuji’s opinion in it, and it mentions the early and contemporary scholars’ opinions and simplifies their logical and unwritten proofs. It also discusses and librates the place of dispute, then it swages reliable based on the power of the proof and interest without any contravention which the orthodox law orders.  Furthermore, the research discusses matters like,  whether there is any particular formula for public, or whether the public considers the Quraan as i

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Weighting between the texts as the ruling when Imam Al-Salmi
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Objectives: The study aims to reveal the approach of Imam Al-Salmi in the weighting between the apparently conflicting texts, and to show the extent of his agreement and disagreement with the rest of the fundamentalists, and does he have vocabulary that can be used to elicit legal rulings in modern contemporary issues?

Method: The method of induction and analysis is one of the main tools to reach the research results. The study resorted to following the sayings of Imam Al-Salmi in various sources and fatwas and standing on them, then analyzing and applying them to the various branches of jurisprudence in the various jurisprudential chapters.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 11 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The purposes of faith and its fruits in the light of the letters of light Prepare
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What is meant by objectives: the purpose, secrets, judgment, and interests that the legislator set for each of its rulings is a doctrine and a law.

Faith is belief with certainty in God Almighty, and what is required of him in his divinity, lordship, names and attributes, belief in his angels, books, messengers, the Last Day and destiny, both good and bad.

And the purposes of faith are the wisdom and secrets contained in the Islamic faith and which achieve human well-being and happiness in the immediate and the future. And that the purposes of belief and faith are the essence of religion, rather it constitutes a basic pillar on which the basis of the intentional consideration as a whole, because the structure of worship i

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
consideration In the purposes of faith and destiny
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In the purposes of faith and destiny

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The jurisprudential approach Imam Al-Qurtubi through his interpretation Verses of rulings
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There are great figures in our nation, who are famous for their encyclopedia in their sciences, and their fame spreads across the horizons for what they presented to their religion and nation.
So they became torches of guidance, advocates of goodness, and treasuries of knowledge until God inherits the earth and those on it.
Among these imams is Imam al-Qurtubi, who died in the year (671 AH), after whom he left a great legacy of valuable books, including this one, which is the subject of my research, his valuable interpretation (Al-Jami’ Li Ahkam Al-Qur’an). Taking from him and his approach in interpreting the verses of judgment, following the method of extrapolation, investigation and deduction to know his style, which he used

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2013
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
 Sheikh Imam Al-Alai women
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The research aims to introduce the elders of Imam Al-Ala who died in the year 761 AH. The study showed the prominent role of women in the eighth century AH in the sciences in general and in the hadith in particular. The woman did not depart from the call of divine education in the Almighty saying: Read in the name of your Lord who created * created mankind * created mankind * And your Lord, the Most Generous, who taught with the pen * taught man unless he knows the captive of verses 1-5.
        Families in that era had a prominent role in this concern, especially parents. They were attending boys and girls since their childhood, the lessons of scholars, and the benefit of science, and they were

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Ash'aris and their position on faith, An Ideological Study: الايمان
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The Ash'aris and their position on faith, An Ideological Study

Omed AbdulQader rasool               

College of Islamic Sciences/Salahaddin University-Erbil


The concept of faith is very complex, and there are a lot of talk about it among the major Islamic groups such as the Kharijites, the Mu'tazila, the Jahmiyya and others, because of its great importance, and the worldly and eschatological effects it entails according to the elements of faith such as recognition, ratification and action.

The researcher chose one sect, which is the

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Mr. Hassan Ezzedine al-Ulum The social contract and popular power when Imam Ali
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حسن السيد عز الدين بحر العلوم العقد الاجتماعي والسلطة الشعبية عند الإمام علي (عليه السلام )

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The life of Imam Abi Al Qasim, Al-Rafii and his scientific efforts
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In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

    Praise be to God, who has revealed the book, in which there are clear verses, insight and remembrance for the first people, and he promised those who learned it and did it with great rewards, and prayers and peace be upon those who pronounced the right and separated the speech, and on his family and companions the best of family and companions, and who followed them and guided them to the day of Moab .... ..
     And yet: If we ponder a brief period and look at our course at a glance, we will find that those who lead us are the prophets, and those who guide us are the guardians, and those who protect us are the martyrs, an

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