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The path and its nodal purposes: The concept of the path, the purposes of divine mercy, and the purposes of divine education in favor of obedience
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The path and its nodal purposes
This study has come to indicate the doctrinal purposes of faith in this path، It was composed of an introduction and four demands، as follows:
The first requirement: the intentions of distinguishing between the ranks of people according to divine justice، as those who pass by him are different. Some of them are safe by his work، surviving from the fire، and some of them are not peace، he falls into the fire of Hell، and all of them are different in their ranks in a manner consistent with the justice of God Almighty and the works they have given themselves.
The second requirement: the purposes of divine mercy in honoring the Prophet and his nation on the path and embodying their integrity; As he and his nation will be the first to walk him with the mercy and grace of God Almighty، The embodiment of moderation of creation on the road right.
Third requirement: The purposes of educating believers in favor of deeds in worldly lifek Which would breathe or reduce these hardships and anguish of the horrors carried out by the same good.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
English Personal Pronouns as a Manipulation Strategy in Political Discourse: A Critical Discourse Analysis
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Manipulation is a discursive concept which plays a key role in political discourse by which politicians can impose some impact on their recipients through using linguistic features, most prominent of which are personal pronouns (Van Dijk, 1995). The aim of this study is to investigate how politicians utilize the personal pronouns, namely; We and I and their possessive forms as a tool of manipulating the audience's mind based on Van Dijk's  "ideological square" which shows positive-self representation and negative-other representation (Van Dijk,1998:p.69). To this end, American President Donald Trump's 2020 State of the Union speech was chosen to be the data of analysis. Only (8)

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Demand Priority in a Power System With Wind Power Contribution Load Shedding Scheme Based
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The load shedding  scheme has been extensively implemented as a fast solution for unbalance conditions. Therefore, it's crucial to investigate supply-demand balancing in order to protect the network from collapsing and to sustain stability as possible, however its implementation is mostly undesirable. One of the solutions to minimize the amount of load shedding is the integration renewable energy  resources, such as wind power, in the electric power generation could contribute significantly to minimizing power cuts as it is ability to positively improving the stability of the electric grid. In this paper propose a method for shedding the load base on the priority demands with incorporating the wind po

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Fifth International Conference On Applied Sciences: Icas2023
A modified Mobilenetv2 architecture for fire detection systems in open areas by deep learning
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This research describes a new model inspired by Mobilenetv2 that was trained on a very diverse dataset. The goal is to enable fire detection in open areas to replace physical sensor-based fire detectors and reduce false alarms of fires, to achieve the lowest losses in open areas via deep learning. A diverse fire dataset was created that combines images and videos from several sources. In addition, another self-made data set was taken from the farms of the holy shrine of Al-Hussainiya in the city of Karbala. After that, the model was trained with the collected dataset. The test accuracy of the fire dataset that was trained with the new model reached 98.87%.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
New Record for Science Salvia margasurica Al-Musawi & Al- Hussaini, (Labiatae) in Iraq
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Background The study covered thirty-three species which grown wildly in Iraq and a comparative study for all kinds of morphological characters were done. Principal Findings The most stable and important taxonomic characters were pointed out, diagrams, illustrations, scheduals, micrographs were also documented. Stamens, nutlets, basal leaves, bracts, bracteoles, calyces, corollas and their trichomes were very important taxanomic characters. The trichomes were variable in variable species therefore used as a diagnostic characters for the species. Conclusions New species Salvia margasurica Al-Musawi & Al-Hussaini was suggested to be new record for science. Keywords: Salvia, Morphology, Spec. Nov.

Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Radiation doses assessment for workers on radiation measuring devices response check in RNSD laboratories
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Radiation measuring devices need to periodic calibration process to examine their sensitivity and the extent of the response. This study is used to evaluate the radiation doses of the workers in the laboratories of the Directorate of Safety as a result of the use of point sources in calibrating of the devices in two ways, the first is the direct measurement by the FAG device and the others using RESRAD and RAD PRO programs. The total doses values using FAG were (2.57 μSv/y, 102.3 μSv/y and 20.75 μSv/y for TLD laboratory, Gamma spectroscopy analyses (GSA) laboratory and equipment store respectively, and the total doses that calculated using RESRAD and RAD PRO were 1.518 μSv/y, 76.65 μSv/y and 21.2 μSv/y for the above laboratories. t

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Crucial File Selection Strategy (CFSS) for Enhanced Download Response Time in Cloud Replication Environments
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Cloud Computing is a mass platform to serve high volume data from multi-devices and numerous technologies. Cloud tenants have a high demand to access their data faster without any disruptions. Therefore, cloud providers are struggling to ensure every individual data is secured and always accessible. Hence, an appropriate replication strategy capable of selecting essential data is required in cloud replication environments as the solution. This paper proposed a Crucial File Selection Strategy (CFSS) to address poor response time in a cloud replication environment. A cloud simulator called CloudSim is used to conduct the necessary experiments, and results are presented to evidence the enhancement on replication performance. The obtained an

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Mar 16 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Adenine as Environmentally- Friendly Corrosion Inhibitor for Stainless Steel in Sodium Chloride Acid Solution
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The corrosion behavior and the influence of the concentration of adenine (AD) on the corrosion of 316L stainless steel in 0.6 sodium chloride acid solutions were studied. The research was performed in two pH values (pH=2 and pH=4) over the temperature range (293- 308)K. The investigation involved electrochemical polarization method using potentiostatic technique. Tafel polarization study revealed that (AD) acted as a mixed inhibitor. The inhibition efficiency increased with an increase in the concentration of adenine, but decreased with increase in temperature. (efficiency= 87% at 0.01 M AD & at T= 293K). The adsorption of (AD) has been found to occur on the surface of 316L stainless steel according to the Langmuir isotherm.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Hartha Formation divisions Based on Well Logs Analysis in Majnoon Oil Field, Southern Iraq
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This study aims to evaluate reservoir characteristics of Hartha Formation in Majnoon oil field based on well logs data for three wells (Mj-1, Mj-3 and Mj-11). Log interpretation was carried out by using a full set of logs to calculate main petrophysical properties such as effective porosity and water saturation, as well as to find the volume of shale. The evaluation of the formation included computer processes interpretation (CPI) using Interactive Petrophysics (IP) software.  Based on the results of CPI, Hartha Formation is divided into five reservoir units (A1, A2, A3, B1, B2), deposited in a ramp setting. Facies associations is added to well logs interpretation of Hartha Formation, and was inferred by a microfacies analysis of th

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Bowel Cleansing Quality in Morning Versus Evening Preparation Regimens for colonoscopy; a Prospective Study
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Background :Evening preparation for colonoscopy is often unsatisfactory and inconvenient. This study was performed to compare the efficacy of bowel preparation at two different timings: night before and morning of endoscopy and to compare the cecal intubation rate and disturbance of sleep hours between these two groups.
Methods: In this prospective randomized endoscopist- blinded trial, 150 patients were enrolled between March 2010 and August 2011. Patients aged between 18 to 80 years needing colonoscopy were included. Patients with prior bowel surgery, suspected bowel obstruction or those who didn't completely fulfill the preparation instructions were excluded. Patients received polyethyelen glycol electrolyte preparation in a mornin

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 18 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Nano-reinforcement effect on PMMA denture base mechanical properties after immersing in different solution
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Poly methyl methacrylate PMMA polymer has been used continually in dental application during the recent years. Yet, it is commonly known for its poor strength properties for long periods under pressure. The aim of this research was to improve the performance of PMMA denture base through the addition of different nanoparticles selected from artificial and natural sources. For comparison, Nano -particles from Al2O3 and crushed pistachio shell were utilised. (1%, 2% and 3%) were the weight fraction used in this study for both reinforcement types. In this work, a study and evaluation in of Compression Strength (C.S.) as well as Young’s Modulus (Y) was done before and after exposure for special liquids. The new prepared composites were immerse

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