The researcher highlighted in his research on an important subject that people need, which is the excuse of ignorance in Islamic law. , As the flag of light and ignorance of darkness. Then the researcher lameness of the reasons for research in this subject as it is one of the assets that should be practiced by the ruler and the judge and the mufti and the diligent and jurisprudent, but the public should identify the issues that ignore ignorance and issues that are not excused even if claimed ignorance.
Then the researcher concluded the most important results, and recommendations that he wanted to set scientific rules for students of science and Muslims in general, to follow the issues of legitimacy and learn its provisions and identify the orders and prohibitions for not falling into ignorance, because ignorance in the things made for all people and known of religion is not necessarily an excuse. If the owner claimed ignorance, and therefore if the human excuse ignorance, but he does not excuse in defaulting the request for the right, in addition, in our time this is the whole world is a small village in the presence of the Internet and other means of communication, is it possible ignorance is an excuse today and God knows.