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The concept of insect In Islamic faith

In this research, the researcher sheds light on the greatness of the horrors (Al-Hashr) enlightened by the Holy Quran, explaining his dangerous details, his horrors, and his frightening changes.  -35-36-37
  Perhaps the most prominent motivations for the research and its justification is to remind people of the days of God Almighty, and the mention of the insect always pushes the believer to do honorable, and avoid sins, over the days, and prepare for the time of the resurrection, in the hands of knowing a scientist.
    In order to identify the subject of entomology and its contents, the researcher based his study on the scientific methodology, it has excavated the origin of the entomology and its meanings, showing the proven and untrue statements, revealing the types of crammed. In addition to distinguishing between the insects and the Baath, the insects and publishing, and the corners of the creatures and non-cornered, and how to physically cramming on the Day of Resurrection and the difference between the speech scientists, is the old body itself or a new body others.

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