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The small provisions of his upbringing and manners

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad and his good and pure family. At the end of this research, we summarize some of the most important findings of our research, namely:
Raising a child properly from childhood leads to integrity in the life of the individual society, and if the young raised bad education, this education will affect itself and society negatively, so on parents and government institutions in any country to take care of children, and Islamic countries Specifically to give the child great attention; he is raised on the Koran and watered from its fountains, and armed with a weapon of morality from a young age, and to understand the biography of Mustafa (peace be upon him) and the companions and followers, and that the children are not left homeless looking for the top of eating and living, and not to waste Their childhood in labs and suckers The streets, and this is what we see today. What distinguishes the members of one community, from members of another community; is the culture of that society, and the type of education prevailing in it, as they are not distinguished by their richness or poverty, and are not characterized by the colors of their eyes and body shapes, but are characterized by the education they receive, which makes them people with a certain identity and color The research focused on the idea of ​​dealing with a certain aspect of the child's life, where he emphasized the correct education in addition to what came to teach Islam where it emphasized the interest in childhood to form a generation of children with a sound scientific thinking, depends on it through attention to the family that begins with husband and wife as The first building block in Thus, the home and life of the child have a profound impact on the determination of the child's fate and the formation of his morals and habits, whether good or ugly, then the home is considered the most important environment inherited from it. His moral and material wealth, and here emerges the crucial role played by the mother in addition to the distinctive role of the father and this is evident in the folds of research.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)

This study was designed to compare the effect of two types of viral hepatitis A and E (HAV
and HEV) on liver functions in Iraqi individuals by the measurement of biochemical changes
associated with hepatitis.
The study performed on 58 HEV and 66 HAV infected patients compared with 28 healthy
subjects. The measured biochemical tests include total serum bilirubin, serum transminases (ALT
and AST) alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT).
The study showed that adolescent and young adults (17-29) years, were mostly affected by
HEV while children (5-12) years were frequently affected by HAV. The severity of liver damage in
HEV patients was higher than HAV patients as a result of high serum transa

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect Of Solvent Types On Photo Induced Electron Transfer in Methylene Blue dye MB+-- Benzophenone Ketone (ABP) System..

Th   r:ats for the photo induced eleytr-on tra;nsfer reactions in the

Methylen-e blue 'l'vffi+ ·dye· with benzo_phenone (ABP) ketone in variety

solvc;:nts al n:loin tempemtme ha;ve qn calculated . Electron trans_ fer

-rates are large in• }stt:on;gly--'{:'lolaf- solvent and week in-l s.s :polar solvent.

the high values o:E   t±te r.tes a_f electro-n  tr;ans-fer indicate that tite dye

triplet i$ mqre, r activ.e toWard ABP ket-one.

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Protection Effects of Vernonia Amygdalina Methanolic Extracts Against Hepatocellular Damage Induced by Petroleum Contaminated Diets in Male Rats

Recently, bitter leaf (Vernonia amygdalina) was found to prevent petroleum – induced toxicities on the kidney whereas it potentiates the toxic effect of petroleum adulterated diet on the testes of animal model. This differential action has elicited further inquest into the role of bitter leaf extract in other organs in the midst of petroleum affronts. The hepatoprotective ability of Vernonia amygdalina methanol extract (VAME) is the objective of this investigation.  Administration of VAME significantly (P <0.05) reduced serum liver function indices relative to the control. In addition, the activities of liver oxidative enzymes, energy metabolizing enzymes and oxidative stress indices altered by crude oil

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Scopus (2)
Crossref (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Mar 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Martin Crimp’s Piece “Advice to Iraqi Women”: عفراء عبد الحسين ناصر , سراب خليل

Language is a vehicle for social values and ideologies that a man intends or attempts to express. Dramatic texts are one of the discursive practices that embody values and ideologies. What is expressed in dramatic text is deliberate because it is meant to affect other’s values, trends and ideologies in one way or another. Such ideologies and values are not explicit. To bring them out requires putting language under scrutiny to unveil what is implied. The present study attempts to analyze a dramatic script entitled Advice to Iraqi Women by the British playwright Martin Crimp in an attempt to unveil the intended political ideologies underlying the text. The title reflects a political aspect embedded in the word “Iraqi” that

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Dec 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Impact of Adolescents' Family Meal Eating Patterns upon their Weight Control Behaviors at Secondary Schools in Baghdad City

Objective: The study aimed to identify the adolescents' family meal eating patterns, and find out the relationship between adolescents' family meal eating patterns and their weight control behaviors. Methodology: A descriptive study was conducted on impact of adolescents' family meal eating patterns upon their weight control behaviors in secondary schools at Baghdad city, starting from 20th of April 2013 to the end of October 2014. Non- probability (purposive) sample of 1254 adolescents were chosen from secondary schools of both sides of Al-Karkh and Al-Russafa sectors. Data was collected through a specially

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Publication Date
Wed May 25 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Stopping power of Hetero nuclear di-cluster ions from partial-wave analysis based on semi classical phase shifts


We apply a semi classical partial-wave scattering method based on the induced density approach (IDA) model. For ion electron scattering, the transport cross section is used to calculate the energy loss. This method yields a non-perturbative exemplification of energy loss, bridging the difference among classical and quantal representations. The focus of this work is the interaction of hetero nuclear di-cluster (He-H) ions with a free gas. The results show three kinds of stopping power in (a.u) (cluster stopping power, self-stopping power and correlated stopping power) of hetero nuclear di-cluster ions (He-H) with velocity at different atomic di-cluster distances at different densities and temperatures. We find that Bragg’

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Methods of Teaching Conversation in Russian Students Speaking Arabic: Методы преподавания говорения на русском языке в арабской аудитории

      This paper tackles methods of teaching conversation in Russian to students speaking Arabic. It analyses the differences between the two languages, as well as the difficulties and major errors faced by Arabic speakers studying Russian. Particularly, it looks at the difficulty of transforming spoken language. Finally, the paper suggests ways for teaching spoken language and treating the reasons behind making errors.


          Данная статья рассматривает методы преподавания говорения на русском языке для носителей арабского яз

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Fabrication of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) for a Water Pump at Low Speed Wind in Tikrit Region

      We have designed, fabricated and studied the vertical axis wind turbine and its characterization. The system has been locally designed to pump water. It is considered as a one of the best options for low speed wind. The turbine has eight blades , each blade is 1.8m in length,  and the area dimension of the turbine 3.6 m2 . were investigated  the  best characterization of the system at low wind speed are Power turbine  depends on the wind speed. It was 280 Watt at 6m/s and 160 watt at 5m/s  , and  the power after the turbine decreasing to factor  1/3. The system torque was 20 N.m , Power coefficient cap  0.29 , Tip speed ratio 0.46. It is suitable to be used in Iraq region , and low cost for get the wat

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Organizational Tactics An Approach to Strategic Agility A field study in a sample of mobile operators in Iraq

The current research dealt with the issue of organizational skillfulness as an entry point to reach strategic agility. The study has been tested in Iraq's mobile operators - Asia Cell, Zain Iraq and Cork Telecom. The study was applied to a sample of (93) managers distributed at various levels of management (board members, general managers, commissioners, department managers, people managers, unit managers, office managers). The survey used the questionnaire as a key tool for collecting data and information as well as personal interviews. It has sought to test a number of hypotheses related to correlation and influence relationships between the variables of the study, in order to answer the questions related to the problem of stud

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Humoral immune factor changes in group of patients with Non-muscle invasive bladder cancer treated with intravesical therapy.