A great abbey in the Shari'a, and is therefore destined to be preserved in many texts and by methods
There are many prayers in the Qur'an and Sunnah to encourage them
They have a clear relationship with the preservation of the purposes of the Sharia in general, and with a purpose
Save the mind in particular, but the scholars - the mercy of God - when they declare that the costs of Sharia
Due to the preservation of my intentions in the creature, they limit their words to orders and intentions, and are not exposed
In particular,
If they were included in the texts of the Shariah and Tawjiyatiya,
To be related to the preservation of the purposes of the law, which confirms the words of the former leaders, and light the light of something
The authors of the literature did not win
After detail, this research has collected a number
Of the prayers received, and highlighted the meanings that indicate their relationship to one of the purposes
Sharia, Wei save the mind and Tomato.
Roses prayers ask the poison Via asthma to protect the sterility of spoilers sensory and moral, and that Yibo
Elio seeks to preserve the
The law was also brought to the supplications that preserve the mind by nothingness;
Prevent the causes of the risks that are or are expected, and drive supplications that included the desire to save the mind by removing
The causes of sterile diseases, and trade with a great evil of the mind, taboos and morals
He is mindful of removing the mourning and grief that make the mind
And so on.
Graph is a tool that can be used to simplify and solve network problems. Domination is a typical network problem that graph theory is well suited for. A subset of nodes in any network is called dominating if every node is contained in this subset, or is connected to a node in it via an edge. Because of the importance of domination in different areas, variant types of domination have been introduced according to the purpose they are used for. In this paper, two domination parameters the first is the restrained and the second is secure domination have been chosn. The secure domination, and some types of restrained domination in one type of trees is called complete ary tree are determined.
انف كتاب أي.أس.أمىز(6291-9006) انشعشي شاطًء الاشجاس ((1981مه 73قصٍذي. ٌىاقش انبذث ٌزي انقصائذ مه مىضُس فهسفت انطاًٌَ َانتً اتبعٍا انشاعش بذقً فً كتابً.ٌظٍش انكتاب بُضُح انكثٍش مه ملامخ انطبٍعً َانتً تتضمه تغٍشاث دٌىامكًٍ َتطُس تذسٌجً نمختهف انكائىاث انذًٍ .ٌصف انشاعش فً اَل سهسهً مه قصائذي انصُسي انذقٍقًٍ نهكُن مه خلال سؤٌا عمٍقً نهطاًٌَ َانتً تظٍش جهٍا مه خلال تفاعم الاوسان مع انطبٍعً.تُضخ انقصائذ تقاسب انطاًٌَ م
... Show Moreملاحظات في قانون حماية المستهلك العراقي رقم 1 لسنة 2010
هدف البحث معرفة نسبة تضمين معايير التنور التقني في محتوى كتابي الحاسوب للمرحلة الإعدادية في العراق عن طريق الإجابة عن السؤال الآتي: ما نسبة توافر معايير التنور التقني في محتوى كتابي الحاسوب المقرران على طلبة المرحلة الاعدادية بفرعيها ( العلمي والادبي ) المعتمدان من وزارة التربية العراقية/ المديرية العامة للمناهج في العام الدراسي (2016-2017 )؟ وتم اعتماد المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، وتكون مجتمع البحث وعينته من محتو
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يعد النشاط المدرسي للمعلم والطالب جهدا عقلياً وبدنياً يبذله المعلم والطالب بمساعدة المدرسة لتحقيق اهداف مرسومة وهو ممارسة تظهر في اداء الطلبة على المستوى الحركي والفعلي والنفسي والاجتماعي بفعالية داخل المدرسة وخارجها. (اللقاني،بلا، ص82).
ان الانشطة والبرامج المدرسية التي تنظم داخل الصف
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