The follower to study the markets in the Islamic Mashreq (Iraq, Persia and the country of Ma
Behind the river for the period from the reign of the Prophet Muhammad until the end of the Islamic era) to find that there
A remarkable development in the pattern, shape, planning and privatization of markets
Islamic cities and places are the main conditions for their existence, which is the mosque of the mosque
And markets, and these markets have evolved from being a space in which there are no building and no ceilings to shade them in
The places of sale and purchase to specialized markets classified according to the materials and goods produced in them
This would facilitate the task of supervising it by the market factor and subsequently calculated.
The markets were a mirror of the political life prevailing at the time
Political crises between the faithful and safe caliphs;
In the event of unrest, they will loot houses and markets, as the Abbasid state grows
Twice their aggression on the Baghdad markets intensified, while the markets of Persia and the countries beyond were seen
The river is economically prosperous due to the Buddhist domination of the Abbasid caliphate