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Education in the Koran: (Objective study)
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The name of God the Merciful
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the prophets and messengers Prophet Muhammad and his family
And his companions who followed his approach to the Day of Judgment. After that, Islam has paid great attention to the aspects of education
The promise of a way to degrade and correct behavior, and to reach the individual to the highest levels through his intellectual upbringing
Mentally, mentally, mentally and intellectually, education at all times and places is the best way to communicate to a human being
The degree of happiness in religion and the other, as it develops all aspects of his personality, and supports the love of goodness for himself
For people, education in this concept is necessary for human life, since human life is only a promise of education, education
Islam, which came the seal of the prophets and messengers Muhammad peace be upon him and included and included in the Koran
And the Sunnah of the Nabawiyyah, is also necessary. Therefore, it is possible to say that the educational aspect is in the Qur'an
The vineyard is especially important if it is not the foundation
For a specific issue, and the issues that were exposed to the verses of the Koran in both Makki and Medina dealt with
The educational dimension, through its many methods and means, is either explicit or not
Desire, martyrdom, proverbs, or dialogue The Qur'anic education comes to realize its purposes in advocacy
Too many values ​​and ideals aimed at building a virtuous society with virtuous values, ethics, and justice
And equality, and to this effect went many of the researchers, and from this point was chosen the title of research and its name
(Education in the Holy Quran study objectively) and divided the research into the introduction and four demands were the first demand
Definition of Education Language and Terminology and the Second Requirement The terms related to education and the third requirement are the types of education
In the Quran and the Fourth Requirement the method of education in the Qur'an and then the conclusion, sources and references.
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
تجلیات اللغة الایحائیة في دعاء الصباح للامام علي بن ابي طالب (علیھ السلام)
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The literary aspect of any text reveals when it used The inspiration language
which reveals the creative aspect of language for the creator (writer) he in turn
will seek for the best choice from these aspects then, he will distribute them due
to their intention, and according to the their context
Thus, propagandistic text contains many moral features which the language
accord to thus , we found that the morning (dua al asbah)is full of creative
literary manifestations through many abstentions which happened in different
structures that contain the text, especially in structure of metaphor, and contrast.
we found many outstanding gaps and abstentions in these are given life, matter
that gives the text the most l

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
تقييم الأساليب و المؤشرات المالية في تحديد كفاءة وفاعلية وإصلاح أنظمة المؤسسات المصرفية
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تلعب المؤسسات المصرفية دورا مهما و رئيسيا في اقتصاد أي بلد من خلال قيامها في تعبئة مدخرات المجتمع و من ثم توجيهها نحو الفرص الاستثمارية المختلفة التي تزيد من معدلات النمو الاقتصادي و التوظيف الكامل للموارد وكما هو معروف  فأن الجهاز المصرفي يؤدي مهام اقتصادية تخضع للتغيرات المستمرة و على الرغم من ان وظائفه التقليدية لازالت على حالها ألا وهي قبول الودائع و منح القروض و التسهيلات الائتمانية نجد أن الوسائل و

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
مجلة نسق
اثر استراتيجية فجوة المعلومات في تصيل مادة الكيمياء عند طلاب الصف الثاني المتوسط
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ريل لسادة الكيسياء َ جؼ البحث الى التعخؼ عمى أثخ استخاتيجية فجػة السعمػمات في التح َى جؼ البحث فقج صيغت الفخضية التي َ تػسط , والتحقق مغ ى ُ جى شلاب الرف الثاني الس َ ل جؼ البحث أعتسج الباحث َ تتعمق بالتحريل ولتحقيق ى ػعتيغ متداويتيغ ُ بي لسجس ِ ي السشيج التجخ ريل الجراسي , تكػنت عيشة البحث مغ َ ) شالب مغ شلاب ٗٛ( ذواتي اختبار بعجي لمتح -ٕٕٕٓالرف الثاني الستػسط في ( متػسصة الذييج خزيخ جاسع العارضي ) لمعاـ الجارسي (

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
Journal Name
مجلة نسق
اثر استراتيجية هرم الافضلية في تحصيل مادة الكيمياء عند طلاب الصف الثاني المتوسط
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يهدف البحث الحالي التعرف على اسناتيجية هرم الافضلية في تحصيل طلاب الصف الثاني المتةسط لمادة الكيمياء ولتحقيق هدف البحث تم اتباع الننهج شبه التجريبي ذو الضبط الجزئي وتم تحديد مجتمع البحث بطلاب الصف الثاني في جميع المدارس المتوسطة والثانوية التابعة لمديرية تربية بابل قسم تربية المسيب

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 26 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
استعمال نظام محاسبة المسؤولية في تقويم اداء مراكز الربح: بالشركة العامة للصناعات الجلدية
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Use the accounting system of responsibility in assessing the performance of the company profit centers of the leather industry Given the importance of the profit centers of the General Company for Leather Industries, where a circle of activity that is accountable responsible for them (the director) about what is happening with costs and achieve revenues other words, the profit center is the beginning of an independent company with revenues and costs contribute to achieving the objectives of the company as a whole, which is to achieve profits, which means the comprehensive work of the centers of the need to evaluate its performance permanent depending on the conversion rates of the Interior. It was relied on the company's production

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Detection of Hypertension among Cardiac Diseases Inpatients at Kirkuk City Hospitals
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Objectives of the study: The main objective of the study is to assess the prevalence of hypertension among
cardiac diseases patients and to fiend out relation ship between hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.
Methodology: A descriptive study, using interviewer and questionnaire technique was conducted on cardiac
diseases inpatients of clinic unite at Kirkuk and Azady hospitals from 17th ,June ,2012 to 1st, March , 2013.
Non – probability (purposive) sample of (148) adult patients, (81) females and (67) males with heart disease are
selected from inpatients of clinic unite at Kirkuk and Azady hospitals at kirkuk city. Questionnaire was
developed to assess the items which are related to heart disease patient's (Dise

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 17 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
قراءة تحليلية في كتاب الاصول للسيد محمد باقر الصدر واثره على الدراسات المعاصرة.
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    In the subject area (participation and tandem), the study showed the views of Mr. Sadr in this field when researching first: the issue of the necessity of these two phenomena in the language that some imams of the language and principles called for to discuss and respond to, and

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 22 2022
Journal Name
مجلة الزرقاء للبحوث والدراسات
صياغة استراتيجية الامن القومي للدولة في ضوء ادراك التهديدات المتغيرة : الاستراتيجية الروسية انموذجا
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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2024
Journal Name
مجلة الدراسات المستدامة
المسؤولية المدنية الناشئة عن الاخلال بالالتزام بضمان سلامة الاشخاص في عقد التحاليل الطبية
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اثـر انمــوذج 4EX2 في تعديل الفهم الخاطئ للمفاهيم الكيميائية لطلاب الصف الثالث المتوسط
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The Current research aims to identify ( The effects of 4EX2 Model in Misconception of Chemical concepts and Higher Order Thinking for the Students of the Third grade average ) , To verify the objective of this research , the researchers added nul hypothesis following : There is no difference is statistically significant at the level of ( 0.05 ) between the average scores of students who studied 4EX2 Model and the average students who studied by using the Misconception of Chemical concepts and Higher Order Thinking test. The research was conducted on a sample of the average Third grade students in a Baghdad secretary for boys affiliated to the General Directorate for Educational in Baghdad Al – karkh 3 and for academic year ( 2015 – 2

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