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Balance and moderation in dealing with the oppressor and the oppressed in the Sunnah - "Applied models")
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Research Summary

In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

The word injustice and its derivatives were repeated in the Holy Qur’an in several places, approximately (154) times. This is due to the severity of its danger, and that the most dangerous thing that our Islamic nation suffers from in our time is; It is injustice in all its forms and types, so we should all have an honest review of the sincere change in the right direction, and uncover cases of injustice and explain their causes and causes, and work to treat them and rid the wrongdoers of their injustice, and help them to correct their condition. To reveal their grievances and explain their causes and causes, and work to remedy them, and support them and mitigate what they are in, and I will focus in this research on the injustice that occurs among the servants themselves; This is because it is very common in our time, and it is underestimated by the wrongdoers. From here, I chose this title, in which I will pause on the purified hadiths of the Prophet, and how they dealt with the oppressors and the oppressed, and how they dealt with this issue, and the research on this topic may be long, but I will stand on important vocabulary for this topic, and we will open a window on such important matters In a place, my description - the oppressor and the oppressed - are inseparable, so there is no oppressor without the oppressed, nor the oppressed without the oppressor, and I divided my research into two topics; The first is in: The Prophet’s method in dealing with injustice and oppressors. It began by defining injustice in language and idiomatically. I divided it into two requirements; The first: immunizing people from falling into injustice. The second: the prophetic treatment in dealing with injustice in the event of its occurrence. And I divided it into two parts: the first: the etiquette of dialogue with the oppressors, and the second: helping the oppressors to get rid of their oppression. As for the second topic, it was about: the prophetic method in dealing with the oppressed. I started it by defining the oppressed linguistically and idiomatically, and divided the topic into two requirements: the first: protecting people from falling into grievances before they happen. The second: Dealing with the purified Sunnah with the victim after it occurred.

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 24 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Very High Q-Factor Based On G-Shaped Resonator Type Metamaterial Absorber
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High Q-factor based on absorption can be achieved by tuning (the reflection and the transition percentage). In this work, the simple design and simulated in S-band have been investigated. The simulation results of G-shape resonator are shown triple band of absorption peaks 60%, 91.5%, and 70.3%) at resonance frequency 2.7 GHz, 3.26 GHz, and 4.05 GHz respectively. The results exhibited very high of the Q-factor ( 271 ) at resonance frequency ( 3.26 GHz ).  The high Q-factor can be used to enhance the sensor sensing, narrowband band filter and  image sensing.

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Crossref (7)
Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Land cover change detection using satellite images based on modified spectral angle mapper method
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This research depends on the relationship between the reflected spectrum, the nature of each target, area and the percentage of its presence with other targets in the unity of the target area. The changes occur in Land cover have been detected for different years using satellite images based on the Modified Spectral Angle Mapper (MSAM) processing, where Landsat satellite images are utilized using two software programming (MATLAB 7.11 and ERDAS imagine 2014). The proposed supervised classification method (MSAM) using a MATLAB program with supervised classification method (Maximum likelihood Classifier) by ERDAS imagine have been used to get farthest precise results and detect environmental changes for periods. Despite using two classificatio

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Adding Cellulosic Ash to Composting Mix as a Soil Amendment
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Solid waste generation and composition in Baghdad is typically affected by population growth, urbanization, improved economic conditions, changes in lifestyles and social and cultural habits.

A burning chamber was installed to burn cellulosic waste only. It was found that combustion reduced the original volume and weight of cellulosic waste by 97.4% and 85% respectively.

A batch composting study was performed to evaluate the feasibility of co-composting organic food waste with the cellulosic bottom ash in three different weight ratios (w/w) [95/5, 75/25, 50/50].

The composters were kept in controlled aerobic conditions for 7 days. Temperature, moisture, and pH were measured hourly as process succe

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Behavior of Earth Magnetosphere Radius during Strong Geomagnetic Storms
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Magnetosphere is a region of space surrounding Earth magnetic field, the formation of magnetosphere depends on many parameters such as; surface magnetic field of the planet, an ionized plasma stream (solar wind) and the ionization of the planetary upper atmosphere (ionosphere). The main objective of this research is to find the behavior of Earth's magnetosphere radius (Rmp) with respect to the effect of solar wind kinetic energy density (Usw), Earth surface magnetic field (Bo), and the electron density (Ne) of Earth's ionosphere for three years 2016, 2017 and 2018. Also the study provides the effect of solar activity for the same period during strong geomagnetic storms on the behavior of Rmp. F

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Analysis of Recorded Inflow Data of Ataturk Reservoir
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Since the beginning of the last century, the competition for water resources has intensified dramatically, especially between countries that have no agreements in place for water resources that they share. Such is the situation with the Euphrates River which flows through three countries (Turkey, Syria, and Iraq) and represents the main water resource for these countries. Therefore, the comprehensive hydrologic investigation needed to derive optimal operations requires reliable forecasts. This study aims to analysis and create a forecasting model for data generation from Turkey perspective by using the recorded inflow data of Ataturk reservoir for the period (Oct. 1961 - Sep. 2009). Based on 49 years of real inflow data

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Modern Mathematical Sciences
Coupled Laplace-Decomposition Method for Solving Klein- Gordon Equation
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In this paper, we consider a new approach to solve type of partial differential equation by using coupled Laplace transformation with decomposition method to find the exact solution for non–linear non–homogenous equation with initial conditions. The reliability for suggested approach illustrated by solving model equations such as second order linear and nonlinear Klein–Gordon equation. The application results show the efficiency and ability for suggested approach.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Contributory Factors Related to Permanent Deformation of Hot Asphalt Mixtures
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Permanent deformation (Rutting) of asphalt  pavements which appears in many roads in Iraq, have caused a major impact on pavement performance by reducing the useful service life of pavement and creating services hazards for highway users. The main objective of this research is investigating the effect of some contributory factors related to permanent deformation of asphalt concrete mixture. To meet the objectives of this research, available local materials are used including asphalt binder, aggregates, mineral filler and modified asphalt binder. The Superpave mix design system was adopted with varying volumetric compositions. The Superpave Gyratory Compactor was used to compact 24 asphalt concrete cylindrical specimens. To collect t

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 26 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Fuzzy Wavenet (FWN) classifier for medical images
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    The combination of wavelet theory and neural networks has lead to the development of wavelet networks. Wavelet networks are feed-forward neural networks using wavelets as activation function. Wavelets networks have been used in classification and identification problems with some success.

  In this work we proposed a fuzzy wavenet network (FWN), which learns by common back-propagation algorithm to classify medical images. The library of medical image has been analyzed, first. Second, Two experimental tables’ rules provide an excellent opportunity to test the ability of fuzzy wavenet network due to the high level of information variability often experienced with this type of images.


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Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Al2O3/Cr2O3 Nanocomposites by Coprecipitation Process
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In this research, the effect of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) on the alumina/chromia (Al2O3/Cr2O3) nanocomposites has been investigated. Al2O3/Cr2O3-MWCNTs nanocomposites with variable contents of Cr2O3 and MWCNTs were fabricated using coprecipitation process and followed by spark plasma sintering. XRD analysis revealed a good crystallinity of sintered nanocomposites samples and there was only one phase presence of Al2O3-Cr2O3 solid solution. Density, Vickers microhardness, fracture toughness and fracture strength have been measured in the sintered samples. The results show tha

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 14 2014
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Determination of Optimum Welding Parameters for FSW AA2024-T351
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Friction stir welding is a relatively new joining process, which involves the joining of metals without fusion or filler materials. In this study, the effect of welding parameters on the mechanical properties of aluminum alloys AA2024-T351 joints produced by FSW was investigated.

Different ranges of welding parameters, as input factors, such as welding speed (6 - 34 mm/min) and rotational speed (725 - 1235 rpm) were used to obtain their influences on the main responses, in terms of elongation, tensile strength, and maximum bending force. Experimental measurements of main responses were taken and analyzed using DESIGN EXPERT 8 experimental design software which was used to develop t

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