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Crimes against offspring In Sharia and law
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Crimes are prohibited by law and God Almighty has forbidden them with punishment or punishment.
The punishment is the prescribed punishments that the law has determined in its place and stipulated in the Book of God or the Sunnah of His Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace.
Ta’zir: These are the punishments that are left to the ruler to assess according to what he sees as preventing corruption on earth and preventing evil. Extrapolation has proven that all the provisions of Islamic Sharia include the interests of the people, and they are based on five matters: what is in it is preserving the religion, what is in it is preserving the soul, and what is in it is preserving the soul. It involves preserving the mind, preserving offspring, and preserving money. This is because the world in which man lives is based on these meanings without which human life is not available, and that God Almighty has honored man in this existence. God Almighty said: And We have honored the children of Adam and carried them on land and sea and provided them with good things and favored them over many of those whom We created with a great preference.  (Al-Isra: 70)
This honor requires the availability of these five things, preserving them, and preventing any attack on them.
Preserving progeny means preserving the human species by regulating marriage, preventing attacks on marital life, prohibiting adultery and imposing a punishment for it, because that is an assault on the human trust that God has entrusted to the bodies of men and women, so that from them may be offspring and reproduction, which prevents the extinction of the human race and allows it to live. Stable and happy, and therefore the punishment for adultery and other punishments were set for crimes involving assault on offspring, and were in violation of the social dictionary. The punishment for adultery is obligatory in order to protect the goods from being lost, and because it is a great indecency and one of the great sins - which entails extremely serious harm to the individual and society from a psychological, physical, social, and economic perspective. The heavenly laws have agreed to prohibit adultery, and its punishment in Islam is one of the strictest limits due to it. From a crime against honor and lineage, and for harming the entity and safety of the group, as it is an assault on the family system, and the family is the foundation upon which the group is based, and because its permissibility is the spread of immorality, and this leads to the destruction of the family entity, the corruption of society, the rupture of its unity, its dissolution, and the collapse of the components of the nation, and Sharia is keen The utmost concern is for the group to remain cohesive and strong, free from social and other diseases. The view of Islamic law on the nature of this crime differs from the view of positive criminal law. Adultery in Sharia is a punishment crime stipulated in terms of criminalization and in terms of punishment. There is no difference between a married adulterer and an unmarried adulterer. Al-Muhassan (unmarried).
In statutory criminal laws, adultery is not considered a crime that automatically requires punishment, and the adulterer is not criminally liable, unless one of the spouses files a lawsuit. Accordingly, one of the spouses is not legally punished if the other spouse consents to him committing the crime of adultery, and he has the right not to file a lawsuit even if the adultery occurred without his consent, as it is A purely individual crime in law.
As for Islamic law, adultery is considered an assault on the right of society (the right of God or the public right). It is forbidden in and of itself, and consent has no effect in criminalizing the act or not. The threshold for adultery must be met even if the crime was committed by agreement of both parties. Whether they are married or not, unless one of them is forced and the crime of rape is committed with him. The punishment is not met for the one who commits adultery through coercion or rape. As for the adulterer and rapist, the punishment required for this crime is applied to the adulterer and rapist.
This punishment is not affected by the consent between the criminals, or the waiver or abstention of one of the spouses from filing the lawsuit, because the impact of the crime of adultery does not stop with the perpetrators, but rather its impact extends to the entire society.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimate size sub-population by Killworth method
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The aim of the thesis is to estimate the partial and inaccessible population groups, which is a field study to estimate the number of drug’s users in the Baghdad governorate for males who are (15-60) years old.

Because of the absence of data approved by government institutions, as well as the difficulty of estimating the numbers of these people from the traditional survey, in which the respondent expresses himself or his family members in some cases. In these challenges, the NSUM Network Scale-Up Method Is mainly based on asking respondents about the number of people they know in their network of drug addicts.

Based on this principle, a statistical questionnaire was designed to

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 18 2022
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دراسة مقارنة بين التعبير اللفظي والتعبير غير اللفظي في إخراج الدراما التلفزيونية المترجمة – جاك بريفير (أنموذجاً).
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يهدف البحث الى اشاعة الدراسة المقارنة للنص المترجم الى اللغة العربية لتلافي الفوارق بين النص الأصلي (الأجنبي ) والنص المترجم (العربي ) من حيث المعاني والرموز والمعالجات الفكرية ... الخ .والتأكيد على استعمال التقنيات التربوية (السمعية والبصرية ) في الترجمة الانسانية (المتخصصة ) والاستعانة بالترجمة الآلية لتجنّب متاعب الترجمة والفهم الخاطىء او المنقوص ...للوصول الى فهم واسع بتدريس مادة الاخراج التلف
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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تحليل حسابات الاعتمادات المستندية دراسة نظرية – تطبيقية في مصرف الرشيد – بغداد للفترة من 2004 – 2006 المالية
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تلعب الاعتمادات المستندية دوراً كبيراً وخطيراً في التجارة الدولية باعتبارها إحدى أوسع أدوات الدفع انتشاراً في العالم سواءاً كان ذلك بالنسبة للمستورد أم للمصدر وتغطيتها للمخاطر المحتملة لكلا الطرفين، فهي تؤمن للمصدر استلام قيمة البضاعة بالكامل عند تنفيذها لشروط العقد، ويسمح للمستورد بعدم الدفع إلا بعد إتمام شحن البضاعة وتقديم المستندات المطلوبة واستلامها.

وتقوم المصارف التجارية المحل

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
تقدير كمية الغاز الحيوي المنبعث من مناطق الطمر الصحي في المدينة العراقية الحالة الدراسية-مدينة الرمادي
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 20 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
تقييم مخاطر نشاط مبيعات الشركة العامة للصناعات الجلدية في ظّل ظروف السوق المحلية للمدة 2010 - 2014
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Research is aimed at defining the risks that the sales activity of the General Company for Leather Industries about a special, then diagnose these risks, through a set of indicators, which indicate its existence and try to overcome them, and minimizing the negative effects on those activities.

The research found some conclusions, which emphasizes that the General Company for Leather Industries, suffer from a lack of profit, and a large decrease in sales; a result of absence of demand on its products and rising cost of the expenses to income ratio of, which was reflected in the cost per unit produced. Also the conclusions shown that the number of sales outlets for the company to cover the geographical area is not enough, in spite

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تحديد أثر مبادئ إدارة الجودة الشاملة في الأداء الإستراتيجي دراسة استطلاعية لآراء عينة من القيادات الجامعية
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The management of the overall quality (TQM)) of the philosophies that gained the attention of a large number of leaders and managers, practitioners and academics, as one of the prevailing management philosophies and desirable in the current period, is associated with the concept of quality itself, which shows the overall features and characteristics and attributes that related to the service and meet the needs of beneficiaries phenomenon and full, as was the concept of strategic performance with a significant level of interest from organizations because it is closely linked to the success of the organization in light of the changing competitive environment. These were the study in an attempt to see how a clear vision of the unive

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Performance Comparison of Different Advanced Control Schemes for Glucose Level Control under Disturbing Meal
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In this work, diabetic glucose concentration level control under disturbing meal has been controlled using two set of advanced controllers. The first set is sliding mode controllers (classical and integral) and the second set is represented by optimal LQR controllers (classical and Min-, ax). Due to their characteristic features of disturbance rejection, both integral sliding mode controller and LQR Minmax controller are dedicated here for comparison. The Bergman minimal mathematical model was used to represent the dynamic behavior of a diabetic patient’s blood glucose concentration to the insulin injection. Simulations based on Matlab/Simulink, were performed to verify the performance of each controll

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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The impact of the Arab Islamic environment on contemporary painting" The artist Abdul Rahman Al-Suleiman as a model".: محمود حسين عبد الرحمن
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  This research means a study (the impact of the Arab-Islamic environment on contemporary painting, the artist Abd al-Rahman al-Suleiman as a model). The research falls into two axes: the first: the theoretical axis, and the second: the applied axis. The first axis dealt with an introduction that contained: (the research problem, its importance, its goal, its limits, and the definition of terms). This research aims to uncover (the impact of the Arab-Islamic environment on contemporary painting, and the artist Suleiman was a model). And the research limits spatially: Saudi Arabia, and temporally: 2010-2014. This theme included two topics: The first: the characteristics of the Saudi environment and its impact on art. The second: the s

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Entre l'Emile de Jean-Jacques Rousseau et Paul et Virginie de Bernardin de Saint Pierre : un refus constant de la civilisation :
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A la fin du XVIIIe siècle, les penseurs français dont Rousseau et Saint-Pierre, commencent à mettre en question la civilisation européenne. Dans leurs œuvres les plus importantes, ces deux auteurs parlent de la société européenne d'une façon très banale. Ils font, par contre, une invitation à la Solitude et l'isolement dans la nature afin d'éviter la corruption de l'âme par la société mondaine. Ces écrivains-penseurs croient que la société peut gâter l'humanité de l'individu. Ils suggèrent à travers les images innocentes de leurs principaux personnages vivant dans la campagne, un monde idéal où il n'y a que pureté et chasteté.  Dans les deux œuvres que nous avons choisies (Paul et Virginie de Bernardin de

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of voluntary corporate disclosure on tax planning: An applied analytical research of a sample of Iraqi private joint-stock companies
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In recent years, the attention of researchers, governments and international non-governmental organizations has focused on the aggressive practices adopted by companies with the aim of evading the tax burden or from paying the tax obligations imposed on them by law, as the results of these practices are negatively affected by tax revenues. And that companies are part of the society in which they work, and they have rights and obligations, including paying taxes. The research community is the Iraqi private shareholding companies, and the research sample was 4 companies within the private sector and in the field and finance - banking, insurance, industrial and service, which are Ashur Bank, Al-Ahlia Insurance Company, Baghdad Soft

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