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Hisba system in Islam
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Through research it shows that the calculation has an effective role in the maintenance of Islamic law and save. And that the calculation religious function to attach religious matters and it closeness to God, whether calculated or assumed carried out by volunteers. And scientists from the description of the calculation as a social function to attach to morality and kinship and charity to the poor and the dissemination of science. By definition it shows that the injury will not be exposed only to the evils of any phenomenon that do not break and was checking to search for evil, but he must intervene if he saw visible in front of him. And that of the areas that could see the calculation are the field of information and education so that education is the foundation of morality in the evaluation of follow-through and curricula designed to familiarize the media and he may play an important role in spreading the principles of Islam. And that the calculation be censorship on the role of education and the media in order to preserve the intellectual and moral side of the community.

It is problems that crippled the calculation for its pioneering role Kcol a lot of negative (called the creation of the Creator) This understanding prevents the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice. Finally, the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice has to be that everyone is doing all of its location and at the very least to deny it in his heart.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Information security contributes directly to increase the level of trust between the government’s departments by providing an assurance of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive governmental information. Many threats that are caused mainly by malicious acts can shutdown the egovernment services. Therefore the governments are urged to implement security in e-government projects.
Some modifications were proposed to the security assessment multi-layer model (Sabri model) to be more comprehensive model and more convenient for the Iraqi government. The proposed model can be used as a tool to assess the level of security readiness of government departments, a checklist for the required security measures and as a commo

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 14 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Network Authentication Protocol Based on Secure Biometric NIDN
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In this paper an authentication based finger print biometric system is proposed with personal identity information of name and birthday. A generation of National Identification Number (NIDN) is proposed in merging of finger print features and the personal identity information to generate the Quick Response code (QR) image that used in access system. In this paper two approaches are dependent, traditional authentication and strong identification with QR and NIDN information. The system shows accuracy of 96.153% with threshold value of 50. The accuracy reaches to 100% when the threshold value goes under 50.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Thermal Behaviour of Paraffin Wax/Poly Vinyl Alcohol Composite Material
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Polymer additives binder system provides many properties useful in thermal energy storage (TES) then developed the efficient energy storage materials and green strength bodies system.

This paper studies the thermal energy storage property for polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) / paraffin wax (WPw) blends. To enhance paraffin wax thermal conductivity, PVOH as a material which high conductivity was employed. A fixed weight of Paraffin wax was dispersed with PVOH heterogeneously at different additive weights ratios of PVOH/Pw (50/50, 67/33, 75/25, and 80/20) wt. ratio respectively. The composite material was prepared using wetted pressing method.

Both base materials (polyvinyl alcohol and paraffin wax) were scanned using differential

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The search for Sanctity and Divine Love « The Narrow Door » Andre Gide: À la recherche de la sainteté et de l’amour céleste dans « La porte étroite » d’André Gide.
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The theme of love has been and still is the interest of authors and writers for it is closely related to people’s lives. That great passion has helped them express genuine thoughts pertinent to that theme that has given rise to many debates, some are vague and others controversial. In his (strait is the gate), (La Porte étroite), André Gide has sought to shed light on his characters perspective of love and its relationship with sacredness and divine happiness. Indeed these characters have found often themselves restrained, chained and exhausted, by tough religious commands that have imposed on them spiritual commitments and duties too hard to break.

André Gide has revealed a protestant deviation from the perfection theme tha

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 17 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
PDF Design Optical BPF Using Double Clad Fiber MZI for Free Space Optical Communication: Mohanad G. Khamees , Tahreer S. Mansour*
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Abstract: A novel design of Mach Zehnder Interferometer (MZI) in terms of using special type of optical fiber that has double clad with graded distribution of the refractive index that can be easily implemented practically was suggested and simulated in this work. The suggested design is compact, rapid, and is simple to be modified and tested. The simulated design contains a MZI of 1546.74 nm of central wavelength that is constructed using special type of double clad optical fiber that has two different numerical apertures. The first aperture will supply single mode propagation via its core, while the second numerical aperture supports a zigzag wave propagation (multimode) in the first clad region. The interferometer’s

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Trade, Economics And Finance
Should Iraq Adopt IFRSs?
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Abstract—Over the two past decades, the rapid integration of capital markets underlined the necessity for developing a single set of high quality international accounting standards. The growing acceptance of international accounting standards has given power for International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) to work and develop this project. Iraq is a country where its accounting practices have been influenced by different philosophies from outside and inside Iraq during its modern history. After the fall of Saddam Hussain international institutions have begun to play an important role in reshaping Iraq’s economy including its accounting for oil. This paper investigates the challenges and opportunities for Iraq in transitioning from it

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 04 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Geomatics correction model for GPS data using RTK-DGPS survey
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Determination of the sites of geographical coordinates with high accuracy and in short time is very important in many applications, including: air and sea navigation, and in the uses geodetic surveys. Today, the Global Positioning System (GPS) plays an important role in performing this task. The datum used for GPS positioning is called World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84). It consists of a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system and an associated ellipsoid so that WGS84 positions describe coordinates as latitude, longitude and ellipsoid height (h) coordinates, with respect to the center of mass of the Earth This study develops a mathematical model for geomantic measurement correction for ellipsoidal heights (h) between two different

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Developed Model for Selecting Optimum Locations of Water Harvesting Dams Using GIS Techniques
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An integrated GIS-VBA (Geographical Information System – Visual Basic for Application), model is developed for selecting an optimum water harvesting dam location among an available locations in a watershed. The proposed model allows quick and precise estimation of an adopted weighted objective function for each selected location. In addition to that for each location, a different dam height is used as a nominee for optimum selection. The VBA model includes an optimization model with a weighted objective function that includes beneficiary items (positive) , such as the available storage , the dam height allowed by the site as an indicator for the potential of hydroelectric power generation , the rainfall rate as a source of water . In a

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 18 2018
Journal Name
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This study is due to insufficient development of the issues of initial training in tennis at youthful (student) age. Objective: development of a methodological and scientific-methodological base of students' tennis with current trends in tennis. Summing up the best practices of modern tennis, we came to the conclusion that the formation of the art of reflection backhands in teaching beginner students of sports specialization to achieve future success. In modern conditions in the development of Russian tennis student opens the possibility of using new technologies and programs. Using these approaches, we have developed a training program and tested students' tennis in the pedagogical experiment, which resulted in its effectiveness.

Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Reliability and Failure Probability Functions of the m-Consecutive-k-out-of-n: F Linear and Circular Systems
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The m-consecutive-k-out-of-n: F linear and circular system consists of n sequentially connected components; the components are ordered on a line or a circle; it fails if there are at least m non-overlapping runs of consecutive-k failed components. This paper proposes the reliability and failure probability functions for both linearly and circularly m-consecutive-k-out-of-n: F systems. More precisely, the failure states of the system components are separated into two collections (the working and the failure collections); where each one is defined as a collection of finite mutual disjoint classes of the system states. Illustrative example is provided.

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