Praise be to God, we praise Him, we seek His help, we seek His forgiveness, and we seek refuge in God from the evils of ourselves and our bad deeds. . The marriage contract, like other contracts, gives rise to reciprocal rights and duties that bind both the husband and the wife, pursuant to the principle of balance, equivalence, and the equality of the parties to the contract on which every contract is based. . That is, women have rights over men similar to what men have over women, or that the basis for estimating these rights and duties is custom based on the nature of both men and women. The Iraqi Personal Status Law stipulates all the financial rights that the wife is entitled to from her husband: namely, the dowry and alimony. As for the non-financial or moral rights, such as justice and kindness in dealing, living in a kind manner, the wife’s obedience to her husband in a kind manner, and protecting the wife from all forms of harm and humiliation, the law does not address her, because she Ethical principles, some of which have been stipulated in the Holy Qur’an, and others in the Prophet’s Sunnah. We are talking here about the wife’s alimony, which is a financial effect of the effects of the marriage contract and a continuous obligation that falls on the husband throughout the survival of married life and even after it. Also, during the waiting period of divorce, and it is possible to say that it is the financial return that is the most of the obligations that the wife bears, if we do not say all of them, in addition to the non-financial return represented by the husband’s respect for her and his good relationship with her, and this is indicated by the texts of the Noble Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet and the scholars unanimously agreed on it.
انف كتاب أي.أس.أمىز(6291-9006) انشعشي شاطًء الاشجاس ((1981مه 73قصٍذي. ٌىاقش انبذث ٌزي انقصائذ مه مىضُس فهسفت انطاًٌَ َانتً اتبعٍا انشاعش بذقً فً كتابً.ٌظٍش انكتاب بُضُح انكثٍش مه ملامخ انطبٍعً َانتً تتضمه تغٍشاث دٌىامكًٍ َتطُس تذسٌجً نمختهف انكائىاث انذًٍ .ٌصف انشاعش فً اَل سهسهً مه قصائذي انصُسي انذقٍقًٍ نهكُن مه خلال سؤٌا عمٍقً نهطاًٌَ َانتً تظٍش جهٍا مه خلال تفاعم الاوسان مع انطبٍعً.تُضخ انقصائذ تقاسب انطاًٌَ م
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الغلط في القانون الانجليزي على انواع ثلاثة (غلط مشترك Common mistake ) يقع فيه الطرفان مع علم كل منهما بنية الآخر ويقبلها دون ان يشوب الاتفاق نقص او يعتريه تحفظ ، و(غلط من الجانبين Mutual mistake) يكون كل متعاقد واقعا في غلط فيما يتعلق بما قصده الآخر، فيقدم كل منهما عرضاً مخالفاً للآخر و(غلط من جانب واحدUnliteral mistake ) يقع فيه احد المتعاقدين فقط ويكون المتعاقد الآخر اما عالماً بالغلط او يفترض انه عالم به . فإذا دفع احد المتعاقدين
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يعد النشاط المدرسي للمعلم والطالب جهدا عقلياً وبدنياً يبذله المعلم والطالب بمساعدة المدرسة لتحقيق اهداف مرسومة وهو ممارسة تظهر في اداء الطلبة على المستوى الحركي والفعلي والنفسي والاجتماعي بفعالية داخل المدرسة وخارجها. (اللقاني،بلا، ص82).
ان الانشطة والبرامج المدرسية التي تنظم داخل الصف
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A man find himself in front of narrative literal productions when he read the title of this paper that deals with specialist , followers of Arabic literal narration productions through the era of Arabic literature in a period arrived to 1500 years. It is strange to present (Narration art in Arabic heritage) , in addition to (Arabic diwan) . This matter introduces us to come back to the past to inspect Arabic narration production , specially that is called (Artistic narration ) which is full ,variety of purposes and goals.