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Borrowing in a diwan Moon Tree for Nazik Angels

The moon tree, the lover of the night, cholera, the sea changes its colors are poetic products left by the pioneer of free poetry, as many have called her. She used to write poetry and publish it in magazines and newspapers until she published it with collections that came into existence from an early age. Several factors helped her in that that contributed to the formation of her personality and the maturity of her talent, including factors Family, including environmental, and psychological, until she later became the focus of attention of many, so she became taught in the universities of London, and students stood by her method of writing free poetry, this poetic color that Badr Shaker Al-Sayyab participated in pioneering. Whoever examines the life of this poet and her achievements finds that every part of her life evaluates research and letters, and every house she has has a lot of ambiguity and creativity, which makes you stand there a lot to meditate on it and dive into its meanings and try to extract the rhetorical arts from it and wonder how a poet at an early age had this ability to choose words. Eloquent to this extent, and how can you weave it, but you go back and say talent and the poet's family are the two main poles in its formation, in addition to its culture and study, which enabled it to impart Arab landmarks colored by the Western character and renewal. And al-Sayyab explained by saying: (The two poets - meaning Nazek and al-Sayyab - tried to renew the content of Arabic poetry and followed the general form of the poem on the path of immigrant literature and American literature in particular. Badr was deeply impressed by English and American literature, and he admired the American poet TS Eliot. .......... As for Nazik, she is authentic in her Arab culture and in her understanding of Arabic literature. It was clear, and it followed a well-marked path (( ), as for its pioneering of free poetry, it had another opinion, it was mentioned that this poetry has roots dating back to the year 1911 AD, in what was published in magazines and newspapers, and that Nazik and Al-Siyab re-try and renew () although they are in many Interviews It was confirmed that she is the pioneer of free poetry, from that an interview that Dr. Mahmoud Muhammad al-Habib conducted with her and was published in the Journal of Arts when he asked her by saying: (There was a lot of controversy about the first poem that was composed in free poetry. It was said that the late Badr Shakir al-Sayyab preceded you in that in his poem “Was it Love” in his collection “Withered Flowers” (1947), while you insist that you preceded him chronologically in your poem “Cholera” which was published by Al-Oruba magazine on 1/12/1947.. .......... - She replied - ....... The important thing is that my poem was published before his poem, and I did not have any knowledge of Badr Shakir al-Sayyab - may God have mercy on him - at that time, so he did not look at my poem when he composed his poem Nor did I read his poem when I compiled mine, but each of us started separately. The two poems (Cholera) and (Was it Love) differ from one another in weight, theme, form, and language...) () We note from her answer that she insists and is proud that she is the pioneer of poetry Al-Hur, with her poem Cholera, was agreed by many.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 31 2022
Journal Name
مجلة كلية الإدارة و الاقتصاد للدراسات الاقتصادية و الإدارية و المالية
دور مؤشر السيولة المصرفية في الرقابة الإشرافية للبنك المركزي العراقي على المصارف المتخصصة

عد الرقابة الإشرافية احد اهم الأدوات التي تستخدمها البنوك المركزية في تقييم التزام المصارف بالمتطلبات التنظيمية والقوانين الصادرة منها وتستخدم البنوك المركزية عدة مؤشرات مالية منها مؤشر السيولة المصرفية لتقييم أداء المصارف تجاه حماية أموال المودعين وحماية المصارف من خطر نقص السيولة ومن ثم التعرض للإفلاس، لذا اقتضت الضرورة إلى دراسة مؤشر السيولة المصرفية الذي يستخدم كأحد أدوات الرقابة الإشرافية من قبل ال

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 26 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
دلالات الأعمال العسكرية للملوك في الصيغ التاريخية للعصر البابلي القديم (2004-1595 ق.م)

Received several formats historical kings of old Babylonian era carries connotations military as it chronicled the kings of this era Sunni rule work, was in the forefront of those formulas taken from weapons-grade events have the history of years of their rule, and the keenness of the Kings on the industry that weapon and because it is dedicated to the goddess is the weapon of God, and which pulls the Goddess encouragement and an support them in their wars, they think the Iraqis ancient gods be carrying weapons at the forefront of their armies to fight the enemy with them as well as the receipt of a lot of alliances

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
The Magazine Economics & Admistration
دراسة أنتاج وتسويق التمور في العراق باستعمال طريقة المربعات الصغرى واسلوب البرمجة الخطية

تناولنا في بحثنا أحد اساليب البرمجة الخطية وهي الطريقة المبسطة لتقدير معلمات انموذج الانحدار الخطي عن طريق اختيار دالة الهدف التي تعمل على تقليل الحد الادنى لمجموع الاخطاء الناتجة من تقدير المعلمات بطريقة المربعات الصغرى الاعتيادية ( OLS) حيث سيتم في الطريقة المبسطة ( simplex) فرض قيود على نفس الاخطاء نفسها بهدف تصغيرها الى اقل ما يمكن للحصول على تقديرات افضل لمعلمات انموذج الانحدار الخطي . على اساس ان طريقة المرب

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 08 1013
Journal Name
كلية الفنون الجميلة
إشكالية الخطاب الجمالي للجسد في النحت العالمي المعاصر، دراسة على وفق المنهج الظاهراتي

اهتم في الربع الأول بالمفاهيم النظرية للمناهج التي تقع في النقاط الخمس ، النقطة الأولى تتعلق بمفهوم الخطاب والخطاب المادي ، وقلنا أن الرسالة كانت مبنية على الجسد من البداية ، حتى قبل ذلك هناك ستكون فلسفة أو معرفة المنظمة. أما النقطة الثانية فتتعلق بالمفهوم الفينومينولوجي للخطاب ، ونحن في هذه المرحلة أهم الركائز التي قام عليها (إدموند هوسرل) في بناء مفهوم وصفي ضعيف. في النقطة الثالثة نكشف عن الظواهر المتعلقة ب

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 14 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education,
Effect of mycorrhiza ( Glomus mosseae ) and superphosphate on physiological characters of Hordeum vulgare

Abstract An experiment was conducted to study the effect of Glomus mosseae and two concentration (21 and 42%) of super phosphate. They used either to be separated or together with inoculation of G. mosseae on physiological characters of Horeum Vulagera . The results showed that all treatment affected significantly especially super phosphate at the above concentration together with G. mosseae. The effects appeared as an increase in plant height , leaves area , dry weight of total plant , stem dry weight , leaves dry weight , tiller’s number , flag leaf area , dry weight of flag and also increased in CGR , RGR , RGR- NAR , LAI . The yield component increased in number of spikes, number of spikelet’s / spike, number of grain / spike, weigh

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 04 2019
Journal Name
مجلة كلية التربية
جدلية الحركة والسكون والحرف والمقطع رصد وتأصيل لمفهوم المقطع في إيقاع الشعر العربي

Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Effect of the activity of Boswellia Carterii extracts on preservation of ground meat

The study aimed to know the effect of the use alcoholic ethanol extraction of Boswellia Carterii In prolonging the period of preservation cooled ground meat in 4C for 6 days, it has been mixing ground meat with 150,300,450 mg/ml of alcoholic extract Consecutive, Where (0 was the control sample), All samples were stored separately for 0 , 3 , 6 days in Refrigerator temperature 4 C, Conducted by some microbial tests, Results have shown that mixing the ground meat with Boswellia Carterii extraction Led to prolong the storage of meat for 6 days at 4 C .and the Best result came when adding alcoholic ethanol extract of Boswellia Carterii by 450mg/ml Which Equal 0.9 g ,that reducing microbial load more higher than 150&300 mg/ml. All of thes

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of green strategy formulation processes on the adoption of green strategy areas at the functional level

The research aims at demonstrating the role of the formulation of the green strategy in adopting the areas of the green strategy at the level of jobs in the municipal institutions in the province of Babylon, specifically the Directorate of the municipality of Hilla. The most important areas related to the green strategy were highlighted directly or indirectly, after the indicators of environmental damage emerged from the actions of companies and institutions. The research included a sample size of 222 individual of municipal institutions with different job titles and specializations between the technical and administrative and different levels of academic achievement within the institutions within the Ministry of Construction, Ho

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 04 2021
Journal Name
مجلة دراسات وبحوث اعلامية مسار
تعرض جمهور مدينة بغداد للقنوات الفضائية الاسلامية المتخصصة ودوره في غرس الثقافة الدينية

Publication Date
Mon Jan 07 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
دور دور العرب والمسلمون في نشر محاصيل الخضر والفواكه التي إلى دول العالم

     شهد العصر الذهبي للإسلام تحول أساسي في مجال الزراعة عرف باسم "الثورة الزراعية الإسلامية" أو" الثورة الخضراء"  أو "الثورة الزراعية العربية" ، وقد أتاح الوضع الاقتصادي العالمي الذي أسسه التجار المسلمون في جميع أنحاء العالم القديم ، نشر العديد من النباتات والتقنيات الزراعية بين أجزاء مختلفة من العالم ا

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