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The rule of leading the boy in prayer
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God Almighty has imposed on us obligations and set limits on us, and among these obligations is the prayer, which is considered a pillar of Islam. And recently on the statement of its importance, and through extensive explanations, they elaborated on the statement of its pillars, its obligations, its Sunnahs, its rituals, and its bodies, and it is known that the imam in prayer is an important part of the parts of prayer. Whoever assumes this responsibility must be aware of these conditions, the most important of which is jurisprudence in religion, and there has been a disagreement between the jurists, especially the owners of the four schools of thought, about who is qualified to lead the imamate, and this is within many and wide details as it is known and known in the books of Islamic jurisprudence, and among these parts , The ruling of the boy leading the prayer, as boys today are in many of our Islamic societies thanks to God Almighty, and thanks to the righteous parents who raised them well in Islamic education and through frequenting mosques have learned a lot of matters of religion, from memorizing the Noble Qur’an and the noble hadith of the Prophet and knowing the rulings and so on, until You are pleased and optimistic about this giving, and with this, many of them have the ability if one of them comes to prayer to be an imam with his young age, so I wanted, through this research, to stop at this important part to put the honorable reader on insight, evidence and knowledge of the provisions of Islamic law for this issue that It is indispensable for the student of knowledge in particular and for the Muslim in general to know its rulings.

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 18 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
provisions 0f the special young man in marriageability: provisions 0f the special young man in marriageability
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This research –paper tack les some of matters relating to marriageability of the young man who has not attained discretion. the aim of this study is to highlight the religious precepts concerned. the religious missive to this effect reads; ''all praise be to Allah ,lord of the world ;I witness that  there is no god but Allah, the sole and only, to him all creation is attributed. He taught man with pen, and all that he does not know, so exalted is he, and I witness that Mohammed is his servant and messenger, the master of all messengers and the seal of all prophets who was entrusted with a message of march to all mankind. May the blessings of Allah be to him, his household and companions. Until the day of Judgement. "this missive i

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
: Islamic law; perfection The rule of perfection in Islamic law and its impact on the creative construction of the individual and society: The rule of perfection in Islamic law and its impact on the creative construction of the individual and society
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This research explains to us the role of the Islamic religion in the issue of accuracy in speech and work, and how it is closely related to human production in his life, and Islam affirms that his idea is mainly reflected in his production, and how it affects the perception of the meaning of creativity. Therefore, our Islam affirmed the accuracy in every word or work we do to build a society in which people enjoy high quality in ethics and dedication in their work so that the Islamic system depends on humanity to preserve our rights on the other hand the research discusses the deliberate default and how it reflects on our production and how it makes it less good.

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Human right rule in self-defense And its prohibitions in Islamic jurisprudence
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God, may He be glorified and exalted be He, has given every human being the right to life and a dignified life, and has warned against transgression against any of its sanctities without a legitimate right. No one, regardless of his status or authority, can deprive a person of his rights that the Sharia came to preserve, and whoever does that has declared all people to war, as all humanity is in solidarity. In raising the hand that is simplified to harm a person and oppress him unjustly and exalted in the land.
If this is the case, the Sharia came to establish the right of people, groups and individuals, to defend their sanctities, preserve their security, recover their usurped rights, repel the aggression of the aggressors, and oppre

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Human Dignity and the Problem of Women Cutting Off Prayer: Women Cutting Off Prayer
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Our creator has honored human beings and granted them a noble place, the provisions of the Islamic system are designed to strengthen and consolidate this dignity and respect. Since women are human beings, they have their respect, status and dignity. There are some prophetic sayings concerning women that may be understood as contrary to this value, the value of dignity and respect for human beings. One example is the Hadith of a woman cutting off a man’s prayer if she passed in front of his prayer. The study examines this topic and presents answers for it.


In dealing with the subject, the study followed the descriptive, analytical and deductive approach of mentioning legislative texts, analyzing them and deducing

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Identifying the leading sector in the Iraqi economy through the interrelationships between sectors - applied research
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   Analyzing the size of the interrelationships between the main economic sectors in the Iraqi economy is an important necessity to know the impact of each sector on other economic sectors on the basis of the interrelationships and reciprocity between them, and what these relationships have achieved in terms of enhancing development and increasing the gross domestic product. To achieve the objectives of the study, we relied on mathematical (quantitative) analysis using user-product tables. Issued by the Ministry of Planning / Central Bureau of Statistics and Research (Directorate of National Accounts) for the economic sectors that make up the Iraqi economy. The study conc

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The most important and important rule in the Quranic perspective "An applied study"
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    All of us are indispensable for this rule (the most important and important) individuals, whether we were groups of leaders or followers of peoples or countries because the rule provides adequate guarantees for the correct positions and drawing the plan for successful decision-makers matching with the balances of Sharia without incompatibility between religious or worldly interests or legal positions and therefore in the framework of the most important appointment And distinguish it from the important from the interests or the appointment of the most important and distinguish from the important from the evils and through this rule we learn about the scientific and practical solutions t

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 25 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The rule (it is desirable to leave the dispute) and its importance in the life of a Muslim
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Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Master of Messengers, and upon his family and companions

And whoever follows his guidance until the Day of Judgment. As for what follows: Islamic law commands Muslims to unite, reject disagreement, and not dispute, and to spread the spirit of tolerance and love among them. God Almighty said: “And hold fast to the rope of God all of you and do not become divided, and remember the favor of God upon you when you are enemies and He has joined your hearts.” So, by His grace, you became brothers (1), and He said: (And You will be like those who became divided and disagreed after the clear proofs had come to them. It is they - for them is a great punishment.) (2

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Prayer sessions are the truth and the opinions of scholars
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The ritual is a Sunnah between the two prostrations, not as some of the worshipers do, where he made it in the last tashahhud when the tasleematin, and it may be in the last tashahhud.
The assumption is Sunnah and most of the scholars say that in the middle tashahhud session as we have shown through research.
The Turks are Sunnah as well, and it is at the end of the prayer, whether it is double, triple or quadruple, whether it is naval or NAFTA, whether it is urban or travel, which is the view of most scholars from the three imams and others.
If we say weighting, say the audience of the three imams (Malik, Shafi'i, and Ahmad) is the most correct, and it is also the son of values, and if we say the choice is as Ibn Rushd said: by

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The adequacy of determining the direction of Qibla by modern methods in the Islamic jurisprudence
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    This Paper aims to know the modern approaches of determining the Qiblah and its ruling in Islamic Faqah, as well as to find out the required in the identity of the Qiblah or the eye, and the care of the advanced Jurists in this matter, and to present some of their sayings on the issue. we have followed the Descriptive analytical method of the aspects of the jurists ’difference in what is required when facing the qiblah either the eye or aspect, the approach of several demands branched out from each topic, which were answered in the theoretical framework of the research, and the research concluded with the most important results: The need to receive the eye of the qiblah for the worshiper who is close to it and it is no

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
E3s Web Of Conferences
Analytical Comparison of Leading Sustainability Systems in the Iraqi Environment
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Over the last two decades, several sustainability assessment methods have developed as key accelerators for the development and improvement of sustainable industrial buildings. Some of these systems, like as LEED or BREEAM, are considered international, whereas others, such as Pearl Rating Systems (PRS), are local. Although they all share similar goals, they can lead to the construction of green buildings or the improvement of the efficiency of existing conventional buildings. Each technique has its structure, certification process, and weighting norms. The inequalities have prompted various questions about whether global assessment systems appropriately consider the country’s national settings. This study aims to compare the Pear

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