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The meaning of the triple verb more with one letter in Diwan al-Shafi'i
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The Diwan of Imam Al-Shafi’i acquires great importance, as Al-Shafi’i is an authority in the language, and when I saw that no one had preceded me in exploring its depths, I took my tool and turned my face towards it intending to study the triple verb in it. I stop at these verbs and the student pauses for their morphological forms, looking at the significance of the triple verb more with one letter, two letters, and three letters, and I found that they are many, and such research cannot contain them all, so the choice came to choose the triple verb more with one letter, and the significance of the increase in it, as the increase in The building necessitates an increase in the meaning, and from here the study was limited to the triple verb more with one letter, as the increase is only in the hamza, as in the (act), and in the weak, as in the (verb) formula, and in the alif, as in the (fael) formula, In this study, I referred to the Holy Qur’an, then to language dictionaries, as well as grammatical extensions, as well as morphological books.
As for the research plan, it came in three sections preceded by an introduction, then a translation of Imam Al-Shafi’i, which included an overview of his name, lineage, birth, and scientific status, as well as his travels in seeking and spreading knowledge, and finally his death, which was in Egypt, may God have mercy on him, then the translation was followed by an introduction that included a brief In the difference between the abstract triple verb and the triple more verb, as well as the letters of the addition and their meanings, then the investigations varied, so the first topic was in the triple verb more with the hamza (do), while the second topic came in the study of the verb more with weakness (he did), then the third topic came to be The conclusion of the research, which was in the study of the triple verb more by a thousand (active), and finally the list of sources.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Conjugation of Steroidal and Non – Steroidal Anti- Inflammatory Drugs as Possible Mutual Prodrug
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Prednisolone (SAID) was conjugated with ibuprofen (NSAID) through an amino acid (glycine) as a spacer arm to synthesize the following compound:

Prednisolone – glycine – ibuprofen.

    The method employed consists of converting the carboxylic acid function of (R,S) – ibuprofen – glycine to the highly reactive acid chloride and subsequent reaction with the C21 hydroxyl group of prednisolone. This reactive intermediate was found to react as well with the C17 tertiary hydroxyl group of the steroid to form three compounds and eight diastereomers. These results were confirmed by T.L.C, and the desired compound was separated by column chromatograph

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Publication Date
Thu May 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Palynofacies and Source Rocks Evaluation for Selected Samples of Subba Oil Field, Southern Iraq
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This study includes a palynological and organic geochemical evaluation of Nahr Umr, Zubair, and Yamama Formations in the Subba field, Southern Iraq, represented by three wells (Su-14, Su-9 and Su-8). The determination of quantity organic matter showed that the rocks of Nahr Umr Formation had a total organic carbon of 4.76%, indicating very good production of hydrocarbons where type (II) kerogen was dominant, but the rocks were thermally immature. Zubair Formation had a total organic carbon of 1.91% to 2.26%, indicating good to very good production of hydrocarbons where kerogen of types (I) and (II/III) were dominant, with low thermal maturity. Yamama Formation showed a total organic carbon of 1.68%, revealing good production of hydrocarb

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Publication Date
Sun May 01 2016
Journal Name
2016 Al-sadeq International Conference On Multidisciplinary In It And Communication Science And Applications (aic-mitcsa)
Review and performance comparison of VANET protocols: AODV, DSR, OLSR, DYMO, DSDV & ZRP
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Microstructure and Some Properties of Aluminum-Silicon Matrix Composites Reinforced by Alumina or Chromia
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In this work, yttrium oxide particles (powder) reinforced AL-Si matrix composites (Y2O3/Al-Si) and Chromium oxide particles reinforced AL-Si matrix composites (Cr2O3/AL-Si) were prepared by direct squeeze casting. The volume percentages of yttrium oxide used are (4, 8.1, 12.1, 16.1 vol %) and the volume percentages of the chromium oxide particles used are (3.1, 6.3, 9.4, 12.5 vol. %). The parameters affecting the preparation of Y2O3/Al-Si and Cr2O3/AL-Si composites by direct squeeze casting process were studied. The molten Al-Si alloy with yttrium oxide particles or with chromium oxide particles was stirred again using an electrical stirrer at speed 500 rpm  and the molten alloy was  poured  into the squeeze die cavity. Th

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Psychological and Health Risks of Children Toy-Related Injuries: Pellet-Gun as a Model
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The research aims to identify the psychological and health risks that a child might be exposed to by playing with hazardous toys such as pellet guns. To this end, the researcher has visited Ibn Al-Haytham Eye Hospital in Baghdad, the emergency department to figure out the rate of injuries in Children for the consecutive years (2017-2018) and the first Month of (2019). The psychological risks as a result of disability are represented by the inability to accommodate the surrounding environment well. Additionally, the child experiences a kind of tension, conflict, and going in psychological crises through introversion, isolation, withdrawal tendencies, and poor conformity with himself and the Society.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Lactobacilli sources on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus adherence to uroepithelial cells
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The inhibitory action of four lactobacilli isolates Lactobacillus bulgaricus, L. acidophilus, L. plantarum and L. fermentum, isolated from four different samples; yoghurt, vinegar, saliva and vagina respectively, on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus adhesion to uroepithelial cells were investigated. Results showed that all Lactobacillus isolates or their supernatant were able to reduce the number of the uropathogens attached to uroepithelial cells. However, inhibition level of lactobacilli cells was higher than their supernatant. Nevertheless, the human indigenous lactobacilli (L. fermentum and L. plantarum) were more competitive than food lactobacilli (L. acidophilus and L. bulgaricus).

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Corrosion Protection Study of Carbon Steel and 316 Stainless Steel Alloys Coated by Nanoparticles
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The Corrosion protection effectiveness of Alimina(Al2O3,50nm)and Zinc oxide (ZnO,30nm) nanoparticales were studied on carbon steel and 316 stainless steel alloys in saline water (3.5%NaCl)at four temperatures: (20,30,40,50 OC)using three electrodes potentiostat. An average corrosion protection efficiencies of 65 %and 80% was achieved using Al2O3 NP's on carbon steel and stainless steel samples respectively, and it seems that no effect of rising temperature on the performances of the coated layers. While ZnO NP'S showed protection efficiency around 65% for the two alloys and little effected by temperature rising on the performanes of the coated layers. The morphology of the coated spesiemses was examined by Atomic force microscope.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Removal of Copper Ions onto Walnut Shells by Using Batch and Continuous Fluidized Bed
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An agricultural waste (walnut shell) was undertaken to remove Cu(II) from aqueous solutions in batch and continuous fluidized bed processes. Walnut shell was found to be effective in batch reaching 75.55% at 20 and 200 rpm, when pH of the solution adjusted to 7. The equilibrium was achieved after 6 h of contacting time. The maximum uptake was 11.94mg/g. The isotherm models indicated that the highest determination coefficient belongs to Langmuir model. Cu (II) uptake process in kinetic rate model followed the pseudo-second-order with determination coefficient of 0.9972. More than 95% of the Cu(II) were adsorbed on the walnut shells within 6 h at optimum agitation speed of 800 rpm. The main functional groups responsible for biosorption of

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Theoretical spectroscopic studies of potential energy curves and Fortran parabola for beryllium oxide molecule
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    Theoretical spectroscopic  studies of  beryllium oxide has been  carried out, potential energy curves for ground states X1Σ+ and exited states A1Π , B1Σ+ by using two functions Morse and  and Varshni compared with experimental results. The potentials of this molecule are agreement with experimental results. The Fortrat Parabola corrcponding to  and branches were determind in the range 1<J<20 for the (0-0) band. It was found that for electronic transition  A1Π- X1Σ+  the bands head lies in  branche of  Fortrat p

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
A Study of Water Flux through Forward Osmosis Membrane Using Brine\Fresh Water System
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The present work aims to improve the flux of forward osmosis with the use of Thin Film Composite membrane by reducing the effect of polarization on draw solution (brine solution) side.This study was conducted in two parts. The first is under the effect of polarization in which the flux and the water permeability coefficient (A) were calculated. In the second part of the study the experiments were repeated using a circulating pump at various speeds to make turbulence and reduce the effect of polarization on the brine solution side.
A model capable of predicting water permeability coefficient has been derived, and this is given by the following equations:
Z=Z+C.R.T/9.8(d2/D2+1) [Exp. [-9.8(d

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