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The artistic image of flowers in the poetry of Abi Waki` al-Tanisi
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Man was closely associated with nature in its various forms, as it represented the incubator for him in all areas of his life, so writers often made it a material for their literature and a fertile ground for their productions, so it appeared in its various forms and man’s need for it, its good and its bad in literature throughout history, and the Arabs are like Other nations, since the pre-Islamic era, nature was an important outlet and a refuge for poets in the production and creativity of literature and to this day, and when we talk about a poet from the Fatimid state, we find that nature - especially spring and its flowers - in that period took its take from literature and represented a phenomenon for many Among the poets, many of whom were concerned with describing them and revealing their aesthetics and the extent of their impact on human life, and among the poets who were interested in describing spring and its flowers in a way that overwhelmed his poetry (Al-Hassan bin Ali Al-Dhabi, famously known as Ibn Waki` Al-Tanisi), so the title of the research was (The artistic image of flowers in the poetry of Ibn Waki` Al-Tanisi ), and the research was divided into two sections, preceded by an introduction and a preface in which it dealt with the poet’s life and his era, and the first topic was under the title: (Flowers and their images in the poetry of Ibn Wakee’) in which I dealt with an introduction to the study of the image, and the images of flowers that appeared in poems and pieces. As for the second topic, it was under the title: (The image of spring and its flowers in the poetry of Ibn Waki`), and it devoted a topic to spring and its flowers due to the association between spring and flowers. Then the research concluded with the most important results it reached, and a list of the sources that were employed in it. thanks God first and last.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2024
Journal Name
مجلة ديالى للبحوث الإنسانية
البنية التركيبية والبيانية في قصيدة (أدر الكؤوس) لعبد الحسن زلزلة
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يعد التحليل البلاغي تركيبيا وبيانيا من الآليات الكاشفة عن الدلالات العميقة المتولّدة جراء علاقات البنية السطحية ، مكونة نسقاً دلالياً متماسكاً ومشحوناً بتكثيف معنوي للصور البلاغية المنسوجة في نص القصيدة، والتي تفتح للمتلقي نافذة التشكيل المتخيل لحال الشعب وحاكمه ، والعلاقة القائمة بينهما في القصيدة ، إذ نسج الشاعر علائقية متنامية الدلالة بين أجزاء قصيدته ووحداتها ؛ لتكون كلاً واحداً ناقلاً المتلقي لواق

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
دور القيم الأخلاقية في تعديل السلوك الانساني وفق المنظور الاسلامي
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Praise be to Allah and peace be upon our master and lover of our hearts and our souls doctor Muhammad and divine , especially the rest of God in Aladdin , and a curse on all the enemies to the day of judgment ,

After : The issue of education of man , and brought up within the curriculum properly and comprehensively cannot be completed for the seriousness and accuracy without revelation , the Qur'an inspiring , than when gentle expert , is a factory of man and humanity , in fact ... is the process of modifying behavior, one of the goals of education community at various levels in the family the school and the whole university and other educational institutions and community-based factories humanity that th

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 05 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
اسرة بنو الشحنة ودورها في الحياة الادارية خلال العصر المملوكي
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The sultans of the Mamluk state, since the establishment of their state in the year   AD, were keen to bring scholars closer to them, and entrusted the vra in the state.  ;  This is because of their confidence in

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 08 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
براعة براعة علماء الأندلس في الزراعة من خلال مؤلفاتهم الفلاحية
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           It was the sayings of Andalusia scholars in agriculture based on experiments and theories that helped a lot in the success and development of agriculture in the Andalusia ,and also The divisions of the soil and out types and forms it helped a lot of to know arable of non-arable land earth and all off the determination of the color of repentance is important often discovered by agricultural scientists and that helped in the cultivation of certain crops in certain land without another land.and though each particular agricultural crops specific soil in which to live and not live in other soil ,

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 20 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
السقيان الدلاليان الادراكي و التعبيري في اسماء البضائع دراسةلسانية وصفية
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The research studies the semantic generation structures of
commodity names in the Baghdad dialect of Arabic, specifically
those names that reflect popular taste. Through descriptive field
studies of the social use of these words

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 12 2020
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المواجهة العربية الإسلامية للمغول في شمال الجزيرة الفراتية وبلاد الشام
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The current study deals with the Islamic Arab  of Mongolian invasion  in  the Island of Euphrates. We have exposed  conditions of  Levant  before the Mongolian invasion and that includes   situations of princess  of Levant and their  caliphates , they have been unaware  the danger surrounding them  and their country. It has also included  the Islamic  Arabic threat  through  the integration of  Islamic Arabic  cities residents  in  Levant  to confront

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 31 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الدور الدور العلمي للمرأة في التراث البغدادي ( العصر العباسي أنموذجاً )
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تناول البحث اثر النساء في البيت العباسي وتأثيرهن الثقافي والعلمي في التراث البغدادي ، وانعكاسه على الواقع الاجتماعي الذي يعد بحد ذاته مظهر من مظاهر الانسجام والتلاحم بين الماضي والحاضر إذ تركن أثرا بارزا في الحضارة والعلم وأسهمن بصورة مباشره او غير مباشره في دعم وتطور الحضارة  العربية الإسلامية .

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 26 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
النظام النظام السياسي العربي وصلته بالشعب في الدولة العربية الإسلامية
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         This study deals with it the era of Taher Bin Al Hussein for his son Abdullah when preside Diyarbakir and Rabia in succession of ALMa`amoon Abbasi in the political and historical dimensions

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 22 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
تسميةُ بعض الأعمال(كُفْراً) في أحاديثِ الكتبِ الستةِ (دراسة تحليلية)
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This search aimed to show a series of converses that our prophet [peace be upon him] call ,some of them , (Kufraa) , and explain the meaning of (AI-kufr) that called on some works , so does it mean the apparent part or the pronunciation of(Al-Kufr) has another meanings ?

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم القانونية والسياسية
الحماية الجنائية لأمن الدولة الداخلي في ظل حروب الجيل الرابع
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تناول البحث موضوعاً شديد الأهمية وهو الأمن الاجتماعي منظور اليه في سياق الحماية الجنائية لأمن الدولة والتحديات التي يتعرض لها بعد حصول تغيير حاسم في أساليب الحرب. كما يقدم البحث تقسيماً مختلفاً لأجيال الحروب نقتصر على اربعة منها استناداً إلى التغيير في أهداف الحرب الاستراتيجية وليس إلى مجرد وسائل ارتكابها لان هذه الوسائل لا تصلح لوصف التغييرات الحقيقية في أنماط الحروب والاهداف التي تسعى إلى تحقيقها. ويؤكد

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