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Principles of war and jihad to protect the environment and civilians in times of war in Islamic Sharia
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The use of destructive weapons in wars without restrictions and controls, which eat green and dry land, pollute the environment and cause genocide, has become the problem of the times.

International conventions for the protection of the environment during armed conflicts are characterized by generality, ambiguity, and open to interpretation by the participating states in the agreement, and each state interprets these texts to serve its interests, but the Islamic Sharia stipulates the prohibition of the use of these comprehensive destructive weapons in an unambiguous manner, As stated in the Holy Quran:

                 البقرة [190]

The modern wars that took place in the world such as the First and Second World Wars, and other wars that took place in the region, including: the first and second Gulf wars and the Iran-Iraq war were known for great violations by the warriors using all prohibited weapons despite these agreements and laws that prevent this, but the Islamic wars and the conquests that After the time of the Messenger and the Rightly-guided Caliphs, evidence of corruption, arson and major crimes was not transmitted to very limited cases and when the warriors fell short. Islamic Sharia prohibits genocide not only for humans but for animals, birds and insects in order to preserve biological diversity and protect the environment and its balance that God created.

War has existed since the existence of man on earth and its results have been cruel and destructive, and with it there have been customs, traditions, principles and controls to reduce its dangers, until what we see today of treaties, agreements and laws have reached to limit them and not expose the innocent to their woes, but as we have said, we did not and will not find a law or law that controls War and it sets controls and goes into its details and guarantees protection for civilians and those who are unable to fight, as the tolerant Islamic Sharia is integrated and comprehensive, and what we find from the lofty principles in the laws we find their roots in Islamic Sharia.

If the principles of Sharia were taken as a basic source for the laws of war, the destruction of humanity and its environment as a result of unjust wars in the whole world and in our country in particular would not have occurred.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
مجلة البحوث التربوية والنفسية
أثر إستراتيجية عظم السمك بتحصيل الكيمياء والتعلم المنظم ذاتيا
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study aimed to investigate the effect of fish bone in the of chemistry and self-organized learning for students of the second grade‚ achievement . The study sample consisted of 84 students from the second grade students middel in the of alrasheed boysschool, of the Directorate of Educational Karkh II, in two divisions, Division of (a) an experimental group that studied the strategy fish bone, and the Division (d) a control group which studied the usual way. The results indicated the presence of significant differences in favor of the experimental group that studied using the fish bone in achievement and learning self-organized strategy students

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 27 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
الوضع الجيو سياسي وانعكاساته على قطاع الإسكان في محافظة القدس (حالة دراسية بلدة العيزرية)
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تهدف هذه الدراسة للتعرف على السياسات اإلاسرائيلية المتبعة على الارض والمتمثلة في االاستيطان
الاستعماري والطرق التفافية، ومصادرة الاراضي وجدار الضم والتوسع العنصري، بالاضافة إلى التصنيف
الاداري للمناطق في الضفة الغربية حسب ما جاء في اتفاقية أوسلو، والتي من شأنها التأثير على تلك
المناطق، وال سيما قطاع اإلسكان الذي يعد من أهم القطاعات التي تتر كب وبالتحديد في منطقة الدراسة،
وسوف تحاول هذه الدراسة تس

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تقويم واقع نشاط التدريب وتوثيقه في إطار تطبيقات المواصفة الإرشادية الدولية (10015 ISO) دراسة حالة في وزارة البلديات والأشغال العامة
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This research has taken to the knowledge of the scope of  applying the international specification of (ISO 10015) which is regarded to training by the Iraqi ministry of municipalities and public works ,in order to determine its training quality .By using the checklist made based upon the items of the specification ,after translating the English copy into Arabic ,which takes the indications of training depending on qualitative bases. The results of the analysis emphasized that occurred total average by comparison the evaluation of the training activity in the mentioned ministry with the international specification in all of its main items, which was (%55) ,and totally documented ,which finally refer to the existence of great

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
اختبار أساليب تحديد حجم الدفعة المستخدمة في نظام MRP II* دراسة حالة في الشركة العامة لصناعة البطاريات معمل بابل /1
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      MRP is a system intended for the batch manufacturing of discrete parts including assemblies and subassemblies that should be stocked to support future manufacturing needs.  Due to the useful information provided by MRP it has evolved into a Manufacturing Resources Planning, MRP II, a system that ties the basic MRP system to the other functional areas of the company such as marketing, finance, purchasing, etc.  The objective of this research, which was conducted at the State Company for Batteries Manufacturing, is to test the performance of some popular lot-sizing techniques used within MRP II framework. It is hypothesized that the technique which minimizes the total inventory costs does no

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تقنيات شبكة المعلومات ودورها في إنجاز عمليات الشراء الالكتروني والتسويق الالكتروني* دراسة حالة في شركة بغداد للمشروبات الغازية- المساهمة المختلطة
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Information Technology has become one of the Most Prominent tools in the Era of Technology and Telecommunication of our Digital World. For that Reasons most Organizations had taken the tools Adapted to their Present and Future Directions and for the Improvement for it's Operations and Workability in Internal or External Enviroment. Consequently the Points of Strength Beats the Weakness and as Result of Increase Opportunities and Decrease the Threats Facing these Organizations. This Search has been made to test the Existence or not Existence role of the Information Network Technologies that Include {Internet and Extranet} in Application of Information Technology t

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
University Of Baghdad, College Of Education For Pure Sciences / Ibn Al-haitham, Department Of Mathematics
Some Generalizations by Covering properties
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In this thesis, we introduced the simply* compact spaces which are defined over simply* open set, and study relation between the simply* separation axioms and the compactness were studied and study a new types of functions known as αS^(M* )- irresolte , αS^(M* )- continuous and R S^(M* )- continuous, which are defined between two topological spaces. On the other hand we use the class of soft simply open set to define a new types of separation axioms in soft topological spaces and we introduce the concept of soft simply compactness and study it. We explain and discuss some new concepts in soft topological spaces such as soft simply separated, soft simply disjoint, soft simply division, soft simply limit point and we define soft simply c

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
أثر استراتيجية الاستقصاء العقلاني في اكتساب عمليات العلم الاساسية لدى طلاب الثاني المتوسط في مادة الفيزياء
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Recent research have aimed to know the effect of rational inquiry strategy on acquisition basic science processes for second intermediate students in physics. To verify the aim of this research , the researchers added the following zero hypotheses : No statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.05) between the students mean scores of the two groups on basic science Processes test. The research was carried out on the second intermediate grade male students in Alam Al Yakeen school in Baghdad; belong to Education Directorate Al- Karkh/2, for the Academic Year (2014-2015) A.D. Prepared research requirements included ] selected the scientific subject chapters (6,7,8,9) from physics textbook, the formulation of beha

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
مقارنة بعض المقدّرات الحصينة في دوال التمييز بأستخدام المحاكاة
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The development in manufacturing computers from both (Hardware and Software) sides, make complicated robust estimators became computable and gave us new way of dealing with the data, when classical discriminant methods failed in achieving its optimal properties especially when data contains a percentage of outliers. Thus, the inability to have the minimum probability of misclassification. The research aim to compare robust estimators which are resistant to outlier influence like robust H estimator, robust S estimator and robust MCD estimator, also robustify misclassification probability with showing outlier influence on the percentage of misclassification when using classical methods. ,the other

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Evaluating Industrial Products emotionally by Using Emojis: محمد علي حسين القيسي
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Researches in the field of evaluation of industrial products emotionally are internationally new and non-existing in the Arabic speaking countries, which is considered the crux of the problem in the current research, in addition to the need of the designers and design students to know how to measure the emotional responses for the industrial product in order to get benefit from them in their designs. The research objective is to get a tool that uses emojis in measuring the emotional responses for the products. The researcher designed an emotional verbal wheel and emojis wheel. The sample of the research consisted of (7) chairs different in design and use, and the respondents were (89) students. The most important results are:
1- Desi

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
دراسة مقارنة بين بعض الطرائق الحصينة في تقدير معلمات انموذج الانحدار الخطي باستخدام اسلوب المحاكاة التجريبي في حالة وجود بيانات تتضمن مشاهدات شاذة
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In linear regression, an outlier is an observation with large residual.  In other words, it is an observation whose dependent-variable value is unusual given its values on the predictor variables. An outlier observation may indicate a data entry error or other problem.

An observation with an extreme value on a predictor variable is a point with high leverage. Leverage is a measure of how far an independent variable deviates from its mean. These leverage points can have an effect on the estimate of regression coefficients.

Robust estimation for regression parameters deals with cases that have very high leverage, and cases that are outliers. Robust estimation is essentially a

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