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Quranic discourse methodology in light of the Almighty saying (Say to people well): Quranic discourse
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There are no words in the universe that are collected, communicated, raised, and greater than the words of God, Lord of the worlds, and there is no guidance except with Him, nor guidance except with His guidance, and no knowledge except with Him, and how is he guided by the lost without guidance from God Almighty !?

In this research, I tried to address what collects hearts, composes souls, and spreads love among members of society as part of the social twinning and good coexistence between people. Harmony, love, and the roots of fragmentation, fighting and feuding.

This verse is blessed and I chose {Taking  the Charter of the  of Israel do not worship except Allah and dutiful to your parents, Thi-kin and the orphans and the needy and say to the people well and keep up prayer and pay the zakat and then you took only a little of you and you are at}

And I took part of it, which is the Almighty saying {and say to the people well} indicating the dimensions of what you go to in the goodness of the individual or as part of society and in the reform of society another as a fruit of daily coexistence, civil peace, heart rapprochement, intellectual attraction, and cognitive counseling.

The research required that it be divided into investigations:

The first topic: Meaning of vocabulary (say) (people) (well)

The second topic: Interpretation of the Almighty saying {and say to the people well) of the Qur’an.

And the third topic: the interpretation of the Almighty saying: {And say to people well} in the impact.

The fourth topic: Interpretation of the Almighty saying {and say to people well} in the Qur’anic language and readings.

And the fifth topic: the interpretation of the Almighty saying {and say to the people well) by opinion.

And the sixth topic: the significance of the context for the Almighty saying: (Say to people well).

And the seventh topic: One of the rules of the charter after standardization is good and wisdom.



Meaning of vocabulary, interpretation with effect, interpretation with language and Quranic readings.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology (jestec)
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Performance evaluation of Sequencing Batch Reactor and Conventional Wastewater Treatment Plant based on Reliability assessment
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Sun Mar 01 2015
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Tue Nov 03 2015
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Thu Mar 06 2025
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Iraqi Journal Of Applied Physics
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Influence pH on virulence genes of <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>analyzed by RT-PCR method
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Thu Dec 30 2021
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Iraqi Journal Of Science
Some Clinical and Inflammatory Aspects of Trichomonas vaginalis Infection among Women with Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases
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   Infection with Trichomonas vaginalis and its relation to some diseases have lately had much attention.  The objective of this study was to assess the infection rate of T. vaginalis and its relation to pelvic inflammatory diseases, infertility, and vaginosis. The study also assessed some demographic, clinical, and immunological parameters in women infected with T. vaginalis. The study included 160 non-pregnant married women who attended some private clinics and public hospitals in Baghdad from October 2020 to February 2021. All participants had symptoms of vaginal discharge only or vaginal discharge with lower abdominal pain. The participants were divided into an infertility group (n = 61) and fertility group (n = 99). The participant

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