Our dear country faces many and varied challenges aimed at its history, civilization, its people, the scourge of drugs and psychotropic substances and their misuse. Therefore, we have a historical, ethical and professional responsibility to coordinate efforts and cooperation between all concerned to protect the Iraqi society from the threat of this scourge. Creative sources have varied in the variety of expressive means in politics, literature and the arts, in their style and technical treatment of various topics with innovative manifestations and intuitive interactive with visions as well as influences Psychological expressive descriptions of visual scene, it is one of the media and propaganda that contribute to the raising and development of political and intellectual awareness of the recipient because of its power to address the minds and souls of various levels expressive and aesthetic, social, artistic and intellectual that revealed the achievement of psychological significance through form, color and importance To achieve the direct excitement and sensitivity of the recipient's sensory perceptions, and to stimulate his awareness in delivering the content of the advertising message as one of the most important media and propaganda, as it contributes to the raising and development of political and intellectual awareness A citizen's awareness, as an epistemological and emotion connotation of identity Existence based on the composition in the realistic formulation of the situation, , the harmonization of form and content and stylistic and technical processing in loading the descriptive moment expressive forms with inflammatory, guiding and educational objectives for the recipients ... The most important findings and recommendations of the research Initiation of the idea was a clear method chosen to deliver the media message without linguistic or visual obstacles
1-the convergence of content as guidance and guidance in the poster a clear expression of the weakness of design visions.
. 2-Lack of use of typographical vocabulary (such as image, drawing, color, writing) and limited ideas in designing innovative ideas
3-The recommendations were followed by Try to provide design ideas with meanings and indications of health, religious or national expresses the reality of Iraqi society and methods away from the complexity and exaggerated formalism
1-Innovate ways to deepen the relationship between form and meaning in the design of the poster in terms of benefiting from the human community activity that is enjoyed by people around the world
Psychological Counseling Services occupies a high position in the developed countries and that for its psychologist services for different sectors of the community members, and has been popularized until recently the wrong concept of the effect, that the psychological service is provided only to the owners of behavior is normal only, Vantage him neglect to provide psychological services a large segment of the community members who are in dire need of these services.
The counseling service is part of a global social movement seeking to emphasize the quality of life of the human and the emphasis on the value and dignity and the need to live a quiet lif
... Show MoreThe research titles “Ammorrite tribes and their historical role in Mesopotamia and Levant” deals with tribe structure, nomination, political and cultural roles of these tribes in Mesopotamia and Levant, as it terminate Sumerian presence in Iraq and changed historical course and contributed in changing population landmarks and started new bright era, in addition to admitting new beliefs, gods and laws, beside ruling principles which became tribal, i.e., dynasties instead of Sumerian rulings based on religion belief.
التطورات السياسية في افريقيا جنوب الصحراء بعد الحرب الباردة
The study of the Baghdad personalities is an important issue because the owners of these personalities usually belong to the elite, which play a distinct role in the development of any society in all political, economic, social and cultural fields. These include the study of the personal personality of Father Anastas Marie Carmeli to highlight many aspects of personality And his clear fingerprints on the movement of society in the field of culture and thought
That Karamli's efforts in the field of language, literature and history made him one of the most prominent pioneers of Renaissance late in the history of modern Iraq
The Arabic language is one of the important magazines that issued in our contemporary history not only on the Iraqi level but according Arabic one as well because it considered
مشكلة البحث:
بين الحين والآخر تتصاعد الصيحات مطالبة بإصلاح النظام التعليمي لكي يتوافق هذا النظام مع ما يحدث في العالم من تطورات علمية وتكنولوجية تترك بصماتها على مختلف قطاعات الحياة .
ويعد المعلم وبلا شك ركنا أساسيا في هذا النظام ،وذلك لما للمعلم من تأثير أساسي في عملية التعليم والتعلم . ماذا يجدي إذا ما طورنا مناهجنا، واحسنا مباني مدارسنا، وأكثرنا من الوسائل والتقنيات ،ولم نوفر المع
... Show Moreمشكلة البحث واهميته :
يعد الغضب من المظاهر الانفعالية الشائعة في مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة وذلك بسبب كثرة المواقف المثيرة لغضب الطفل في هذه المرحلة ، كما ان الطفل في هذه المرحلة سرعان ما يكتفي في كثير من الاحيان بان غضبه وبكائه طريقة سهلة للوصول الى ما يريد . ويعد المختصون في هذا المجال ، بان نوبات غضب الاطفال ، هي شيء عام طبيعي عند جميع الاطفال ، لكن عندما تكون نوبات عنيفة
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An automatic text summarization system mimics how humans summarize by picking the most significant sentences in a source text. However, the complexities of the Arabic language have become challenging to obtain information quickly and effectively. The main disadvantage of the traditional approaches is that they are strictly constrained (especially for the Arabic language) by the accuracy of sentence feature functions, weighting schemes, and similarity calculations. On the other hand, the meta-heuristic search approaches have a feature tha
... Show Moreتكمن مشكلة البحث بان المؤسسات عامةـ والتعليمية منها خاصةفي الوقت الحاضرتواجه ظروف بيئيةتفرض عليها حتمية التغيير ، وذلك بسبب التحولاتالتي تحدثفي عالمناالحالي سواءًكان على المستوىالمحلي أو العالمي أو على المستوىالمؤسسة نفسها مما يجعلمؤسساتنا التربويةبحاجةملحةلمواجهة هذا التغيير القادم وذلك من خلال معالجةالمشكلاتالتي قد تظهر بطرق مبتكرة وابداعية مغايرةللطرقالتقليدية ،وذلك من خلال تهيئة المناخ الت
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