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Poster design and its role in drug control: باسم محمد صالح مهدي الخالدي
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Our dear country faces many and varied challenges aimed at its history, civilization, its people, the scourge of drugs and psychotropic substances and their misuse. Therefore, we have a historical, ethical and professional responsibility to coordinate efforts and cooperation between all concerned to protect the Iraqi society from the threat of this scourge. Creative sources have varied in the variety of expressive means in politics, literature and the arts, in their style and technical treatment of various topics with innovative manifestations and intuitive interactive with visions as well as influences Psychological expressive descriptions of visual scene, it is one of the media and propaganda that contribute to the raising and development of political and intellectual awareness of the recipient because of its power to address the minds and souls of various levels expressive and aesthetic, social, artistic and intellectual that revealed the achievement of psychological significance through form, color and importance To achieve the direct excitement and sensitivity of the recipient's sensory perceptions, and to stimulate his awareness in delivering the content of the advertising message as one of the most important media and propaganda, as it contributes to the raising and development of political and intellectual awareness A citizen's awareness, as an epistemological and emotion connotation of identity Existence based on the composition in the realistic formulation of the situation, , the harmonization of form and content and stylistic and technical processing in loading the descriptive moment expressive forms with inflammatory, guiding and educational objectives for the recipients ... The most important findings and recommendations of the research Initiation of the idea was a clear method chosen to deliver the media message without linguistic or visual obstacles
1-the convergence of content as guidance and guidance in the poster a clear expression of the weakness of design visions.
. 2-Lack of use of typographical vocabulary (such as image, drawing, color, writing) and limited ideas in designing innovative ideas
3-The recommendations were followed by Try to provide design ideas with meanings and indications of health, religious or national expresses the reality of Iraqi society and methods away from the complexity and exaggerated formalism
1-Innovate ways to deepen the relationship between form and meaning in the design of the poster in terms of benefiting from the human community activity that is enjoyed by people around the world

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
اثر الثورة الرقمية في التنظيم الفضائي للمحلة السكنية
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
أنسنة الشباب والشيب في الشعر العربي قبل الإسلام
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The humanize appeared in Arabic poetry before Islam and it was not limited with on sensations but it even included the morals

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of computerized planning on audit performance (Proposed model)
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The development of technology used in computerized programs is considered on of the most important topics that is responsible for creating tools that can be used in the business environment, the audit profession is one of those professions that received this development. In order for this profession to be more effective, there must be a tool based on sound (correct) scientific basis that can be based upon to enhance the quality of auditing. The research also aims to propose a computerized program to plan the auditing process according to the methods appropriate to the working environment in the audit offices and companies in Iraq. The computerized program was applied to the research sample and the hypothesis of the research has been prov

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
L’ Histoire dans Les séquestrés d’Altona de Jean-Paul Sartre
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Jean-Paul Sartre est la figure principale de l’existentialisme au XXe siècle et spécialement à partir des années cinquante. En partant du travail dans les lycées dans les années trente comme professeur de philosophie, passant par la guerre qui l’obligeait à rester comme témoin passif jusqu’à de l’après guerre avec la naissance de l’existentialisme, Sartre déploie tous ses efforts pour une référence intellectuelle majeure sur tous les fronts: littéraire, philosophique et politique. Dans tous ses livres Sartre aborde le statut de la littérature des idées et de l’écrivain dans la société. Il apparait comme un réactionnaire qui cherche à « régler ses comptes avec le milieu bourgeois dans leq

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 07 2009
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
السياسة في الفلسفة الاسلامية : الفكر السياسي عند الفارابي
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السياسة في الفلسفة الاسلامية : الفكر السياسي عند الفارابي

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
حضور الخمرة في شعر مظفر النواب دراسة بلاغیة
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This research is a rhetorical study that sheds light on theme
prominent of central identified as custom poet of MUDAFAR AL NAWAB
political and national' that "wine "that themes which had a prominent
presence and intense in his poetry .and objective of this research is to detect
the aesthetic performance ALNAWABY in which he put to categorization
"wine" ,through observation of manifestation the presence of winey. And
related scream the images and the meaning of talking semantics base to
move in the spaces of the text and have built our study on three topics: we
started The first research with lexicon russet in the processes of counting
and analysis of the semantics wine in the office of the poet trying to reveal

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
التشابھ الزواجي في تمایز الذات لدى موظفي الجامعة
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According to Bowens Family systems theory self – differentiation defiance as a
construct that consists of two interrelated abilities : the first is an intrapsychic
ability to distinguish between the thoughts and feelings , and an inter personal
ability to maintain connections with others while achieving an autonomous self .
The present research concerned in testing the hypothesis of marital similarity
(people married persons with the same level of self – differentiation).
The present research aimed to:
1. Measures self – differentiation of university officers .
2. Measures self - differentiation of sample husbands' .
3. Measures self - differentiation of sample wives .
4. Acquaint to the relation betwe

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 06 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
الأراضي المفتوحة صلحاً في عصر الرسول والخلفاء الراشدین
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Islam has paid great deal of attention to land issue where has been
considered most resources for providing Muslims with water and food and
building on that we notice that the Islamic government worked hardly to give
attention ton the land especially newly included under control of Muslims
especially that they had got with out fighting or bloodshed but had been
included via reconciliation with the landlords so the Muslims had share in that
would be taken either in cash or in materials in a value would be differentiated
following several issues like type of harvest and method of watering the land
and religion of the landlords.
So Muslims had listed laws and rules that enable them typical investment
for that l

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 18 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الإمام الرُّعيني (ت 476هـ) وأثره في كتب القراءات
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It is known that the distinguished scholar and writers in any kind of science leave an important impact on those who come after them, so they are an indispensable source in that science that draws from them who is later in time than them, and this is what we have seen in this research; The scholar Muhammad bin Shuraih al-Ra’ini (d.476 AH) and his book          (Al-Kafi in the Seven Readings) were admired by everyone who wrote about the readings after him. The great scholars of the readings, such as Ibn al-Bathish (d. 540 AH), Ibn al-Jazari (d. 833 AH), and Ibn al-Banna’ did not dispense with him. (d.1117 AH) in terms of reading, isnad, and the way of narration, their books were full of men

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 29 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
مدرسو مدارس بغداد في كتاب طبقات الفقهاء للشيرازي
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The book Tabaqat al-Faqih by Abu Ishaq al-Shirazi (d. 174 AH / 4801 CE) is considered one of the important sources and dates back to the fifth century AH

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