Social graphic design is the design that realizes the role and responsibility of the designer in society, and the use of graphic design in bringing about social change, especially as it is a professional contribution that plays an important role in the behavioral development of societies, and through the above, the researcher found a logical justification for his research problem, which is summarized by the following question: (What is the concept of Social Graphic Design and its implications in the fight against drug abuse)
While the two objectives of the research were identified in defining the social graphic design and its effect on combating drug abuse, and the theoretical framework was divided into two topics, the first study dealt with the concept of social design, social theories and behavioral and psychological concepts, while the second topic focused on modern communication means and their impact on social design and in the third chapter it was described Two samples were analyzed and a set of results were extracted, the most important of which are (the awareness poster achieved exploration, knowledge and motivation of the community to interact positively with the poster through the word and image within the technical practical framework), and the researcher concluded that the awareness posters are the most important concepts of social graphic design due to their socially circulating intellectual concepts as Translate to community sentiment.
The stage of the establishment of the Alawite state in tabaristan was one of the most important stages in the history of the Shiite sect in Iran , from a political , religious and even military point of view ,
نُفذت تجربة حقلية في أحد الحقول التي تقع على خط عرض 1333 59.93 شمالاً، وخط طول 37.913744" شرقاً، وعلى ارتفاع 31 م فوق مستوى سطح البحر خلال الموسم الخريفي لسنة 2018م لمعرفة تأثير نظم الحراثة المختلفة في إنتاجية الماء ونمو وحاصل الحنطة تحت التسوية الليزرية للارض ، استعملت في التجربة ثلاث معاملات المعاملة الأولى: الآت الحراثة وبمستويين هما المحراث المطرحي (T)، والمحراث الحفار (T2). إمَّا المعاملة الثانية نسبة انحدار تسوية سطح
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The aim of the research is to find out the effect of the SPAWN strategy on the life skills of second-intermediate-grade students. This study stage represented the research community within the intermediate and secondary governmental daytime schools affiliated with the Directorate of Education of Diwaniyah. The experiment was applied in Al-Razai Intermediate School on a sample of second-grade intermediate students, including 66 students distributed into two groups: (32) students within the experimental group and (34) students within the control group. The two groups were equivalent with a number of variables (chronological age, intelligence test, previous information test, life skills scale). The results indicated that the two groups were
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يهدف البحث الى قياس مستوى ارتباط وتأثير القدرات المعرفية الدينامية في تنافسية الاعمال، وتكونت العينة من (155) فردا في اربعة مصانع للالبان في بغداد وهي (ابو غريب، والزراعة، والحلال، وعيون الرافدين) اذ تمثل مجتمع البحث من اصحاب المصانع، والمديرين والعاملين في السيطرة النوعية والبحث والتطوير والمهندسين والفنيين والعاملين ذوي الخبرة في صناعة الالبان. وجرى تحليل البيانات واختبار الفرضيات باستخدام الادوات الإحصا
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