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The Instagram from a media tool to a marketing tool: بتول السيد مصطفى جواد أحمد
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The subject of this study is one of the most interactive media networks, which is the Instagram.The study uses a descriptive approach and focuses on how Instagram turns from a media tool to a marketing tool. The study problematic consists of this question: How Instagram turns to a marketing tool, and what are the advantages and the disadvantages for that?This study highlights the definition of Instagram, the creation of it and its improvement, the Instagram in Bahrain, the Instagram uses, the Instagram as a marketing tool, and the advantages and disadvantages of using Instagram for marketing.The study confirms that Instagram is a new media network, and focuses on how it develops on later stages and mentions the increase of the percentages of its users which make it a real competitor to several new media networks such as Facebook and Twitter. The study also shows the presence of multiple uses for Instagram, including the media sector, networking sector, as well as commercial sector.The study concluded that Instagram became one of the most prominent and important tool in the interactive media network specially as marketing tool. Many companies, institutions and individuals used Instagram as part of the marketing strategies. The study also showed that the commercial use of the Instagram has many negative effects, mainly in reliance on display striking images and attractiveness to attract consumers, which may cheat, and fraud people. Finally, the study recommended enacting legislation to follow up on Instagram accounts for marketing in a legal framework, and censor these accounts


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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
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Iraqi Rural Singing and National Identity: مصطفى عباس السوداني-عبد الحليم أحمد حسن
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Singing has significant importance being a major basis for the expressive and cultural production of the societies and a real companion that reflects their artistic career and is strongly connected to the reality of the peoples and the production of the individuals, who are geniuses of arts and culture.
Rural singing represents one of the most well-known artistic singing styles in Iraq, which truly embodied the Iraqi national identity. However, it remained confined to the countryside and did not spread due to the lack of mass media and the recording technologies at that time. It has been pure virgin singing art. The theoretical framework is divided into three axes:

• The Iraqi singing heritage in the twentieth century, a hi

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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Visual discourse of statues of symbolic figures Christ as a model (An analytical study): مصطفى ممتاز نوري الياور
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The topic of this research deals with an analytical study of the nature of the visual sent by the sculptural monument of the person of Christ around the world, the nature of this monument, the manner of its embodiment, the mechanism of reception for each of the societies that this monument addressed to them, how it was reflected on them, how it was reflected on them, and whether these works are related to their culture or not, I discussed this study All this, and the researcher has established theoretical research axes for the research according to the desired goal of this study, which is the definition of the mechanism of visual discourse of statues of Christ around the world and were as follows: (The first axis: the discourse and visua

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Lifestyle Medicine: A Promising tool to Restoring Health
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Lifestyle Medicine is the application of evidence-based lifestyle approaches for the prevention, treatment, and even the reversal of lifestyle-related chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, obesity, polycystic ovarian diseases, dementia, arthritis, and cancers

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2017
Journal Name
International Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology
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The Internet image retrieval is an interesting task that needs efforts from image processing and relationship structure analysis. In this paper, has been proposed compressed method when you need to send more than a photo via the internet based on image retrieval. First, face detection is implemented based on local binary patterns. The background is notice based on matching global self-similarities and compared it with the rest of the image backgrounds. The propose algorithm are link the gap between the present image indexing technology, developed in the pixel domain, and the fact that an increasing number of images stored on the computer are previously compressed by JPEG at the source. The similar images are found and send a few images inst

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
political culture as a tool to analyse Decentralization Experience in
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It sheds light on the cultural dimension in the decentralized administration experience in Iraq as evaluation tool by adding a new dimension in studying decentralization in addition to the administrative, political and legal dimensions .The proposal of study is that without the civil political culture ,the administrative decentralization in Iraq which remains weak and it may be imposed to a set of problems. - The study includes an introduction, conclusion and a set of political and cultural issues , its components and it may have the political analysis of this culture and its role in determining the movement of the administrative decentralized movement in Iraq post 2003.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 29 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Safety And Security Engineering
Urban Safety is a Tool for Containing Slums to Reach a Sustainable Urban Structure
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Many cities suffer from the large spread of slums, especially the cities of the Middle East. The purpose of the paper is to study the reality of informal housing in Al-Barrakia and the most important problems that it suffers from. The paper also seeks to study the presence or absence of a correlation between urban safety indicators and urban containment indicators as one of the methods of developing and planning cities. This can be achieved through sustainable urban management. The slums are a source of many urban problems that threaten the security and safety of the residents and represent a focus for the concentration of crimes and drugs. The paper seeks to answer the following question: How can urban safety be improved through urban cont

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Attitudes of Press and Political Parties from the Accomplishing the Treaty of 1930: فيان حسين أحمد
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This present work adopts the analytic and descriptive methodology to  recognize and analyze the major challenges faced by the Iraqi government. The study focuses on the press and national partiers’ cabipility of changing and unifying the opinions of the public in a way that serves the Iraqi interest, taking into account the fact that the press is the fourth authority after the three major authorities, (Executive, Legislation and Judicial). The researcher has concluded that the Iraqi press and parties initiated a national front with the Iraqi people against the government’s signature of the treaty of (1930). The national front illustrated that signing the treaty strengthens the authority of the British occupation u

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
2017 12th International Conference For Internet Technology And Secured Transactions (icitst)
A novel multimedia-forensic analysis tool (M-FAT)
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 30 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Multimedia And Image Processing
The Design of a Multimedia-Forensic Analysis Tool (M-FAT)
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Digital forensics has become a fundamental requirement for law enforcement due to the growing volume of cyber and computer-assisted crime. Whilst existing commercial tools have traditionally focused upon string-based analyses (e.g., regular expressions, keywords), less effort has been placed towards the development of multimedia-based analyses. Within the research community, more focus has been attributed to the analysis of multimedia content; they tend to focus upon highly specialised specific scenarios such as tattoo identification, number plate recognition, suspect face recognition and manual annotation of images. Given the ever-increasing volume of multimedia content, it is essential that a holistic Multimedia-Forensic Analysis Tool (M-

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2013
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
WHAT IS DEMOCRACY? A MEDIA CONCEPT: (Socio-Cultural Linguistic Analysis)
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It is easy to talk about democracy, but it is difficult to practice. We talk about postmodernism, but difficult to be embodied in the ground. Yet, the age of democracy and modernity at the same time prompted the researcher to try to find a media concept for it. It does not mean that this concept has not yet formed. But the rooting of democracy and the approaching of states and groups towards it, made it necessary to by studied again.

The relationship between democracy and the media has made them look like one concept. The existence of one is linked to the existence of the other. The reality is only a linguistic formulation, but the social and cultural aspect is related to democracy origin

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