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Experimentation in caves painting (A comparative analysis): فريد خالد علوان
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Addressed the problem of the research is marked (experimentation in caves fee) concept and its role in experimentation deviate Display Num formal charges caves. The search came in four sections: general framework for research and identified the research problem and the need for him. With an indication of the importance of his presence. Then specify the search for the goals of (revealed the nature and role of experimentation in determining the nature of Manifesting fee documented on the walls of caves), followed by the establishment of the three search limits (objectivity, the temporal and spatial) were then determine the terms related to the title. Then provide the theoretical framework and indicators that resulted from academic theorizing of the subject. The researcher has identified three addresses implied within this framework to ensure reading placed search according to the various frameworks tariff. Were as follows: the concept of experimentation. Experimentation in caves charges. Media pressure on the experimenting with painters caves. The third chapter was devoted to the search procedures, through thoughtful community detection and sample selected from (6 works) and then specify the search tool and determine the methodology, followed by an analysis of the sample. The fourth chapter included the search results, including:1.grooves technique is subject to a workout, to makes the close forms of sensory origin, but only signals the like.2.Painter sought in the selection of a flat area of the wall of the cave, showing his desire to make Treatment copyrighted material for aesthetic value, but that this has led to specific forms without the other.3.Coloring lines, gives the painter freedom and control over technique grooves, so tool play an important role in the path of experimentation and results.4.Shows interest painter to the outer limits, or peripheral lines, because they provide a direct definition of the form, due to the role of reference agreed upon between him and the viewer, especially contemporary to him


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Publication Date
Sun Mar 24 2024
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم التربوية والنفسية
إقامة البرهان على من ادعى مخالفة النعمان في مسائل من الحدود
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إن اختلاف الفقهاء مصدر عظيم لثروة فقهية كبيرة، ومن مظاهر الخلاف الفقهي مؤاخذات علمية يوردها بعض العلماء على علماء آخرين بدعوى مخالفتهم الأدلة الشرعية، أو القواعد المقررة لاستنباط الأحكام الشرعية، ومن تلك المؤاخذات ما أورده الإمام المحدث أبو بكر ابن أبي شيبة رحمه الله تعالى على أبي حنيفة النعمان رحمه الله حيث إنه ساق في مصنفه الكثير من الأحاديث والآثار التي عد الإمام أبا حنيفة رحمه الله مخالفا لما تقتضيه من

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effect of 5555 strategy on reading comprehension among 4th preparatory students
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The effect of 5555 strategy on reading comprehension among 4th preparatory students Assist. Prof. Dr. Hassan Khilbas Hammadi College of Education Ibn Rushd – The University of Baghdad Assistant Lecturer. Waleed Khaled Talib Directorate – General For Education Province Of AL - Anbar The purpose of study is to identify the effect of 5555 strategy on reading comprehension among 4th preparatory students. To do this, null hypothesis was postulated. The author hypothesize that there is no a statistically significant difference at (0.05) level between experimental group's scores who study reading comprehension subject following the 5555 strategy and control group's scores who study the same subject following the traditional method in readin

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
جدلية التنظرية في الذاكرة المنظمة بين متاهة النماذج الصناعية وواقعيةالنموذج الهجين
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جدلية التنظرية في الذاكرة المنظمة بين متاهة النماذج الصناعية وواقعيةالنموذج الهجين

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 26 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
مرويات مرويات الفكر الغيبي في مصر المملوكية ( 648- 923هـ/ 1250- 1517م)
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This research has been devoted to the study narratines of the metaphysical concepts in Egypt during the Mamluk era ( 648-923 AD/1250-1517 AH). The study consists of three sections and an  introductionwhich highlights the study at that time for its great impaction public life in Egypt.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 22 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
السحر السحر وعقوبته في المجتمع الإسلامي من خلال القرآن والسنة النبويةالشريفة
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إن المعتقدات الخاصة بالسحر والعرافة قديمة جدا كون الإنسان عرف الكثير منها ومارس أنواع من الأساليب السحرية منذ أقدم العصور ومن أكثر العلوم التي حرم تعليمها ونشرها هو علم السحر والسيمياء أو الكيمياء والشعبذة والحيل . ومع ذلك عرف السحر من قبل سكان بلاد وادي الرافدين ولاسيما في بابل والسحر يمثل أقدم مرحلة في تطور العقل البشري .

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
L`image du héros romantique dans: Un Barrage Contre Le Pacifique et L`Amant
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Dans le roman moderne, le type du héros est depuis longtemps devenu suspect.  Il risque même de disparaitre dans ce qu´on désigne le Nouveau Roman qui, se concentrant plutôt sur les objets, décrits minutieusement, refuse la fonction épistémologique traditionnelle de la littérature. Cette conception se manifeste, sur le plan formel, par certains traits typiques, comme la relativisation des points de vue, la décomposition de l´action, la destruction du temps, la décomposition de l´espace et la désintégration du personnage romanesque dont les liens avec la société sont coupés.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 22 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الجوانب الإنسانية في حياة الرسول الكريم محمد )صلى الله عليه وسلم(
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نجدّ القرآن الكريم والحديث النبوي الشري يقدمان أر ى ميامين لمقيم الداعية
إلى إ امة مجتمع متماسك البنيان

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 04 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الهجرة الهجرة العلمية في عهد الدولة الرسولية (626-858هـ / 1228-1454م)
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The scientific abandonment of the most important places of education and science in the Happy Yemen, which Manfred them from the rest of the Islamic Alomassar such kind of places Education existence, has contributed to a variety of factors paved the way for the emergence and originated scientific migration in the (fifth century AH / atheist century AD), and was in the forefront divisions witnessed by the Zaidi sect to if divided into three teams are (Almpartyah and inventor and Husseiniya) Because of differences doctrinal debates Pima including a heated end the fighting of the conflict between the parties,

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Sheikh Muhammad Taha al-Balisani (d. 1415 AH) and his views on the attributes of meanings
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Research summary


The scholars of Iraq have rich contributions to enrich this science and other Islamic sciences. Many of them presented the juices of their ideas to build and defend Islamic civilization, and among them are those who took care and carried this scientific trust upon themselves and conveyed it (Sheikh Muhammad Taha Al-Balisani (may God have mercy on him), who was a prominent scholar in His era, where he presented antiquities, opinions, and ideas worthy of attention and study.

He was the author of many books, some of them printed, and some of which are manuscripts, waiting for someone to bring them out to the light of life, verify them and present them to Islamic libraries, because our libraries are i

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 13 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
توظيف توظيف التراث في المونودراما المسرحية (نصوص د. علي حداد أنموذجاً)
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Arabic humanity heritage had considered as a treasure of artistic, literary aspects, which is full of energies to embody investment by suitable historical ideology.

Theatre, art can be used, corresponded to make special essay reflecting a desire to establish cultural notification.

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