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Experimentation in caves painting (A comparative analysis): فريد خالد علوان
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Addressed the problem of the research is marked (experimentation in caves fee) concept and its role in experimentation deviate Display Num formal charges caves. The search came in four sections: general framework for research and identified the research problem and the need for him. With an indication of the importance of his presence. Then specify the search for the goals of (revealed the nature and role of experimentation in determining the nature of Manifesting fee documented on the walls of caves), followed by the establishment of the three search limits (objectivity, the temporal and spatial) were then determine the terms related to the title. Then provide the theoretical framework and indicators that resulted from academic theorizing of the subject. The researcher has identified three addresses implied within this framework to ensure reading placed search according to the various frameworks tariff. Were as follows: the concept of experimentation. Experimentation in caves charges. Media pressure on the experimenting with painters caves. The third chapter was devoted to the search procedures, through thoughtful community detection and sample selected from (6 works) and then specify the search tool and determine the methodology, followed by an analysis of the sample. The fourth chapter included the search results, including:1.grooves technique is subject to a workout, to makes the close forms of sensory origin, but only signals the like.2.Painter sought in the selection of a flat area of the wall of the cave, showing his desire to make Treatment copyrighted material for aesthetic value, but that this has led to specific forms without the other.3.Coloring lines, gives the painter freedom and control over technique grooves, so tool play an important role in the path of experimentation and results.4.Shows interest painter to the outer limits, or peripheral lines, because they provide a direct definition of the form, due to the role of reference agreed upon between him and the viewer, especially contemporary to him


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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Interactivity on the Website of Monte Carlo International Radio Regarding Iraqi Topics
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This research aims to identify the means and forms of interactive communication concerning Iraqi topics on the websites of global radio stations, namely Sawa and Monte Carlo. It also seeks to uncover the editorial and artistic interactions related to Iraqi topics on the selected websites chosen as the research sample, comparing them with the editorial interaction within the Iraqi context between the Radio Monte Carlo and Sawa websites.
The research yields several conclusions, including the following:
Iraqis focus their interaction with topics related to Iraq on Facebook for both Radio Monte Carlo and Sawa; Arabs show higher levels of interaction on Twitter with Radio Monte Carlo; Participants on the webs

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
the diversity of the extraction methods of calligraphic straps at Baghdad's mosques: جواد كاظم حداوي
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The art of calligraphy is regarded as one of the tremendous and distinct products in the history of Islamic arts through the unparalleled high ranks it reached to, until it gained Islam's indication and became a symbol for it, in terms of its function linked to the calligraphy of the holy Qur'anic texts, where this merit formed a strong impulse in seeking its development, the emergence of the calligraphic constructs, including the calligraphic straps, is one of this continual seeking products, and an advanced stage at the level of technical and expressive development, and also one of the natural results generated by the development of fonts and the increase of their employing methods through what they recorded at the level of formal char

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
El color como símbolo literario En (Cañas y Barro) de Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
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            El color es uno de los elementos novelísticos que ayudan los autores para desarrollar las acciones y llevarlas al desenlace adecuado. Y Blasco Ibáñez depende al color para pintar las escenas artísticas dentro sus novelas, especialmente, sus novelas que pertenecen al siglo de naturaleza. Él conocido con la abundancia de los colores para describir el ambiente y los personajes, como indica el autor catedrático José A. Balseiro:

  "su pluma no supo__ como el pincel de los primitivos__ del matiz logrado a toques mínimos, pacientes. ¿No era, a caso, coterráneo de Joaquín Sorolla, en cuya paleta mediterránea celebrábase, día tras día, el milagro del f

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 06 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
العامل العامل الاقتصادي وأثره في نشوء المدن الإسلامية وتطورها ( بخارى ) أنموذجاً
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After atour-For quite somtime,in the field of research and investingation on the economic aspects and the impact of her money is mportantin the evolution and emegece of the Islamic countres,especially including especially Morkhana him specimer nigh borhood the countries of the mashreq al islami,searhout,among other things summarilesas

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
الألفاظُ المُعَرَّبة في فتح الباري بشرح صحيح البخاري لإبن حجر العسقلاني
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This research deals with a range of vocabulary, non-Arab, which
appeared in a book Fath al-Baari by Ibn Hajar al-Askalani, so we display this
vocabulary and matrix is scholarly tuned in, interpretation and statement of
origin, and then matrix is what I'm stone in the view of the scientists and was
for Ibn Hajar outstanding efforts in the follow-up statements The scientists
documented a valuable book and it is fath Al-Bari important source of
vocabulary Aloagamip the complexity and multiplicity of views.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The value of work to the Elits of prophets and its influence on cultural construction
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Praise be to Allah and peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and on his family and companions
The prophets (peace be upon them) urged all thevalues and one of these is the value of work which is of a great importance, that all nations have gathered against us as the eaters gather at a bowl. One of the reasons of our weakness and the strength of our enemy is that we have neglected the value of work. And rather a large number of ignorant and uneducatedpeople started to believe that the means of living, triumph, gaining power, and establishing a civilization are given by Allah with neithergainingnoreffort from us. While we find in the past that Allah the Almighty narrated to us the story of Mary (Peace be upon her) and

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
منهج النديم البغدادي في فهرسة دواوين الشعر (حتى نهاية العصر الأموي )
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الحديث عن محمد بن إسحاق النديم حديث عن عالم جليل كان له فضل تصنيف سفر خالد من أسفار المعرفة و العلم و سجل ضم عناوين ما أنتجته الأمة العربية الإسلامية في وقت عزها و مجدها و سطوع كوكبها في سماء الدنيا ، فجاء هذا الكتاب جامعا نافعا في بابه .

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اثر الاسئلة السابرة في تحصيل طلاب الصف الرابع العام لمادة التاريخ
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The importance of teaching methods and procedures comes from the nature and significance of the questions raised inside the classroom. That is, because questions, in fact, are the means of communication and interaction in the class situation. Therefore they are considered as indispensible elements in any teaching approach. Furthermore, it is noticeable that the majority of teachers fail in using them, for questions are often casted spontaneously and without pre-planning. Hence, a delay may occur in realizing the pre-set objectives, and let alone the dominance of stereotyped questions, especially when the teachers focus on a type of question which can be directly answered from the text-book.


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Publication Date
Wed Nov 14 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
توظيف توظيف التراث في المونودراما المسرحية (نصوص د. علي حداد أنموذجاً)
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Arabic humanity heritage had considered as a treasure of artistic, literary aspects, which is full of energies to embody investment by suitable historical ideology.

Theatre, art can be used, corresponded to make special essay reflecting a desire to establish cultural notification.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 07 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Job Satisfaction Among Faculty Members At The University Of Irbid College
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This study measured and analyzed job satisfaction among faculty members at the university of Irbid College in relation to gender social status, years of experience, academic rank , qualification, the population consisted of 110 full-time Jordanian factually members. A total of 72. (61%) factually, members participated in this study. The research instrument which was developed by the researcher consisted of tow parts: personal information and the job Satisfaction Questionnaire Frequencies, percentages, means and one-way analyses of variance were employed to analyze the data. The level of significance was set at 0.05. A Secheffe method of multiple comparisons was used for follow-up investigation.      

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