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The industrial design aesthetic and its relationship with the recipient: باسم قاسم الغبان، صلاح نوري الجيلاوي
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The research problem lies in determining the beauty ranges between the receiver and the industrial product, The goal of the research, it is the definition of aesthetics in industrial design and its relation to the receiver, and the researcher outcome several conclusions of the, the most important was: 1. The role of accumulated experience, and their interaction with the vision of the artwork in achieving aesthetic perception and levels of artistic and aesthetic values and by the level of growth this taste of the recipient. 2. There are interactive and close relationship be the primary means for the integration of functional and aesthetic meaning the designer meant to get it to the receiver.


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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Dimensions of performance to provide nursing services: a comparative analytical research in Baghdad of Rusafa Health Organization
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     This research aims to study the performance of operations to provide nursing services, which included dimensions (quality, timeliness, leadership skills, behavioral manifestations, relationships with others, problem-solving and decision-making, job performance) and its effects in nursing performance. The research to prove the value of the performance of service delivery processes dimensions by nursing staffs working in Iraqi hospitals, nursing and measuring performance. To find out the nature of nursing services, and a comparison between hospitals to measure the extent of the application dimensional among themselves, and that by relying on the dimensions of a global study, which was measu

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes Using Modified Hummers Method for Cathode Electrodes in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell
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      In this research, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is prepared  through the Hummers method with a slight change in some of the work steps, thus, a new method has been created for preparing carbon nanotubes which is similar to the original Hummers method that is used to prepare graphene oxide. Then, the suspension carbon nanotubes is transferred to a simple electrode position platform consisting of two electrodes and the cell body for the coating and reduction of the carbon nanotubes on ITO glass which represents the cathode electrode while platinum represents the anode electrode. The deposited layer of carbon nanotubes is examined through the scanning electron microscope technique (SEM), and the images throughout the research show the

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
A suggested curriculum for musical appreciation in Art Education Departments - Faculties of Fine Arts: فاضل عرام لازم
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The Department of Art Education in the College of Fine Arts is one of the educational institutions that aims to prepare teachers specialized in teaching art education in secondary schools and other educational institutions, which forces those in charge of preparing the curricula for this section and developing it, taking into account the rapid scientific and technological development. And the subject (Music Appreciation) is one of the subjects taught for the third grades in Art Education departments, and through the exploratory study carried out by the researcher it became clear to him that the Faculties of Fine Arts agreed to define their educational objectives and outputs in the subject (Music Appreciation) in Art Education departments

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 13 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التحديات التحديات المعاصرة للثقافة الإسلامية دراسة في الصورة النمطية المتبادلة للسلام وللحرب بين الإسلام والغرب
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Islamic Culture face many challenges Such as، Secularism، westrenism، globalism and Colonialism under current attempts For western States and united states of America to dominate on world and Confront all her Opponent Polaris it be clear when U. S. A. Occupied Afghanistan and Iraq and Threatened many Arabic and Islamic States

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
استخدام ادوات التحليل المالي كمؤشرات لتحديد واحتساب ضريبة الدخل: دراسة تطبيقية في الهيئة العامة للضرائب
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A financial analysis tool such as financial rations concentrates on explanation of financial statement and using them in the evaluation of company profiles and fixing taxable profits, by analyzing final calculation, explaining their results and studying relationships between a group of financial lists 'elements in a specific period and the trend of their relationships in percentage from so, financial analysis is considered on important instrument for tax analytical test procedures through studying and evaluating financial data in order to get proper information which is needed to make sure of credibility and reliability of statements submitted by the taxpayer and the satisfaction of the tax analyzer in the credibility of these statements

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Ammonia Removal in Free-Surface Constructed Wetlands Employing Synthetic Floating Islands: Employing synthetic floating islands
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Free water surface constructed wetlands (FSCWs) can be used to complement conventional waste water treatment but removal efficiencies are often limited by a high ratio of water volume to biofilm surface area (i.e. high water depth). Floating treatment wetlands (FTWs) consist of floating matrices which can enhance the surface area available for the development of fixed microbial biofilms and provide a platform for plant growth (which can remove pollutants by uptake).  In this study the potential of FTWs for ammoniacal nitrogen (AN) removal was evaluated using experimental mesocosms operated under steady-state flow conditions with ten different treatments (two water depths, two levels of FTW mat coverage, two different plant densities and

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 14 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
تأثير تأثير الحضارة الأندلسية في الحضارة الأوربية انتقال أصناف من الأغذية إلى مائدة الطعام الأوروبية
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       The progress that happened in Andalusia civilization was affected  by Arabic through taking care of agriculture by entering of new kinds of planets that were more important as political sides which led to prominence new kinds of food transported to Europe that had showed a real reflect of how chat of civilization among people who had lived in various ages until now

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Effectiveness of enrichment activities through using software program for second graders in Conversation article
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Today we are witnessing huge scientific and technical progress so we need more skills and methods of thinking that needs to be acquired by the teacher, as the importance of computers in education  there are  many teachers  suffering  of the difficulty in teaching for pupils . researchers tried to  find a good suitable way with the technological  interests for now which represent by  computer design software and the introduction of enrichment activities in the curriculum because it is one of a contemporary trends for the development of the Arabic language with various levels of education and knowing if this program has negative or positive impact.


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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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Sustainability by recycling palm waste in designing women's belts: وفاء حسن شافعي -مرام زيد الحربي
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This research contributes to environmental sustainability by recycling natural waste resources in making clothing products. The research aims to employ palm trees waste in designing belts suitable for contemporary women's fashion trends. Both descriptive and applied research approaches were used. Therefore, a collection of belts was designed and implemented. Then, a questionnaire was used to assess the extent to which the implemented belts achieved in sustainability standards using Likert scale. The sample size was 60 women. The data were analyzed using the SPSS program to calculate the arithmetic mean and standard deviation. One of the significant results of the research is the high average scores of the criteria for achieving sustainab

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 12 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Study of Gender Differences in Health Promoting Behaviors for a Sample of Students Attending Institute of Technology, Baquba
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Objective: To find out any gender differences in health promoting behaviors for a sample of students attending Institute of Technology/ Baquba. Methodology: An analytical, cross-sectional study conducted randomly for a sample of students attending Technical Institute/ Baquba, during the period from 10th November 2015 to 10th April 2016. A questionnaire used to collecting data, this questionnaire was consisted from two domains related to health promoting behaviors including (Dietary domain and domain of some daily life activities like sleep duration, rise time, bedtime and walking period per week). The

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