There are many varied studies that dealt with the dramatic construction, especially books and studies that addressed drama in its construction and the method of writing it, that no textbook or a general cultural content is void of tackling the dramatic text in its construction and how the dramatic action develops in it. Therefore, a question occurs to the mind about the feasibility of dealing with the dramatic construction in this time, where many contemporary studies of dramatology and its relation and the contemporary critical directions are accumulating. This question many have two realistic aspects, yet the novelty and originality that this research shows lie in addressing a refined linguistic text in its style and connotations, such as rhetoric, communication and life that the holy Quran contains, and what its surahs talk about such as the history and conditions of the bygone nations and the lessons that we derive from the previous peoples. The holy Quran, a wonderful statement in its creativity and writing, is addressed by the researcher as a dramatic text that has an internal construction in the development and management of the internal power of events in a refined dramatic construction through a developing strategy inside the research which started by the methodological framework, and the research problem and the importance of addressing this problem, in addition to the objectives that we seek, passing through the identification of the terms. Then, the research, in its first section, addresses the theoretical framework, which tackles the concept of dramatic construction and its development inside the dramatic text. The second section deals with the research procedures by adopting the descriptive analytic approach and addressing the research sample represented by the blessed surah Taha. Then we conclude the research with the results and conclusions and a list of resources.
In contemporary cities, the expansion of the use of vehicles has led to the deterioration of the urban environment. To counter this, many concepts and strategies emerged that attempted to regulate mobility in cities and limit its effects. The concept of a "complete street" is one of the modern trends concerned with diversifying means of transportation and reducing the disadvantages of mechanical transportation methods This paper discusses the role that complete streets can play in developing the urban environment in the Alyarmok District of Baghdad, which suffers from traffic congestion and its associated problems.In this study, 104 people were surveyed in the Alyarmok region, and the linear regression method was used to analyze their op
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The factor that keeps society from collapsing and regressing to chaos, violence, and lawbreaking is to stick to the human moral principles and criteria of moral behavior that prevent the spread of corruption and crime to the extent that law becomes devoid of activity and loss its dot errant power in front of chaos. The role of moral behavior is to motivate individuals to respect the general laws in dealing with others. Because of the dissemination of odd behavior patterns within our society, the social links are been badly affected and it's urgent for educational institutions to perform their duty in working on spreading awareness about moral values and avoid deviant directions and socially threatening t
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... Show Moreلكل دولة في هذا العالم خطابها السياسي والذي يحدد سياستها الداخلية والخارجية، وهي سياسة ثابتة تنطلق من مفاهيم وبرامج وثوابت تخدم مصالحها الحيوية، لكون الخطاب السياسي ليس مجرد كلام عابر في عالم السياسة الدولية وانما هو ثوابت مهمة يحدد توجهات هذه الدولة او تلك ويحدد دورها الدولي وطبيعة العلاقة مع البلدان الاخرى ومنها الدول المجاورة لها. شهد العراق بعد العام 2003 تحديات جديدة تمثلت بتغليب خطابات الطائفية والكراه
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