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Negative space in branding: حاتم كاطع لكن حسن العطواني
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Human interest in negative space has existential roots, in addition to its cognitive value of things. In the environment, it includes space features from facts and activities, as negative space plays an active role in the field of visual perception, and this value comes from the need to absorb vital relationships in its environment, Man represents the positive part of negative space through his presence in this environment, and therefore this is reflected in the design of its types and the function of each element in the design, for the real effectiveness that the elements gain and their impact comes through the negative space that surrounds them and organizes their relationships with other elements, that the orientation is distributed according to the same The relationship, such as inside, outside, closest, and farthest, as well as the separated, united, continuous, and non-continuous, and its function and basic knowledge lies in its meanings and embodiment of structural elements, that the importance of constructive space, and its priorities follow design treatments, so the research problem manifested itself with the following question:
)What is the role of negative space in branding?
With the aim of the research specified in: (to identify the representation of negative space in the design of brands). The theoretical framework was concerned with four topics, the first topic touched on: (the concept of negative space in the design of the brand), while the second topic focused on: (the relationship of negative space with the structure), and the third topic touched on: (negative space in light of the Gestalt theory). The fourth research, B (Design of commercial negative space marks), then four research models were described and analyzed, based on the paragraphs of analysis drawn from the theoretical framework, and the resulting indicators. After that the researcher presented the results and the conclusions reached by the researcher, and from the results:
- Bilingual slogans subscribed to the iconic, formal content of the emblem of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, (the two crossed swords are surmounted by a palm tree), as in all samples and at 100%, which in turn contributed to establishing the identity of the emblem and stability in the minds of the receiving audience. The researcher organized the recommendations that he explored in the light of the results of his research, including:
- The need for Iraqi institutions and companies to pay attention to designing bilingual slogans and the slogan in particular to keep pace with the scientific development in the field of design, through the use of academic and specialized designers.
Then the search was appended to the list of sources related to the research ... and the research summary is in English.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 05 2010
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
بعض الملاحظات على القانون رقم 35 لسنة 2007 قانون العمل الصحفي في كوردستان
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بعض الملاحظات على القانون رقم 35 لسنة 2007 قانون العمل الصحفي في كوردستان

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
A Vision to development the Islamic banks that operating under the financial system based on interest: (Iraq Case Study)
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This paper aims to build a modern vision for Islamic banks to ensure sustainability and growth, as well it aims to highlight the positive Iraqi steps in the Islamic banking sector. In order to build this vision, several scientific research approaches were adopted (quantitative, descriptive analytical, descriptive). As for the research community, it was for all the Iraqi private commercial banks, including Islamic banks. The research samples varied according to a diversity of the methods and the data availability. A questionnaire was constructed and conducted, measuring internal and external honesty. 50 questionnaires were distributed to Iraqi academic specialized in Islamic banking. All distributed forms were subject to a thorough analys

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2006
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
واقع الدراسات الاورومتوستطية في الجامعات العراقية "دراسة حالة كلية العلوم السياسية - جامعة بغداد"
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واقع الدراسات الاورومتوستطية في الجامعات العراقية "دراسة حالة كلية العلوم السياسية - جامعة بغداد"

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
قياس مخاطر الائتمان المصرفي ودورها في تحقيق الافصاح المحاسبي بالمصارف العراقية: أطار مقترح
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Bank credit  function plays an important role in realizing the targets of commercial banks , so that the credit dominate the most of assets for these banks , also the credit contribute by bigger share of operational income for these banks .Bank credit faces

high challenge that it is bank credit risks which hinder realizing goals of bank credit . the researcher discover that in spite of the international accounting standards assured that it  is necessary to disclose about risks related assets, which include bank credit, and also disclosure about fund which specified to face probable loss for this credit , but the recent disclosure about bank credit risks and its provision indicate that it faces sever defect which hinder

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring and Analysis of Demand Function on Oil derivatives of A Selected countries the Period 1985- 2008
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The subject of demand on oil derivative has occupied an important position at present time in the daily life context. The fuel of benzene and gas oil and kerosene is one of basic elements of that concern, and on local , regional and international levels. The oil derivatives have played a leading role in determining the course and nature of development since early 1970 to the present time whether in the productive Arab countries or the importing. The researcher set out from the hypothesis that the increase of the local consumer demand on some of the oil derivatives is because of the internal and external factors accompanied by the inability of the productive capability and local production to confront this increase, and the resort

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of the Concentration of Copper on the Properties of Copper Sulfide Nanostructure
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Nanoparticles of copper sulfide have been prepared by simple reaction between using copper nitrate with different concentrations ratio 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 mM, thiourea by a simple chemical route. The prepared Nano powders have been deposited onto glass substrates by casting method at 60°C. The structure of the product Nano- films has been studied by x-ray diffraction, where the patterns showed that all the samples have a hexagonal structure of covellite copper sulfide with the average crystalline sizes 14.07- 16.51 nm. The morphology has been examined by atomic force microscopy, and field emission scan electron microscopy. The AFM images showed particles with almost spherical and rod shapes with average diameter sizes of 49.11- 90.64 nm.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Assessment of Air Pollution around Durra Refinery (Baghdad) from Emission NO2 Gas at April Month
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Nitrogen dioxide NO2 is one of the most dangerous contaminant in the air, its toxic gas that cause disturbing respiratory effects, most of it emitted from industrial sources especially from the stack of power plants and oil refineries. In this study Gaussian equations modelled by Matlab program to state the effect of pollutant NO2 gas on area around Durra refinery, this program also evaluate some elements such as wind and stability and its effect on stacks height. Data used in this study is the amount of fuel oil and fuel gas burn inside refinery at a year 2017. Hourly April month data chosen as a case study because it’s unsteady month. After evaluate emission rate of the all fuel and calculate exit velocity from

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Scopus (10)
Crossref (1)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jan 21 2022
Journal Name
مجلة كلية الرافدين للعلوم الجامعة
تحليل وقياس الاستدامة المالية لصندوق التقاعد والضمان الاجتماعي في العراق للمدة 2004-2018
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يعد تحليل السلاسل الزمنية من المواضـيع الهامة في تفسير الظـواهر التي تحدث خلال فترة زمنية معينة. ان الهدف من هذا لتحليل هو الحصـول على وصف وبنـاء أنموذج مناسب من اجل اعطاء صورة مستقبلية واضحة للسلاسل الزمنية المدروسة وان السلاسل الزمنية اهم الادوات المستخدمة في بناء وتقدير والتنبؤ بالظواهر المختلفة وان الاستدامة المالية هي الحالة التي تكون فيها الدولة قادرة على الوفاء بالتزاماتها الحالية والمستقبلية من غي

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 06 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Compulsion Symptoms among Health Care Providers during the Pandemic of Corona at Baghdad Teaching Hospital
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Objectives:  The present study aimed to assess the compulsion among health care providers during the pandemic of COVID-19.

Methodology:  a descriptive design was used in the present study.  This study was conducted from October 10th, 2020 through May 20th, 2021.  The study was conducted on a probability (convenient) sample of 248 physicians and nurses who work at Baghdad Teaching hospital in Baghdad city.  The instrument was used in this study is the COVID Stress Scale-Arabic version (CSS).

 Results:  The result of this study showed that 42 % of HCPs had moderate symptoms and 36% of them had mild compulsive symptoms, and

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The affective factors on the urban growth for the port cities (analytical study of the growth of the Um Qasr city))
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In this paper, the relationship between urban growth, land use, site availability, and impacts on the general appearance of the city generated by functional characteristics of port cities were analyzed. Various data were used to identify patterns of land use change and city growth and expansion. The research aims to analyze the impact of the port on the growth of the city, study the urban growth of the city of Umm Qasr and predicting the growth trends, and to identify the most influential factors in this growth. The study dealt with the concepts of urban growth and the factors that characterize the growth of port cities and the current situation of the city. The practical part included the mechanisms used by the researcher to analyze the

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