The mind map represents a system to solve problems including design problems, because it depends on employing the complex and purposeful mental activity, which starts from a desire based on the search and investigation in order to reach integrated results of scientific thinking, utilizing the objective view of the scientific and practical aspects from various angles. This visual system can develop thinking and shorten the retrieval time of the previous information in order to employ it in the solution finding system, that it evokes past experiences and relates them to current situations, then enables the user to choose a suitable solution for the problems. This visual, educational and circulatory means, at the same time, has specific systems and rules according to the nature of the idea intended to be presented in ways based on excitement and suspense resulting from the creative side in formulating the ideas. Hence, this research is intended to address the idea and the creative imagination in the design of the mental map, and consequently, there are other technical and intellectual aspects include in this respect. The researcher found that the idea and the creative thinking are the first founder for the map project and hence the researcher derived his research idea for these two terms besides designing the mental map.
in his Diwan, and standing on them, and determines This study dealt with the lexical and semantic fields in the sentimental poems in Walid Hussein's Diwan (I do not desire to whisper the question) that the classification
الرؤية السايكلوجية وتطبيقاتها في مسرحية الشيخ والغانية
Şiiri şiir yapan öğlerin başında imge (hayal, tasavvur, imaj) gelir. İmgesiz şiir düşünülmez. İmge nedir?
İmge duyuyla elde edilen güzelliklerin, deneyimin dil aracıyla ortaya konulmasıdır. Şiiri şiir yapan sadece içeriği değil. Sunuluşu, imgelerin etkili bir biçimde kullanılışı, şairinin bu konudaki yetenek ve ustalığı, insana hitap etmesi, değişimlere açık oluşu, evrenselliği, kalıcılığı, sıra dışı güçlü anlatığına başvuruşu, söz sanatlarından yararlanması, öz anlatım biçimi, kimi zaman alışılmamış bağdaştırmaları bünyesinde barındırması ve sık sık da yinelemeler yardımıyla zengin anlatım aktarımıdır.
Biz bu çalışmamızda şiirde yalnızca imge
This paper generalizes and improves the results of Margenstren, by proving that the number of -practical numbers which is defined by has a lower bound in terms of . This bound is more sharper than Mangenstern bound when Further general results are given for the existence of -practical numbers, by proving that the interval contains a -practical for all
يعد الاهتمام بأصحاب الهمم مطلب ديني لجميع الأديان ومطلب اجتماعي لانهم جزء أساسي من المجتمع ينبغي ان يحصلوا على فرصتهم وحقوقهم كباقي افراد المجتمع، فضلا عن كونه مطلب تربوي، إذ يعاني التلاميذ أصحاب الهمم من مشكلات عديدة وذلك لا سباب ترجع لخصائصهم وصفاتهم الخاصة التي ولدوا بها أو اكتسبوها بعد الولادة لسبب من الأسباب، لذا نجدهم يعانون من صعوبات في اكتساب المهارات والخبرات الحياتية بصورة عامة والتعليمية بصورة
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التجربة الاتحادية في دولة الامارات العربية المتحدة